Yes, 2nd wives have a tendency to have their own baggage and usually have some unrealistically high expectations as well, but I’m on the cusp of asserting that it hardly even matters what the standards possessed by potential
2nd wives are, because it appears to me from my own personal experience and the vast majority of what I've heard about and observed with other men seeking plural marriage that the weapons
1st wives use to sabotage and prevent plural marriage are both the primary and secondary obstacles that interfere with the implementation and success of biblical polygyny. They thus also reap the benefits of their husbands becoming stronger leaders while preventing those stronger leaders from reaping some of the most obvious rewards that I assert are
due them as stronger leaders. I find it especially difficult to continue to calmly support the philosophy that asserts that the men among us who are excellent patriarchs (I'm not claiming that status for myself; I'm thinking about certain other men in Biblical Families) should just accept that they are permanently disqualified from having additional wives (no matter how many good prospects approach them wanting to join their families) just because their 1st wives have dug in their heels. Yes, as patriarchs we are handing them the loaded guns, but that doesn't mean they're not pulling the triggers. Preventing the wounding requires addressing both sides of the equation.
If this is to be overcome, what we have to develop among us is (1) a decrease in warning about the
pitfalls of polygamy, as well as (2) a decrease of toleration of efforts on the part of women to sabotage plural marriage or promote other efforts to dominate their husbands. [Removed some verbiage here related to both initial administrative resistance and a straight-up effort to derail the discussion by someone committed to keeping it from happening, so
SHREW became
SHREW II) After finally having fresh eyes that see things clearly in my own family, I'm determined to leave no stone unturned in search of solutions, even when those solutions may entail grave discomfort. In other words, I’m already uncomfortable, and I’m ready to become even more uncomfortable. What's that saying about pain being weakness that's leaving the body?
A man should first develop his own manhood and leadership, as well as teaching his 1st wife biblical truth and maintaining loving patience towards her as she processes those truths and the strong emotions they inspire. However, personally, and in regard to my posture toward other men who have recalcitrant wives who refuse to accept plural marriage, I'll be transparent here: I'm coming to believe that, as men, we should draw some clear lines in the sand about all this. Yes, we're to avoid divorce – so I'm not talking about threatening to put a wife away -- and, yes, our Creator expects us to continue to treat our 1st wives as cherished creatures with whom we are one flesh -- but, if we're looking to Scripture Itself rather than to the Roman or Anglican Churches (or their offshoots, or their many purposefully-corrupted translations) for our matrimonial guidance, isn't the choice about whom we marry a core, bedrock, essential aspect of what defines us as men? Don't we recognize that the pagan expectations promulgated by our denominations and culture that demand that men live up to all of their commitments while women only have to bear children and avoid adultery but don't have to consider themselves fully responsible for our due benevolence or for fully being our helpmeets – or even have to refrain from
divorcing us and removing our children from us – are part and parcel of why our world is crumbling around us? No matter how much we cherish, honor, love and respect our 1st wives, and no matter how much financial or legal leverage they have at their disposal to discourage us from holding them accountable or expecting that they make uncomfortable adjustments, isn't there still something cowardly about letting those 1st wives get away with saying, "Over my dead body . . . " – no matter
what realm of our headship they want to invalidate?
A brother whom I met at the Branson retreat, new to me but not new to Biblical Families, repeatedly used the phrase, "Unto-Death Vow," (referring to "forsaking all others, until death do us part"), and during the Saturday late-night gathering of men, beer and flavored whiskey, we discussed this for a time. Some asserted that, if we made that vow before God and State, we are then permanently bound to it if our wives don't release us from it. Well, as far as the State or the Church is concerned, it probably doesn't matter if our wives
have released us from it, because those entities will always honor the woman's prerogative to change her mind back to expecting that guarantee. As men that evening, we were in general agreement that no one should ever make such a vow, no matter how firmly committed we are to permanence, because we don't owe our allegiance to Church or State, but, even if we did make it, does having done so entirely trump whatever biblical truths we may discover subsequent to making what amounted to an uninformed promise? And, if so, why is
that vow the one thing that also trumps all the other promises made by the two parties to the marriage? Why do men have to wait perhaps forever for permission from their 1st wives to take on a 2nd, when those 1st wives don't have to seek permission along the way as they gradually stop having, holding or cherishing in the manner that was well-understood at the beginning of the marriage?
The chain of command in Scripture is clear: seek only the approval of Yah and His Son, not that of one's fellow human beings, and that instruction most definitely includes not seeking the approval of one's wife. If anything, she should be seeking the approval of her husband. The price for taking this stance may be steep, but the price for being unwilling to risk the consequences of one’s wife's disapproval seems to me to be a much higher price to pay.
Optimism is generally my strong suit, but there are times -- and I believe this is one of them -- when, if one doesn't squarely face the monkey on one's individual or collective back no matter how dark it is on the horizon or how vigorously some brothers attempt to convince us we're despicable for asserting authority or deplorable for having the sex drives with which Adonai endowed us, one has
no power to shake it off or prevent that monkey from generating failure and destruction. So I'm not resigned to some dire fate, but I'm also perceiving that we will generally be spinning our wheels whilst whistling Dixie if we don't squarely face the fact that 1st wives are perhaps an even bigger direct obstacle than the culture at large. It's possible that the much-vaunted civilizing effect women have on men is a two-sided coin: on the one hand, it means that women keep us from being as self-destructive as we might be without their influence, but, given that the civilizing predominantly takes the form of insisting on conformity so we don't run afoul of social morés, isn't the other side of the coin properly stamped with preventing us from influencing the
culture to more properly reflect the Will of Yah? Can we shape the culture if we're collectively giving in to it? Consider this dilemma, for example, while watching current events unfold; imagine how different outcomes would be in many situations if the masculine were catered to more often instead of the feminine.
Think privately about the situation in your own family: isn’t your wife, as the head female in your life, the most likely one to implore you to cave in to societal stigma pressure? Who was more likely to appeal to conformity, your father or your mother? Weren’t your sisters more prone to promoting going along to get along than your brothers were? If you doubt this dichotomy, go to my Intro III forum thread (
https://biblicalfamilies.org/forum/...rmer-online-dating-profile.15296/#post-220882) that chronicles my recent experiences on dating sites and read the comments from the women who reject me (almost all of whom, by the way, are essentially interviewing to become someone’s next
1st wife). Paraphrased, one of the most common examples is, “I don’t judge you for what you do in
your life, but there is no way in hell
I would
ever share a husband!” That’s the comment from both widows and divorcees, both of whom have already
been 1st wives, and the comment reflects a truth they rarely realize and only occasionally face even when they do: that they’d rather be lonely than have to share, because, for most women, avoiding stigma is more important than avoiding loneliness, poverty or misery. This is a motivation that leads to blind obedience as it's multiplied in the culture.
My assertion in the discussion that preceded this conversation was that 1st wives purposefully preventing plural marriage is a much more significant determinant of the existence or success of plural marriage than we have collectively been willing to acknowledge; one chat participant labeled that a conspiracy theory. My reaction to this was to articulate a concept well-known to most of us: as the patriarch of my family, I’m 100% responsible for everything that does and doesn't happen in my family, and this is true for me and for all men who take on headship. That, for some, could be used to close the books on this discussion: 100% is 100%; it's all the men's fault, end of story: the man is 100% responsible for not having more than one wife. The problem with that analysis, though, is that this isn’t a zero-sum game. There is legitimately such a thing as
shared responsibility, which doesn’t mean, for example, that the husband and wife are each 50% responsible as if there’s some kind of egalitarian, mutual-submission malarkey going on. Instead, the husband remains 100% responsible for
everything that occurs in his family, and his wife is 100% responsible for everything that occurs
within the realm of what has been delegated to her or for interfering with what has not been delegated to her – and children are
up to 100% responsible for any action they take to the extent that they know it runs counter to what is expected of them and hasn't been encouraged by one of their parents.
How does this relate to 1st-wife sabotage of potential additional wives? We’ve already established that the husband is 100% responsible. He's responsible for any failings in his own leadership capabilities. He's also responsible not only for failing to inspire potential 2nd wives to seek him out as a husband, but also for over-pickiness that hardens his heart to those who would be willing and able to truly assist in implementing his family vision. And on top of those things, any man who permits his 1st wife to prevent him from having a 2nd wife is 100% responsible for allowing her to rule him. It is, I'd declare, only general human nature that (a) (not all but) most women tend to be poor leaders but (b) will attempt to dominate their families any time they have a chance while simultaneously having little or no desire to take responsibility for the full
ramifications of the decisions they want to make as part of that domineering spirit. But what is also generally a part of female nature is a tendency to want to sweep important unresolved issues under the rug. It is, therefore, human nature for a woman to do this, but that doesn’t stop her from being 100% responsible for her efforts to lead her husband into denial. Sweeping things under the rug, though, is generally antithetical to male nature. As men, we are therefore 100% responsible for that sweeping-under-the-rug behavior if we exhibit
or tolerate it, and I'll go even further by stating that it's usually not just tolerance: when it's occurring, it's generally a matter of condoning or encouraging the effort to avoid properly facing things ourselves -- and that orientation, therefore, is the opposite of being a patriarch; it is instead evidence of a man being a woman. Nothing at all wrong with a woman being a woman, but there
is something wrong with a man being one.
And what I fear is that the elephant in the room, the obstacle that will be the most difficult for us in an organization like this one to overcome, is that, not uniformly but collectively, we men are therefore active participants in colluding with our 1st wives to prevent the implementation of what we all know intellectually to be biblical truth: it isn't the business of any of our wives to
determine whether we will have other wives, who those wives will be, or when we will bring them into our families. We can seek input from them, but the decisions are ours to make. To argue otherwise is to elevate sensitivity over leadership. It may be kind, compassionate and efficacious to keep our 1st wives in the loop the entire time, but if we tolerate their efforts to get in the
driver’s seat about it, we are failing to provide leadership. This principle, by the way, applies across the board, not just to the issue of expanding our families.
Some of us will never have another wife because the odds are against us and we're incapable of ever inspiring another woman to want to join us, but most of us will never have another wife for a completely different reason:
because we aren't even the leader of the family with one wife that we already have. Our wives are letting us feel like we're in charge with smaller issues (especially when it already suits them), but when it comes to the really monumental ones, most of us are letting our wives wear the pants in the family. They may have the head coverings and the modesty thing going on, but they’re the ones with the invisible leashes in
their hands – the other ends of which are attached to those rings in our noses.
We can continue to blame the problem on lack of community support and available qualifying women, but I beg to differ on both counts. Each is an obstacle, but in the case of the latter, we have no control over the extent to which that is the case, and in the case of the former, I will assert that the only reason we don't have community support is that, generally speaking, we simply don't have enough men with the backbone to sufficiently stand up to their wives to
create those supportive communities; instead most of us are waiting around for some other men to start such things so we can join them and be the hangers-on who would have never had enough of a spine to stand up to our wives on our own. Any one of us who does that becomes part of the problem instead of part of the solution.
I’m a big believer that one can almost always tell exactly what a person really wants simply by observing what s/he either already has or is already doing. Talk is cheap; people proclaim left and right that they want things that never show up in their lives. If it hasn’t manifested, if you’re not in the active process of bringing it to fruition, or if you manage to sabotage it by consistently snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, you should just be more honest and admit that you really don’t want it all that badly.
If a man says he wants another wife, but he isn’t willing to stand up to the one he already has who wants to prevent him from having another one,
does he really even want another wife? And why
would he? It’s a
drag having to serve two masters.
And, if a man waits for other men to support him before he asserts his manhood, is he even really a man?
Thank you for your patience with this extended (and now mildly-tweaked) analysis.