Any Bill Johnson/Perry Stone fans out there?
There's an un uncensored J Vernon McGee?A few I appreciate, in reverse death order...
Leonard Ravenhill
J Vernon McGee (and not the modern censored version either)
Clyde has preached at our retreats before.Clyde Pilkington--He has soooo many, but this 3 part series on "The Greatest Truth I Know" is pinnacle!
I love Jonathan Cahn myself. He usually comes to our Church for the Prophetic summit. I think he will be here next year. I like him a lot.Rabbi Jonathan Cahn "What on Earth is Going On?"
Thanks @Joleneakamama for these resources!We really enjoy Ted Weiland. Really like how the wisdom and authority of God's law becomes evident when reading or listening to his material.
Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution was an awesome read. Looking at the perfection found in the law of our creator will spoil you for anything less, and leave you looking forward to the kingdom being manifested fully.
You can read the book online here.
Also like Ben Williams and the simple way he has of breaking a subject down.
We have probably read every newsletter and booklet.
Food for thought and the soul in my opinion.
The video faces of the beast is incredible...exposing liars for what they are.
This is his blog where articles on recent events by other authors are posted.
I've listened to both Paul Washer and Matt Chandler several times. Matt's life story is pretty amazing!Some of my favorite preachers are:
- Paul Washer
- Douglas Wilson
- Matt Chandler