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World Report 2025: China


Seasoned Member
Real Person*

China's Communist Party is a pure tyranny. One can only hope these despots are removed so the Chinese people can breathe free.

Preamble to this devastating report on the current state of affairs in the Chinese dictatorship:

Over a decade into President Xi Jinping’s rule, efforts to centralize control has led to heightened repression throughout the country. There is no independent civil society, no freedom of expression, association, assembly or religion, and human rights defenders and other perceived critics of the government are persecuted. The government considers the culturally and ethnically distinct Tibetans and Uyghurs as threats and subjects them to particularly harsh repression. Hundreds of thousands of Uyghurs remain imprisoned as part of the government’s crimes against humanity in the region. It has also ended long-protected civil liberties in Hong Kong. While foreign governments recognize the Chinese government’s worsening rights record, they have not confronted Beijing.