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Biblical or not

"Super-hot", "beautiful", "pretty", "attractive", "gorgeous"....all just adjectives saying the same thing. Admittedly though, some of these convey it more tactfully than others and in a more socially acceptable way.
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I'd disagree with this and say there is nothing wrong with thinking/noticing/being-of-the-opinion another man's wife is attractive. Unless you're blind, the eyes will see and you'll notice. I've met quite a few men from BF who have very beautiful wives...in both appearance and the quality of women that they are. Is it wrong of me to say that? My opinion...I don't think so. It's becomes a problem when a man desires something or someone that belongs to another man. "Finding attractive" does not = desire. :)

Says the guy with two hot wives! :cool:
I wonder how the ladies on this site would respond to this. I get the feeling we would have a lot of people on both sides of the table
I find it interesting how ladies minds are so focused on the mental and emotional and the mens more the spiritual and pyshical world. That is why I believe weighing everything in the Spirit is so important because any lady can see and feel when a man is in tone or following God
And by doing that the lady puts her emotions into talking to you
The Bible tells us that Rachel was a beautiful woman and her sister was something other than “beautiful and well favoured”.

“Leah was tender eyed; but Rachel was beautiful and well favoured.“

Genesis 29:17 (KJV)

The Hebrew phrase that is translated as “beautiful and well favoured” in the KJV is not as literal to Hebrew text. In the Hebrew it it reads yâpheh[beautiful,lovely,fair] tô’ar [form, figure, shape] yâpheh[beautiful,lovely,fair] mar’eh[sight, vision, appearance]. So when we take this phrase together it said Rachel had “a beautiful figure and was lovely to look at”. In modern terms we would say “Rachel had a hot body and was easy on the eyes”.

So apparently Rachel was so hot that Jacob served not one year or two years but seven years to purchase her as his wife!
Beatifull Sight vision as in- pyshical, spiritual or Godly traits as proverbs 31
What makes it so difficult today is men are allowing their wives to dress in ways that say here am I take me, and you really don't know if they're married or not unless the obvious he and the children are with her or if she's by herself you see a wedding band but then again if you're like us we don't have any wedding rings. So to take the verse real serious just don't lust after any women except for your own.
Another thing making things difficult is that many married women have no morals and such may pretend to be single or lie outright about her marital status.

I think the word lust is translated from means to desire greatly and is used if lawful and unlawful desires. This is likely to happen between people before they are committed to each other, but probably shouldn't happen before you know if the woman is available, or for the poly open women, if the man is aware of his option to lawfully marry again, and if his wife knows her place. I honestly feel sorry for those who marry without wanting each other (if indeed that even happens outside of the imagined world of the super conservative self righteous)

The command not to covet says you are not to desire your neighbor's maid servant or man servant.....so the limits of lawful desire are not just if someone is unmarried, but extend to other relationships involving contract/authority. A man's daughter might not be married, but if her Dad has not approved you to court her you are living dangerously to do so and had best be putting your efforts toward changing HIS mind first.

It becomes a matter of conscience what a man thinks or feels about a woman he has little knowlege of, with the biggest danger I can imagine being his habits of thought that could be a problem if he ended up in social settings (church?) or being friends with a man who's wife he lusted over before he knew she was taken.

My two cents worth.
If calling a woman “hot” is objectifying her, then my wife likes it when I objectify her :p

But of course!

In all seriousness though, I think I get what you are saying. I too think there is way too much focus on outer beauty almost to the exclusion of inner beauty,
Some of the most beautiful people....just aren't.
There is a saying we like. "Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clear to the bone!"
Someone who chooses a dragon in disguise probably deserves the lesson.
I certainly hope my husband finds me “smoking hot.” I want to feel desired and that he enjoys how I look. Granted I know that my inner beauty magnifies my outer beauty to him as well.
I also, do not mind men, other than my husband, thinking I’m attractive. It just crosses the line if they decide in their heart they will do whatever it takes to steal me away from my husband. That is sin. Observing is not. It’s like anything in life. I can look at a beautiful art piece of a sunset and admire its beauty- not a sin. If I decide to steal it, when it belongs to someone else, then that would be wrong.
I'd disagree with this and say there is nothing wrong with thinking/noticing/being-of-the-opinion another man's wife is attractive. Unless you're blind, the eyes will see and you'll notice. I've met quite a few men from BF who have very beautiful wives...in both appearance and the quality of women that they are. Is it wrong of me to say that? My opinion...I don't think so. It's becomes a problem when a man desires something or someone that belongs to another man. "Finding attractive" does not = desire. :)
"Super-hot", "beautiful", "pretty", "attractive", "gorgeous"....all just adjectives saying the same thing. Admittedly thought, some say it more tactfully than others and in a more socially acceptable way.
I mostly agree. This is more along the lines of what I was thinking. To me there is a difference between someone saying, "You have a beautiful wife" and "Your wife is hot". To me the second denotes a desiring where the first is recognizing physical beauty. In the OP the word "hot" was used and so I think I took it as a form of desire rather than simply recognizing beauty.
But of course!

Some of the most beautiful people....just aren't.
There is a saying we like. "Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clear to the bone!"
Someone who chooses a dragon in disguise probably deserves the lesson.
Soooo true! Physically beautiful women who are ugly on the inside are repulsive to me. On the flip side, I find that women who are sweet and kind and care about others are darn near irresistible regardless of their looks lol
Mathew 5:27-28 is not talking about married women. The battle is in the mind. And he have to keep in mind that time as we view it. Has no bearing with God. In my opnion the verse is saying that the battle is in the soul/mind. If you think it then you become it unless God intervenes. That is why being egually yoked is so important. 1st corinthians 13:4-5 what if you look at a lady and see her pyschial appearance and she is beatiful and say she is super hot and she is not your wife. I think you committ a sin because your looking at another mans wife. We have to try to look at it from a perspective of time is irrelative to God then you start to look at it differently

Bro in order for it to be adultery it has to be a married woman.
The enemy has high jacked sexuality, and perverted our proper perspective of it altogether.

When Yeshua said,
““You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5:27-28‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
... I’m pretty sure He was referring to a married woman.
... I for one certainly, absolutely had the “hots” for my bride prior to taking her as mine. But now if another man looks upon her lustfully wanting to take her, he is committing “adultery” in his heart, because she belongs to me... and she is not available for the taking.
However, if that same dude sees an available woman that does not have a husband, and finds her to be super “hot”... this is not only acceptable, it’s perfectly natural and normal.
God designed sexuality... giving us men desire and appetite for the female form... it’s a blessing to be enjoyed in this life... just with wisdom and self control and righteousness therein.
I see this at true, however one should first assume all women are married until proven otherwise. Meaning finding a woman to be beautiful is fine but we should not label them as super hot In our minds until we know they are an eligible daughter of Isreal.... and even then I would like to leave the super hot label for the ladies that belong to me so my passion is focused on them.
Atleast that’s how I see it