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Great/inspirational quotes

If you are a servant of the Most High, then He has a plan for your life.
If you think that He just wants you to serve Him as you see fit, you don’t understand servanthood.
"Were the Word of God a great hymn, as indeed it is, my ear could never bear the disharmony that theology has made of it."

A.E. Knoch
“One of the four or five paradoxes which should be taught to every infant prattling at his mother’s knee is the following: that the more a man looks at a thing the less he can see it, and the more a man learns a thing the less he knows it. The Fabian argument of the expert, that the man who is trained should be the man who is trusted would be absolutely unanswerable if it were really true that the man who studied a thing and practiced it every day went on seeing more and more of its significance. But he does not. He goes on seeing less and less of its significance.”

G.K. Chesterton, from “The Twelve Men” in Tremendous Trifles, 1909
"In I Corinthians 15 we read of the consummation of His purpose — that is, the finality, the conclusion of that purpose, when Jesus Himself having subjected all things unto Himself is Himself also subjected unto the Father, that God may be all in all. There will not be a dissenting voice nor rebellious heart. The will of God has been received, and as a result of the will of God having been received there is no longer a necessity for a Savior, and Jesus Christ in His capacity of Savior of the world has been completed. His mission is completed."

John Graham Lake (1870–1935)
The Habitation of God
Our experiences resemble a jigsaw puzzle. When it is all ready, we shall find that the dark pieces of the puzzle were as important in the completion of the full beauty of the pattern as the brightest sections. The dark background will only bring out in bolder and more gorgeous relief the figures in the picture, in the center of which will be His lovely face.

M. R. DeHaan (1891-1965)
Broken Things
I take God’s will not to be something that I have got to discover outside of myself as it were, but because He is living His own life in me, the road I walk is His road, and therefore I take it for granted that He already has the answer in hand for all problems I meet on it.

Norman P. Grubb (1895-1993)
Knight of Faith, Volume I
“If you’re trying to prove your heart is in the right place, the failure of government programs to alleviate suffering is not only an acceptable outcome but in many ways the preferred one. Sometimes empathizers, such as those in the ‘helping professions’, acquire a vested interest in the study, management, and perpetuation – as opposed to the solution and resulting disappearance – of sufferers’ problems. This is why so many government programs end up, instead, colonizing it by building sprawling settlements where the helpers and the helped are endlessly, increasingly co-dependent.”

William Voegeli, author of Never Enough: America’s Limitless Welfare State
I cannot believe in the spirituality of any man who keeps an eye open for the approval of others, whoever they may be. The man after God's own heart must be dead to the opinion of his friends as well as his enemies. He must be as willing to cross important persons as obscure ones.

When we are wholly lost in Him the frantic effort to please men will come to an end. The circle of persons we struggle to please will be narrowed to One. Then we will know true freedom, but not a moment before.

A. W. Tozer (1897-1963)
The Price of Neglect
If we have God – no other loss is irreparable! There is surely enough in God's love, to compensate a thousand times for every earthly deprivation! Our lives may be stripped bare – home, friends, riches, comforts, every sweet voice of love, every note of joy – and we may be driven out from brightness and music and tenderness and shelter – into the cold ways of sorrow. Yet if we have God Himself left – ought it not to suffice? Yes, is not He Himself infinitely more than all His gifts?

J. R. Miller (1840-1912)
Living Without Worry
Satan’s sphere is in the corruption of the truth rather than in the degradation of the flesh. – E.W. Bullinger
‘The world’, although ‘common’ to all persons and in that sense ‘shareable’, is possibly never experienced by two individuals in absolutely the same way. When two men look at a landscape, and one likes it and the other does not, there is already a gulf between them. To one man the landscape may simply be itself, full of its ‘is-ness’: he feels a delicate sadness, perhaps, at his otherness from it. To the other the ‘same’ trees and sky and grass are seen as creation: as a veil, revealing through themselves their Creator. For one man there may be little or no sense of connection between himself and nature outside himself; for the same person, on another occasion, there may not even be any essential distinctions between inside, outside, self, and nature. In so far as we experience the world differently, in a sense we live in different worlds.

R.D. Laing, Self and Others, 1961
In our longing to defend God and convince others there are answers to all questions, we can give the appearance that we’re know-it-alls. We’re not. We offer an immeasurable gift to others when we learn to say, “I don’t know the answer to that.”

Just because we have the “mind of Christ” does not mean we have all the answers of Christ. If we can represent Christ with humility, authenticity, and loving compassion, then we open the door for others to investigate His love.

In admitting we don’t know something, we’re not telling people there are not answers. They know that. And we’re not saying we don’t care or are uninterested in their question. What we are saying is, “I will not bluff you. If you’d like, I’ll search this out with you. I think I might be as interested in the answer as you are.” God smiles at such integrity.

John Lynch
Trust for Today
Daily Email Goodies
In our longing to defend God and convince others there are answers to all questions, we can give the appearance that we’re know-it-alls. We’re not. We offer an immeasurable gift to others when we learn to say, “I don’t know the answer to that.”

Just because we have the “mind of Christ” does not mean we have all the answers of Christ. If we can represent Christ with humility, authenticity, and loving compassion, then we open the door for others to investigate His love.

In admitting we don’t know something, we’re not telling people there are not answers. They know that. And we’re not saying we don’t care or are uninterested in their question. What we are saying is, “I will not bluff you. If you’d like, I’ll search this out with you. I think I might be as interested in the answer as you are.” God smiles at such integrity.

John Lynch
Trust for Today
Daily Email Goodies
That one deserves more than a like button. Nice contribution. Thanks.

Truer non-biblical words may have never been spoken. We are certainly living through an example of that right now. The saddest thing to me about the manner in which our culture has been turned into sheep in the last 2 months is that the main advisor who convinced Trump to allow all this to happen, Dr. Anthony Fauci, was involved in the whole hoax about AIDS back in the 1980s, and now he's completely gotten his way 35 years later. If he gets another trip on this kind of merry-go-round should he live long enough to do so, he might be able to figuratively bury us.

What's that saying about fool me once, shame on you . . . fool me twice, shame on me?

Sorry. Back to inspirational quotes:
“There are far too many who think that faith is a long lever that we can use to pry things out of God. It is believed that if a man can lay hold of that mysterious thing called ‘faith’ that he can get God to bless with success every wild scheme and project that he sets out to accomplish. When they fail they usually whimper the childish excuse that they did not have faith enough, initiating that if they had worked up a little more faith they would have succeeded.”

Otis Q. Sellers, Seed & Bread #108