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Who should offer marital advice?

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I don't brag, nor need.

I just watch my trajectory of growth now and expected growth and draw obvious conclusion. It's already similar or somehow faster than average with starting point way worse (details not important, multiple years of horrow show where multiple people close were near mental breakdown).

Anyway, vizualisations are forms of proven performance improvement. Together with expectations of victory they build confidence and morale.

And time I invest in building capabilities and more attention of what exactly to learn are already showing results. I expect to invest way more. Naturally, after fixing more issues I do expect even better results.

Sow more, sow better = great results.

And yes, I'm starting to put myself under regime like world class athletes, so naturally I will finish ahead of most since most won't bother.
so when did you take the Tony Robbins course? I think your crash will lead to total disillusionment. Be careful bro.
I just watch my trajectory of growth now and expected growth and draw obvious conclusion.
Well shucks, I am humbled by this statement.
I stand in awe, up to my knees.
so when did you take the Tony Robbins course? I think your crash will lead to total disillusionment. Be careful bro.
Never took his course, not I need.

I'm certan you will be able to know Bible verses which say everything happens for the reason. So logically it follows, that every consquence has it's cause(s) which implies that for every consequence I want I need to create it's causes.

So being rich has it's causes......find causes of richness and actively create it' causes.

Being in love has it's causes...find what causes being in love and actively create it's causes.

Do same for everything. And yes, causes have it's causes...

It's pure logic.
men will just cheat no matter what
Many men cheat because they are held to unrealistic, unbiblical, monogamy only standards, thwarting their natural desire for more than one woman. Similar to how many women desire more than one child. Some may be satisfied with one child, but many would want more than one child. Many men want to love and protect more than one woman, but are pigeon-holed into the false idea that they must be with one woman forever.

By the way, this false belief only causes men to sow their seed among many women before they get married, because they usually don't naturally want to be with only one woman forever, so they try to get that out of the way before "settling down", (and still end up "cheating" half the time afterward).

Biblical polygyny solves all of this, and also protects women. If a man has the means and desires to take another woman, and can do so for the rest of her life, he can. Rather than cheating and discarding women, which is commonplace in society.
Sorry Daniel, one moment...

That's because no girl actually wants that
Usually girls are gotten after for wanting to marry handsome men. Why would we want to marry handsome men and then purposefully according to you, try to make them unattractive? That just defeats the point and is counter-intuitive.
Girls who like to cook for their husbands do it because they know men like a few things (women, food and weapons) so the better cook a girl is, the more likely she is to hook a man. If she thinks he will stay for her cooking she probably is either a) thinking that when they both get old and ugly at least he will still love her cooking or b) she wants to be the wife and has grown up expecting that men will just cheat no matter what (whether he is fat, old, ugly, or average.) I have met girls who have thought both ways.
Nobody wants to be fat and yet 1/3 of US population is overweight.

So sometimes you get what you exactly don't want or even you aren't aware why you do something.

You are right that women don't on purpose try to destroy their marriage. But, what if women if under fear.

Charismatic fit husband drawing other women in is fixable problem with some everyday extra cookies. By the way, in this example, light fear of abandoment will dissapear when husband stops being fit with wife not being wiser.

Unless you don't pay attention to your behaviour, you won't notice emotion and beliefs driving them which is why my example above is realistic.

Anyway, I have either written badly or you all are so are blinded with fat example or both, is that nobody has gotten the point. Point being bad virtue hierarchy.

If commitment is first, then you have to stay with partner who is actively destroying themselves and your life. Insane from my perspective, especially since I was somehow in similar situation. And also not being suicidal.

Where exactly do standard Christianity or beliefs of people here stop above problem? I just don't see it.

My own belief system does solve problem because I value attraction which means you have to take care of yourself. I do expect for both to become better over time as imperative.

And there are also other issues. Does your marriage belief system favour mutual growth, expansion? Do you try for both to be best possible version? Do you create hope and vision as needed ingredient of "food for soul". What are you building together? Are you excised for each other?

Or whole bloody life is just 9-5 then minimun household work followed by sofa/TV time followed by vanilla sex?

Last paragraph is so boring vision where swimming with sharks is preferable option.
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Nobody wants to be fat and yet 1/3 of US population is overweight.
huh... This is such a stupid argument. What does this have to do with wanting to cook for a husband and secretly plotting (so secretly that even you do not know it) to make your husband unattractive by the time he is 40.
Just go look at old pictures and photographs, and paintings, Not everyone was model thin! In fact, the majority of pictures or painting of people around that age no matter their status, were a little plumper. It's nature. Your body stops metabolizing as fast. You have a harder time losing weight.

Sure there are lots of things that go into more young people being fat and I'm not saying there is no such thing but, I would argue that a large portion of that is caused by drugs, stress, and processed foods.
Homemade cookies are healthier than protein shakes sometimes.
Charismatic fit husband drawing other women in is fixable problem with some everyday extra cookies. By the way, in this example, light fear of abandoment will dissapear when husband stops being fit with wife not being wiser.
What? You do realise that women who marry handsome men like to show them off to other women.

It doesn't go away though? Men who are going to cheat, will cheat, no matter what they look like and women know that. They might try different things, and maybe there are some women who think if they are pretty enough he won't leave.

What?????? Look maybe you are writing this wrong, but it is coming off sounding as if you are saying that a woman making extra cookies for her husband is a manipulative plot.
Unless you don't pay attention to your behaviour, you won't notice emotion and beliefs driving them which is why my example above is realistic.
Look, If you were saying that maybe a few women ever thought or did this, I would believe you. A small percentage is believable, but for the majority of a sex to have a unknowably unconsciously and against their own natural inclinations and desires, have a secret plot and fear and desire to fatten their husband, is preposterous.

For you to just say that some women think that if they fatten their husband and make him less attractive, that he will seduce less women, sure. That is within reason. I will believe that, but I think they know what they're doing. And they are a minority.
Anyway, I have either written badly or you all are so are blinded with fat example or both, is that nobody has gotten the point. Point being bad virtue hierarchy.
Um.. As a very trim girl who has been running almost daily. I will say that I have not been blinded by fat.
I also do not think fat is the epitome of evil though.
If commitnent is first, then you have to stay with partner who is actively destroying themselves and your life. Insane from my perspective, especially since I was somehow in similar situation. And also not being suicidal.
Wow... This is a an outrageous thought process all brought about by cookies. I have never once thought that cookies and cooking was an entrapment leading to suicidal tendencies.

If my future spouse thinks that those extra cookies are to fatten him up so I may keep him. He can stay away from them, and I may enjoy them. And as I only tend to lose weight no matter the amount of sugar I eat, when I am dairy free. The cookies shall be filled with sugar and without lactose. So I may eat as many as I want in spite of his detrimental opinion of me and my attempt to keep him while still remaining skinny.
Actually if that's how badly he thought of me. We would never be married, because what else would he suspect me of for little things I try to do to be nice.

*Sorry if I am making light of a serious situation but I have no idea what you went through but it sounds like you were traumatised by cookies and a girlfriend who tried to make you ugly in order to keep you from cheating. Please let us all know if that's wrong.
Where exactly do standard Christianity or beliefs of people here stop above problem? I just don't see it.

My own belief system does solve problem because I value attraction which means you have to take care of yourself. I do expect for both to become better over time as imperative.
Um.. dude whose to say girls don't value attraction and believe in taking care of themselves. Aren't men the ones who usually get annoyed with how much women primp and worry about the way they look? Aren't women generally the ones so afraid of being thought of as ugly that they will go to extreme measures to be skinny and beautiful? Sure some men go anorexic or are crazy in the gym, and do botox too, but women have a greater tendency to take it to the extreme compared to men.
Or whole bloody life is just 9-5 then minimun household work followed by sofa/TV time f
Why do you think everyone only watches TV and is fat? Where do you live for this to be all you see?
I live in the boonies and I'm always seeing people jogging. When I go out people are going to bars to dance, etc. And the majority of people my age, that I know, married or single, aren't fat. Only a few of the girls my age that I know who are on anti-depressants and other weight gaining medications, are fat. Everyone else is trim.
Last paragraph is so boring vision where swimming with sharks is preferable option.
Go ahead, go swim with some sharks. When you come back, if you come back, maybe you will finally learn to love cookies.
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I dunno. Where I'm from, if you haven't tried to kill a family member with too much food or too many cookies, you don't truly love them.
Food is definitely one of the love languages.
huh... This is such a stupid argument. What does this have to do with wanting to cook for a husband and secretly plotting (so secretly that even you do not know it) to make your husband unattractive by the time he is 40.
Just go look at old pictures and photographs, and paintings, Not everyone was model thin! In fact, the majority of pictures or painting of people around that age no matter their status, were a little plumper. It's nature. Your body stops metabolizing as fast. You have a harder time losing weight.
Sure there are lots of things that go into more young people being fat and I'm not saying there is no such thing but, I would argue that a large portion of that is caused by drugs, stress, and processed foods.
Homemade cookies are healthier than protein shakes sometimes.
They looked better than now. Proof current food is poison.

What? You do realise that women who marry handsome men like to show them off to other women.
Yes, men do same, but only if they have confidence of keeping current partner.

It doesn't go away though? Men who are going to cheat, will cheat, no matter what they look like and women know that. They might try different things, and maybe there are some women who think if they are pretty enough he won't leave.

What?????? Look maybe you are writing this wrong, but it is coming off sounding as if you are saying that a woman making extra cookies for her husband is a manipulative plot.

Look, If you were saying that maybe a few women ever thought or did this, I would believe you. A small percentage is believable, but for the majority of a sex to have a unknowably unconsciously and against their own natural inclinations and desires, have a secret plot and fear and desire to fatten their husband, is preposterous.
For you to just say that some women think that if they fatten their husband and make him less attractive, that he will seduce less women, sure. That is within reason. I will believe that, but I think they know what they're doing. And they are a minority.
I didn't say all. Yes, some do.

Horewer, if your partner is way more atrractive than you, lowering their attraction is reasonable move to keep relationship instead of raising your attractivness.

Also, all women do try to domesticate their men somwhow.

Um.. As a very trim girl who has been running almost daily. I will say that I have not been blinded by fat.
I also do not think fat is the epitome of evil though.
You are proving that people here are missing point.

I have started with, admitelly, bad example and then introduced generalized. You are going like fat is point. Nope, it's example.

Wow... This is a an outrageous thought process all brought about by cookies. I have never once thought that cookies and cooking was an entrapment leading to suicidal tendencies.

If my future spouse thinks that those extra cookies are to fatten him up so I may keep him. He can stay away from them, and I may enjoy them. And as I only tend to lose weight no matter the amount of sugar I eat, when I am dairy free. The cookies shall be filled with sugar and without lactose. So I may eat as many as I want in spite of his detrimental opinion of me and my attempt to keep him while still remaining skinny.
Actually if that's how badly he thought of me. We would never be married, because what else would he suspect me of for little things I try to do to be nice.
Missing point. Belief system which allows other becoming worse while insisting you must stay in, is extremely bad.

I tried to avoid politics here, but above is something any tyrant would adore.

Again, cookies aren't point.

*Sorry if I am making light of a serious situation but I have no idea what you went through but it sounds like you were traumatised by cookies and a girlfriend who tried to make you ugly in order to keep you from cheating. Please let us all know if that's wrong.
Please upgrade reading comprehension. Had to tell girlfriend that she is too obsessed with her weight which is exactly opposite of girlfriend trying to fatten me.

Um.. dude whose to say girls don't value attraction and believe in taking care of themselves. Aren't men the ones who usually get annoyed with how much women primp and worry about the way they look? Aren't women generally the ones so afraid of being thought of as ugly that they will go to extreme measures to be skinny and beautiful? Sure some men go anorexic or are crazy in the gym, and do botox too, but women have a greater tendency to take it to the extreme compared to men.
Some people do stop caring about themselves, not all.

Why do you think everyone only watches TV and is fat? Where do you live for this to be all you see?
I live in the boonies and I'm always seeing people jogging. When I go out people are going to bars to dance, etc. And the majority of people my age, that I know, married or single, aren't fat. Only a few of the girls my age that I know who are on anti-depressants and other weight gaining medications, are fat. Everyone else is trim.
I have provided my source. Feel free to argue with statistical data.

Go ahead, go swim with some sharks. When you come back, if you come back, maybe you will finally learn to love cookies.
Well, you can have special friends in sea:

You are proving that people here are missing point.
That's part of why I commented. I don't think that the problem is my reading comprehension or anyone else's. If no one gets what you are saying, you are not clear enough. And your statements have been so laughably bizarre that they detract from any legitimate point you are trying to make.
And your statements have been so laughably bizarre that they detract from any legitimate point you are trying to make.
We’ve gotten used to it, but we do give him some pushback now and again.
If commitment is first, then you have to stay with partner who is actively destroying themselves and your life. Insane from my perspective, especially since I was somehow in similar situation. And also not being suicidal.
So, what are you actually saying here? Are you saying that you should have no commitment, and as soon as you decide that you don't like your spouse any more, you should just leave?
If commitment is first, then you have to stay with partner who is actively destroying themselves and your life. Insane from my perspective,
But you don't have the right to bed her without commitment. Maybe you are advocating for a short term renewable contract; say, monthly rollovers, signed by both partners(?) Hmmm.... she may be the one to decide not to renew after the first month.... . 🤔
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