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January 20th 2025 - Donald Trump is BACK!

Trump’s approval rating on the issue of Ukraine and Russia is much higher than Joe Biden’s was. Of course, you would never know this by all the supposedly smart talking heads on cable news and Democrats who have been in meltdown mode for days over the Zelensky meeting at the White House on Friday.

Customers pay for everything, ultimately. Either directly or the cost is passed on. This goes for every single cost of business, tariffs included.
Incorrect. Customers paying enough to more than recover costs is neccesary for survival of every business. Horewer, sometimes customers don't pay enough, so bankrupcy happens.

Putting tariffs on things always increases what customers have to pay for them, and that is the point - it drives the price high enough to allow local producers to be competitive. People used to only pay $5 for that widget and I can't produce it for that, but now the market price has shifted to $10 so I can open a factory. It benefits local manufacturers at the expense of consumers. While free trade benefits consumers at the expense of local manufacturers. There's a time and a place for both.
If there are enough choice, foreign businesss won't be able to increase prices. Simply put, if local competition is still big enough, no price raises are possible for anyone.

In that case, foreign business have to eat extra costs. Same for local business which imports needed components and can't be made locally.

Don't be daft. There are always taxes, there's always revenue coming from somewhere to pay for the cost of whoever is running the place, and the cost of having a military. Sometimes it's called something different (e.g. land taxes might be called "rent" in a feudal society), but it's all the same thing in the end. Taxes can be higher or lower, more or less fair, sometimes even voluntary, but never disappear.
There are always costs for services and protection. Horewer, it matters very much how they are paid and for what exactly.

You see, somebody needs to decide what to do with your body and time. Do you prefer deciding yourself or being slave?
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Some of the tariffs cause goods that can be produced in the home country to be more economical to be produced in that country.
It doesn’t necessarily result in goods being increased by the amount of the tariffs, it can result in jobs for one’s neighbors. Sadly, this means that people in other countries may lose theirs.
Job losses will only happen in cases where there are heavy taxes and regulation, especially minimum wages. This is true for long term.

Short term loses will be everywhere, horewer in free economies they will recover.

Economists claim that allowing just allowing trading between different demesnes during middle age would have raised incomes 40%.

Maybe real opportunity for neighbor is export one, not local. Even importing is good way to earn income and provide useful service.

As much as possible, every country should be as self-sufficient as possible.
Being rich is preferable than being self-suffucient. Having many friends and being very useful is better protection than being hermit.

After, rich countries have way more problem solving capacity and capability than hermit ones.
Job losses will only happen in cases where there are heavy taxes and regulation, especially minimum wages. This is true for long term.
Life is really simple in your world, isn’t it?
Being rich is preferable than being self-suffucient. Having many friends and being very useful is better protection than being hermit.

After, rich countries have way more problem solving capacity and capability than hermit ones.
I don’t see anyone refuting this information:1741112361922.png
If there are enough choice, foreign businesss won't be able to increase prices. Simply put, if local competition is still big enough, no price raises are possible for anyone.

In that case, foreign business have to eat extra costs. Same for local business which imports needed components and can't be made locally.
Sure, that does happen also. But if no price raises are possible then there is no incentive to increase local production, and the tariff will fail in its primary purpose of stimulating local business.

Anyway @MemeFan, have you read Economics in One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt?

@steve, I'd be looking for a reference for those Canadian tariffs before believing it. Until now your trade with Canada has been under a series of free trade agreements (NAFTA and then USMCA). I highly doubt anything like those tariffs would have been acceptable under those agreements, and if they did exist they'd have come out in Trump's arguments for his own tariffs. Find a source.
Yeah, I remember NAFTA. I’m that old.
Do you really think that things haven’t been allowed to creep in favor of other nations?

Obviously the milk tariffs are complicated and the average isn’t 270%, but it is a minimum of 7.5%.
Sure, that does happen also. But if no price raises are possible then there is no incentive to increase local production, and the tariff will fail in its primary purpose of stimulating local business.
There are reasons to increase production. We are missing them because you only see prices, not rest.

If demand is increasing, then not increasing production will cause loss of market share.

And there are economies of scale to take care of costs. This is valid business strategy. If markets of third-party countries are open then locals increasing production are good opportunity if they have advantage in third-party countries.

Third party == no participation in "tariff conflict"

There is also possibility of business strategy where you get low price believers who refuse "tariff opportunity".

Anyway @MemeFan, have you read Economics in One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt?
Sadly not yet. I did read hundreds of articles on Mises Institute website.

@steve, I'd be looking for a reference for those Canadian tariffs before believing it. Until now your trade with Canada has been under a series of free trade agreements (NAFTA and then USMCA). I highly doubt anything like those tariffs would have been acceptable under those agreements, and if they did exist they'd have come out in Trump's arguments for his own tariffs. Find a source.
I truly believe it. Remember reading how one Canadian province has powerful dairy lobby.

New York has banker, Texas oil and Quebec (I believe) has dairy.

Check this:

Meet Big Milk:

Sadly not yet. I did read hundreds of articles on Mises Institute website.
Buy it and read it, several times. It is the foundation behind everything else, it's also very short and easy to read. You'll enjoy it, and I think it will tidy up some of the individual details in your mind and let you see the bigger picture more clearly.
Thanks, makes sense now.
Buy it and read it, several times. It is the foundation behind everything else, it's also very short and easy to read. You'll enjoy it, and I think it will tidy up some of the individual details in your mind and let you see the bigger picture more clearly.
I have compedium of his articles. About thousand pages.

Canadians trying to avoid the absurd pricing and market controls of their socialist government are actively smuggling CHEESE into their country.

Canadians trying to avoid the absurd pricing and market controls of their socialist government are actively smuggling CHEESE into their country.

The new prohibition! Look for small boats plying the various bodies of water filled with contemptable cheese for this dastardly practice. How Dare They!! Their society will be filled with the lawless!
Imagine that. Canada will aggressively hunt down and imprison people who bring cheese into their country but then welcome Islamic terrorists with open arms. :rolleyes:
Visions of Kevin Costner as the Revenuer taking down the cheese cartel! Dairy farms with the back door "speak easy" are Public Enemy number 1!