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  1. Mark C

    Meat The 'fertility goddes' Ishtar/Easter/Astarte has NOTHING to do with a Risen Meshiach

    THIS is the kind of $#!t that really illustrates the 'divide' between what Scripture SAYS and 'men say He should have said, if He was as smart as they think they are"...
  2. Mark C

    Meat It's about Who is to be Master - that is all

    The Torah portion (parsha) this week is one of the most direct, blunt, and undeniable condemnations of "worshiping other gods" in the Book. No wonder it gets ignored. But THIS year, probably more than any other in our lives, there's an aspect to it that can't be...
  3. Mark C

    Meat Yakov vs the Whore Church - Taking the Bull by the horns

    My weekly Torah teaching has never "pulled any punches." And while I will ALWAYS address the issues surrounding patriarchy, Scriptural marriage, thus polygyny, and everything related when the situations arise, usually I don't tend to belabor what most regular listeners already generally...