• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.


  1. Mark C

    Meat Yakov's Four Wives are only PART of the bigger story

    The regular Scripture reading for this week includes what I call the "Beginning of Yakov's [Jacob's] journey," where he ultimately acquires his four wives, and then twelve sons who beget the twelve tribes of Israel. Most here will be familiar with the basics. But there is far more to the story...
  2. R

    Numbers 30:2 and Vows

    Edited from op. Only Bible verses are supplied. Numbers 30:2 + Leviticus 5:4-13 1 Corinthians 11:3
  3. NeoPatriarch

    Where is this marriage covenant doctrine taught in the Bible?

    I'm looking for clarification. Where does the Bible teach that Adam and Eve had a marriage covenant? How about Cain and his wife? Lamech? Did Isaac and Rebecca make a covenant before she became his wife? What were the terms of Jacobs covenant with Leah, when he thought she was Rebecca? What...
  4. S

    Vows and the Pledge of Allegiance

    I keep getting sidetracked... I mentioned in another thread that, while looking into Biblical Marriage, I was studying "vows" in general. But in the process, I was convicted to investigate the issue of saying the (U.S.) pledge of allegiance. It's something that's always made me a bit...