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8th Commandment and Exodus 21:16

8th Commadment - Thou shall not steal. We see an example of this for kidnapping cited in Exodus 21:16. Translations vary on who this specifically applies to (man, woman, person). The specific word used translates directly to man. Does this mean only the taking of a man is punishable by death, not women or children?
In Hebrew, the generic ('man' often 'ish') can and often does include all people. You will see many commandments where Scripture is specific, to include women, or children, where that is the intent.
8th Commadment - Thou shall not steal. We see an example of this for kidnapping cited in Exodus 21:16. Translations vary on who this specifically applies to (man, woman, person). The specific word used translates directly to man. Does this mean only the taking of a man is punishable by death, not women or children?

I suspect if someone kidnaps children their odds of meeting Jesus that day will be higher than usual. ;)
8th Commadment - Thou shall not steal. We see an example of this for kidnapping cited in Exodus 21:16. Translations vary on who this specifically applies to (man, woman, person). The specific word used translates directly to man. Does this mean only the taking of a man is punishable by death, not women or children?
I doesn't make sense that kidnapping husband isn't OK, while kindnapping his wife and children is OK. So it appplies to all.