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A Doctrine a Day to Keep the Devil Away: No Beginning to God

Dr. K.R. Allen

Real Person
Doctrine: Christ is Eternal as he is God
When Jesus was confronted by the Pharisees, the legalists of Christ's day, they thought Christ was "demonic" (John 8:48). Yet Christ said that he and God were one (John 10:30). He made this absolutely clear to the Pharisees when he said: "before Abraham was, I am"(John 8:58). The religious, yet lost, Jews then wanted to stone him because they understood Christ was claiming to be eternal like God did (see Exodus 3:14). And this deeply bothered them because they wanted Christ to answer to them instead of them having to answer to Christ.

Life Application
One of the most serious flaws of humanity is to foolishly believe that there is no difference between us and God. To properly live a humble life we must always keep in our focus daily that God is the Creator and we are the creation. God has no beginning point and thus we as humans, who do have a beginning point, are subject to Him who is not like us. We are not gods nor are we eternal. God is above, beyond, and superior to all of the universe. Knowing this can help protect us from serious errors such as pride and pantheism.

Dr. Allen