• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

Account Security

Incidentally, how did you find the site in the first place @jcee? Through searching for plural marriage and one result being a discussion here on the question you were asking? That's how many people find us - that's how I found the forum myself years ago. If that's how you got here, you already know why we leave so much of the site visible to search engines! :)
OpSec is definitely a big deal. Some of us here have been focused on refusing to be embarrassed now that everyone’s lifestyle is allegedly acceptable.

If transgender polycules are “normal”, why are we hiding from a family structure as old as human society?
Because real normal family structure is seen as "opression".
Because real normal family structure is seen as "opression".
My second wife did have a real concern about her children being taken. I will acknowledge that Big Brother today is considerably more ruthless, in any number of areas.

(Imagine if Alex Jones was to come out an acknowledge he read some parts of the Bible!)
Incidentally, how did you find the site in the first place @jcee? Through searching for plural marriage and one result being a discussion here on the question you were asking? That's how many people find us - that's how I found the forum myself years ago. If that's how you got here, you already know why we leave so much of the site visible to search engines! :)
And that's how I found this site, and I thank God for His blessing with having a resource like this available to be discoverable.
Incidentally, how did you find the site in the first place @jcee? Through searching for plural marriage and one result being a discussion here on the question you were asking? That's how many people find us - that's how I found the forum myself years ago. If that's how you got here, you already know why we leave so much of the site visible to search engines! :)
No, I didn't find it through google or another search engine. It was a blog post. Also, it doesn't matter how other people found it. Bandwagon reasoning isn't justification for anything, except maybe trying to find a good pizza place. I was asking about account security and I'm allowed to do that. Why do you insist on carrying on with this - it's literally one of the profile settings for my account here and I'm just trying to see what others suggest so I can make a wise decision about it haha
Hey! What are good account security options for this site? If possible, I don't want to appear in google haha. Other than that, what are some options you all would suggest?
Also, to put a pin in this unintentional grenade of a question, this answered my Google issue:
Many discussions on this site are public and accessible without being logged in. But others are only available once you're logged in - see the "Non-public forums" section. And many - a vast number - are completely private and you can't even see they exist if you aren't specifically invited ("private conversations").
This is helpful, thank you.
No, I didn't find it through google or another search engine. It was a blog post. Also, it doesn't matter how other people found it. Bandwagon reasoning isn't justification for anything, except maybe trying to find a good pizza place. I was asking about account security and I'm allowed to do that. Why do you insist on carrying on with this - it's literally one of the profile settings for my account here and I'm just trying to see what others suggest so I can make a wise decision about it haha
I have no idea what you mean by me "carrying on with this". I made three posts explaining my position yesterday, within minutes of each other. You even "liked" a couple of them. Then a day later you decided to get upset and accuse me of "carrying on" about it, when I haven't posted a thing since then? Chill out man. Whatever you're upset about is all in your mind - probably another misunderstanding.

This is why in-person meetups are so important. People don't get upset like this with each other when they're talking in person, because as soon as there is a miscommunication it is noticed and corrected within seconds. In text communication misunderstandings can take days to resolve and people get far more upset about them because they've got more time to stew about them before they're resolved.
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