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After a few days....


New Member
...I finally managed to get my password to work, well OK, my husband did. :) so now I can actually come in and introduce myself.
Hi all, my name's Denise, I'm JazzyTs wife, his intro post is here as well. I registered here a couple days ago and have had nothing but problems getting the site to recognize my password... enter hubby! Hubby sits down, registers himself, breezes right in THEN my password will work. :eek: What happened to ladies first? LOL

So, enough of that. There's plenty to say about me but I'd probably bore you all to tears, thus, I'll let you guys and gals ask if you'd like to know. ;)
Thank you Will.
I don't know though you might get bored, if I ever hear you snoring thorugh my speakers I'll know! :p

OK, so a little about me. As my hubby said, we have 5 children together. I have a 6th child but she does not live with us. I've been married to my hubby for 14 years. I am a SAHM, I have been studying and practicing herbal medicine for about 9 years and call myself an herbalist although I have not gotten my certification yet. I love animals and creepy critters like snakes, scorpions, tarantulas and the like. My husband and children share my love for all of our "pets".
I am 38, albino and legaly blind and thus, I don't go taking the car out for joy rides.
Not bored yet....tell us more!

What brought you to the discussion here on Biblical Families? Casual interest, intense search, or you hit the "I'm feeling lucky" button on Google search?


Welcome Denise,
Join us in the Ladies Chat on tues night. I haven't been on it in a while, but
it is a lot of fun. Again welcome, there is lots to read. dd
I came across this place during a search on plural marriage...imagine that! I'm sure I'm not the only one on this forum or in the world who has watched the first two seasons of Sister Wives on TLC and found it rather intreuging. I would love to watch the third season but we have no cable now so :( (anyone want to record the episodes and send them to me? :D )
Anyway, I was doing some general browsing on plural marriage in the bible and what the bible says about it and BF was one of the sites that came up in my search.
I'll tell you all this, I decided to join this forum because from what I have seen thus far, this place doesn't seem to be jam packed with "haters" in it. I have not seen a whole lot of discussion from anti- plural marriage folk bashing those who are and vise versa, which I think is a good thing. I like to be able to look through a forum and not see a whole lot of mud slinging.... how immature. This place seems to have a more "let's discuss it like reasonable adults" feel to it, which I like. Just so you all know, I am not in a plural marriage and do not care to be (yes, I'm selfish, greedy and don't like to share my toys! :p ) however, I am not one of those who will come in here and start bashing all of you guys and gals who are. I like the feel of this forum thus far and yes mo.nurse, I would love to chat with the chicks on Tuesdays.
Now THAT would be a story!
I have driven before and I'm a great driver...it's just that whole steering thing that gets me :? I'm a great driver, I can put any sloppy drunk behind the wheel to shame and like I've always said, if you don't like my driving, stay off the sidewalks!!!! :twisted:
Sometimes, I wonder just who is in charge...man, or computer? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Glad you finally got your password working. Welcome to BF, Denise!
Nice to have You join BF, I have recently joined myself and i have had nothing but warm welcomes and help to my questions. BF is an awesome group of people