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Arranged marriages, soul mates, and courting

What say you, godly fathers and mothers of the 21st century?
Are emotions too fickle to be the foundations upon which a marriage is built?
Does love between a man and woman indicate God's blessing?
Those of you raised by genuinely good and godly parents: Would you have given at least considerable thought to whomever your parents had agreed best suited you as a spouse?
At what point in the Bible did arranged marriages go out of style? How about, in the Church?

Those supportive of arranged marriages: How young is too young to take off from your child's back the burden of having to find his or her own spouse?

Those of you who believe in soul mates: Considering that one-in-three babies is aborted, does that mean that there is a one-in-three probability for each of you that you true love is dead?

Courting: Who's idea was it to replace courting with dating and "hooking up?" Why do you or why do you not allow your daughters to be wooed miles from your home? How many of your daughters lost their virginity (and, according to the Bible, their singleness) on a date that you permitted them to go on?
Ah, this one brings up more questions than answers in the western society in which we live.

First, the emotions thing. Absolutely, emotions are too fickle to be trusted. Why do you think the divorce rate is so high in western culture?
Second, do we even understand what love is? Anyone who belives 1John 4:16 has to know that it's the same person who sent the children of Israel into exile is the same one who brought them back. He's the same one who will send the rebels to destruction. So really, do we understand love?
Thirdly, concerning soul mates, what does that mean anyway? Anyone who gives of themself to another, and the other gives of themselves to the first will be a soul mate. In my opinion, it's selfishness that prevents any relationship from working. This is the hardness of heart Yahushua was speaking of in allowing divorce.

As far as courting, see how things sometimes got done in scripture. Heck, after that one war, when everyone took a vow not to give the Benjamites their daughters as wives, it was then agreed that the men would go 'seize' brides when they were at a dance. Yes, our culture would frown on that, but I'm convinced that people made choices and stuck by them back then. And before someone goes saying that marriage was similar to slavery had best read Proverbs and Song of Solomon very carefully. Says something about the way of a man with a maid. Yup, they wooed back then too.
Girls are physically maturing much earlier these days due to positive environmental factors such as improved nutrition and negative ones such as exposure to hormone mimicking chemicals. These days physical maturity provides no indication of emotional readiness.

What age do you think boys are ready to marry? Physically i'd say around 18-20 emotionally probably closer to 30-35! I know many men my age are not even close to thinking of having a wife and family but then if they are getting the milk for free...

Regarding arranged marriage i don;t think there is any harm in introducing your children to those you believe might make a good match and seeing if something develops. I would never force my child to marrying anyone though, they need the freedom to be able to follow their own conscience and heart, for better or worse.
This is a very interesting discussion we're having here.
Now, to the patriarch granfathers in here: Do you worry that your grandchildren will be able to find suitable spouses? And if so, why not consider cousin mariages?

Children born to first cousins are only about two percent more likely to suffer from genetic mistakes than children of "normal” parentage. ("Genetic Counseling and Screening of Consanguineous Couples and Their Offspring: Recommendations of the National Society of Genetic Counselors," published in the Journal of Genetic Counseling)

On top of that, the genetically HEALTHIEST children in the WORLD are those born to third and fourth cousins. ("An Association Between the Kinship and Fertility of Human Couples," published in the journal Science)
bringtherevolution said:
What say you, godly fathers and mothers of the 21st century?
Are emotions too fickle to be the foundations upon which a marriage is built?
What young man or young woman is driven by logic instead of emotion? It would seem to me that they were obeying God’s imperative to marry and have children. The parental role at one time was that your parents picked your husband or wife. But that is not so today.
Does love between a man and woman indicate God's blessing?
I don’t recall anywhere in scripture that God requires love (as we use the term today) for marriage. Jacob was still responsible to Leah even though it was Rachael he loved. And it would appear that God blessed Leah over Rachael in the first part of their life with Jacob. Obviously, God blessed Leah though she was hated by Jacob.
Those of you raised by genuinely good and godly parents: Would you have given at least considerable thought to whomever your parents had agreed best suited you as a spouse?
I would not know about that. It was not an issue. The hope of my parents was that after schooling, I would find a nice girl and marry her. I doubt that I would have heeded their advice anyway.
At what point in the Bible did arranged marriages go out of style? How about, in the Church?
That is an easy one. The moment that the church recognized a marriage license, it abdicated its role in marriage. The church is now relegated to testifying to the husbands/wife’s oaths before God. In fact, why bother with the clergy at all? In some States, your best friend can sign the marriage certificate.
Those supportive of arranged marriages: How young is too young to take off from your child's back the burden of having to find his or her own spouse?
In this day and age, in the United States, if you arrange the marriage of a minor, you go to prison. If you arrange the marriage of an adult against their wishes, you go to prison. Better make sure your daughter is an adult and consents.
Those of you who believe in soul mates: Considering that one-in-three babies is aborted, does that mean that there is a one-in-three probability for each of you that you true love is dead?
No, I don't believe that God is that easily thwarted. I don’t know about soul-mates. I find little support of that idea in scripture. Perhaps it comes from “what God has joined together, let no man put asunder”. Personally, I don’t think that means that there is such a thing as a soul-mate. I find myself wonderfully knit into my wives lives .. maybe that is soul-matedness. Then again, maybe I am just one fortunate guy.
Courting: Who's idea was it to replace courting with dating and "hooking up?"
I don’t think that even courting is a biblical precept. At least in the Jewish culture of the scriptures, anyway. A young man and a young wife met only once during their espousal period. That is when the two parents met and agreed on the marriage. The bride and groom didn’t see each other again until the wedding. There wasn’t even an exchange of vows. He went and got her from her home when his father told him to, and he escorted her to the bridal chamber while the guests celebrated outside. Even the Messiah referred to it in the parable where he said: “Behold! The bridegroom cometh!”
Why do you or why do you not allow your daughters to be wooed miles from your home?
I am not sure what you mean here. You mean like while they are attending school? Or like I send my unescorted 12 year old daughter to New York City for a shopping spree?
How many of your daughters lost their virginity (and, according to the Bible, their singleness) on a date that you permitted them to go on?
Who knows … maybe there is a statistician somewhere who has that kind of information. Personally, I would just as concerned if she got pregnant in her own bedroom that she snuck her boyfriend into. But as for my daughter, I don’t believe that singleness is lost with virginity. And for sure I am not going to stone my daughter for losing her virginity. And I am going to be proud of her at her wedding, virginus intactinus or not …
Sorry in advance for this being a little too long, but please hear me out.

Luke 6:47 Whosoever cometh to me, and heareth my sayings, and doeth them, I will shew you to whom he is like:
Luke 6:48 He is like a man which built an house, and digged deep, and laid the foundation on a rock: and when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently upon that house, and could not shake it: for it was founded upon a rock.
Luke 6:49 But he that heareth, and doeth not, is like a man that without a foundation built an house upon the earth; against which the stream did beat vehemently, and immediately it fell; and the ruin of that house was great.

I had this discussion with a friend on mine the other day, and the topic of a good marriage came to up. I told him that a marriage without God, may not necessarily failed in man’s term’s, but will always failed in the eyes of the Lord. Life in general, and marriage in particular, is the hardest thing that we have to go through. It takes work from all parties to make it work, which is one reason God created a “help meet” for Adam. Without God in our lives, we are lost, period. The above scriptures do not say that life will be easy, on the contrary, the Lord uses a Flood and a storm to represent what the environment will do to each house build in each scenario. We all know God is referring to Life as that storm, and a good foundation, will help us weather whatever Life throws at us, that foundation being faith and belief in Christ our savior.

Mat 16:17 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.
Mat 16:18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
Mat 16:19 And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

God doesn’t say that the storms, or life, will stop. He doesn’t say that we will be free from temptation or from falling from his grace, but if we put our trust, truly put ourselves in his hands, and have faith in him, we will survive and be saved. What does all this have to do with this post? The point is I believe it more important to build a good foundation in our children’s lives; one that is rooted in the truth, the real truth. One that has our children knowing that God loves them, that he sent his only son to die for them and all mankind for the sins that we all have committed. Getting the foundation right and grounded is more important in not only our own lives, but especially those of our children. That being said, I think if you have laid the proper foundation in God for our children, there would be no need for us to arrange a marriage for our children. God will dwell within them as he does us. He will guide their lives as he does ours. He will give them what they will need, and provide for them.

Mat 6:25 Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?
Mat 6:26 Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?
Mat 6:27 Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?
Mat 6:28 And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:
Mat 6:29 And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
Mat 6:30 Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?
Mat 6:31 Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?
Mat 6:32 (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.
Mat 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
Mat 6:34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

This being said, I feel that arranged marriages are barbaric, and takes away from Gods guidance over our lives and those of our children. I believe it would be more akin to force, not love, which is the way we all have to go about bringing back the truth about plural marriages. Forcing our will, mans will, onto our wives, will only bring heart ache and in the end failure, because we are in a way, taking our judgment over God’s, and God is never wrong. The mate that we pick out for our children, may not be the one that God had intended for them all along. This brings us to the other point of soul mates. I believe that the one we are destined for, the one or ones, that God has intended for us, are soul mates. So yes I do believe in soul mates. To give a personal example, when I met my wife she told me later, that she actually felt me come into the room, even before she saw me. Also when we talked that night and danced, she slid right into my arms and put her head into my chest as if it had been there all along. From moment one, I could tell that this woman was very special and unique for me. Everything just clicked. It was like we had known each other from the very beginning.
Which bring me the final point of this post, I love my wife very much. I can not imagine my life without her, if I were to lose her it would be akin to losing an arm or leg, or another part of myself. I am still the same, but not quite whole.

Eph 5:28 So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.
Eph 5:29 For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church:
Eph 5:30 For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones.

As well as…

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
John 3:17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
John 3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

So yes, I also believe in Love being a key part to marriage as well. So in a nut shell, I think arranged marriages, takes away from what God intends, I believe that God has someone or someone’s prepared for all of us, making them soul mates, and most definitely LOVE. However, as I pointed out earlier, without the foundation of God in our lives, or marriages, it will be doomed to fail. It takes all and more to make a marriage work. As well as I pointed out previously, Life goes on, and storms come our way, we are fallible and imperfect, we will and our children will, make mistakes, this is just the nature of our existence. Having God as our foundation, will make us flourish and prosper.

Now as far as age goes, and this is purely a personal view point. I believe that a great age difference between men and women is bordering on the side of immorality. I say it like this, if the age difference is more than what it would be for this to be your child, I would not pursue it. It would be akin to having someone that could be your child. I know the bible has references to children, very young children, coming into bloom and coming of age at very young age, yet to me, I feel that a much older person say 60, tries to marry someone say 12 who has started her womanhood, is child molesting and is sick. Even say someone of 20 and 12. Now when the 12 reaches say 18 and the man is 26, this would be more easy to handle, for the maturity, both intellectual and emotional is developed more than at 12 and 20. Well I will get off my soap box now, sorry again for being so long.

Good night and God Bless.
I understand why you would feel that way, truthfinder, but things aren't always as they appear.
a man can anul his wife's vow the first time he hears about it. if he holds his peace, then he is agreeing with her, and must uphold it.
to call arranged marriages barbaric is saying a parent cannot be trusted with the wellbeing of his child. yet we have all been trusted with raising our children in the way they should walk, so why would direction in mate choices be barbaric?
I'm sure any reasonable parent would take his child's needs, desires and future into consieration. And yes, there are unreasonable, selfish parents who would not, but I'd suspect they aren't doing so well in the rest of child rearing either. This too falls under the hardness of heart Yahushua spoke of when explaining why divorce was allowed but not originally intended.

I agree that if the foundation is laid properly, arranged marriages wouldn't be necessary, but I'd also wager that given the proper context, an arranged marriage wouldn't 'feel' arranged either if the proper foundation was in place.

All this points to our own failure as a whole of society, we do not do so well in passing values to future generations.
Let me go into a little specific for this, if the proper foundation has been placed, introductions to potential mates is a great idea and should be given proper avenues. Showing a son or daughter another person that you as a parent feel might be a good match is always a good thing to try with our children. Someone with the same kind of background and upbringing may elliminate many obstacles that our children may face when it comes to finding a mate. This is a whole different scenario than one of forcing a mate on our children. Arranged marriages is force, no matter how good the intentions of a parent is. This takes away free will and the power of choice that we all have. We have the power of choice and we all have the responsibilty for those choices when it comes to them. As I stated in my previous post, laying a good and proper foundation in God, will make those choices in selection of our mates, and those our children have to make, alot easier.

^_^ said:
to call arranged marriages barbaric is saying a parent cannot be trusted with the wellbeing of his child. yet we have all been trusted with raising our children in the way they should walk, so why would direction in mate choices be barbaric?
I'm sure any reasonable parent would take his child's needs, desires and future into consieration.

Look at it from this point of veiw as well, our children, given the age of accountability and that they are emotionally and physically able to understand what their choices are, they will be adults. Able to make choices given the foundation we laid as parents. Choices such as who that are, what they want to do in life, how they live their lives, can they support themselves and take care of themselves, and do they have the background and knowledge to make life bearable for themselves should already be in place. If not then they will have a hard time getting along in life because they lack the skills, knowledge, and faith they we as parents have the resonsibilty to give our children. Having said that, arranging a marriage for an adult, with no say in who their our mate will be is taking away the right to choose. Its taking away their free will to make that decision on their own. If we have laid the foundation for their lives upon a rock, the rock of Christ, then we should also trust the choices that they make, and trust the Lord that they have made those choices through faith and that our children have truly let God guide them with those same choices. God can lead us to many things, but we as adults, sometimes missread, or ignore where God has brought us in our lives, and we make the wrong choice, but it is still our choice right or wrong. So this is why I say it is barbaric, anything that takes away my right, or the right of my children to choose, is a barbaric concept. God Bless
OK, I think I understand. Forced marriages I would agree are barbaric, to me arranged involves consent and trust, so I suspect the difference is in terminology
...arranging a marriage for an adult, with no say in who their our mate will be is taking away the right to choose. Its taking away their free will to make that decision on their own.

I don't have a dog in this hunt.

However, I would point out the problem with terminology here, and note the discrepancy.

God gave each of us freedom to choose - whether to obey Him or not. Were I to allow Him to choose a mate for me, and I pray that me and my house will follow Him not only in that choice but EVERY choice, I am surrendering to His will - by my free choice. The choice to be a bondservant to our Savior is the most important free choice any of us can make.

Isaac was an adult when he allowed Abraham, and God, to choose Rebekah for him. He ratified that choice by his own free will when he took her into the tent and took her to wife.


Mark C said:
However, I would point out the problem with terminology here, and note the discrepancy.

If I may and I mean no disrespect but what problem is there? Arranged marriages usually are made without the consent of the parties involved, that being both bride and groom. Usually if an arranged marriage did not go through, many cultures veiwed this as dishonorable and bringing shame to the parties that backed out. The choice of who a man or woman will marry is their choice to make, one hopefully guided by the will of God.

Mark C said:
God gave each of us freedom to choose - whether to obey Him or not. Were I to allow Him to choose a mate for me, and I pray that me and my house will follow Him not only in that choice but EVERY choice, I am surrendering to His will - by my free choice. The choice to be a bondservant to our Savior is the most important free choice any of us can make.

I have no problem with this either, but through out history, an arranged marriage for either son or daughter, has been such where there is no choice at all, after all in my previous replies, one of the things I mentioned was that God may have someone or someone's planned for us, and an arranged marriage by the childrens parents, may not be the one God has planned for them. As I repost my point here;

truthfinder1967 said:
This being said, I feel that arranged marriages are barbaric, and takes away from Gods guidance over our lives and those of our children. I believe it would be more akin to force, not love, which is the way we all have to go about bringing back the truth about plural marriages. Forcing our will, mans will, onto our wives, will only bring heart ache and in the end failure, because we are in a way, taking our judgment over God’s, and God is never wrong. The mate that we pick out for our children, may not be the one that God had intended for them all along.

This is a whole different concept of giving ourselves over to God and letting him bring to us the blessings that we shall have, over an arranged marriage by parents for their children. What we feel is best for our children may not be what God feels is best for them. Arranging a marriage between our children may help them, but at the same token, we could as parents be causing irrevocable harm to them by forcing them to do something against their will. Now if the choice is there for either one or the other person involved in an arranged marriage to back out with no reprocussions, then it truly isnt an arranged marriage, but an introduction to a possible mate.

Mark C said:
Isaac was an adult when he allowed Abraham, and God, to choose Rebekah for him. He ratified that choice by his own free will when he took her into the tent and took her to wife.

Yes, which has been what my posts mainly deal with, even though Abraham sent his servant to the land of his father to choose a wife for Isaac, there was still a choice on the other side not to follow the servant back to Isaac.

Genesis 24:58 And they called Rebekah, and said unto her, Wilt thou go with this man? And she said, I will go.

as well as Abraham took in the possiblity his servant would not find anyone willing to come;

Genesis 24:41 Then shalt thou be clear from this my oath, when thou comest to my kindred; and if they give not thee one, thou shalt be clear from my oath.

The choice was aways there, to accept or decline. Also notice that God was in charge as well, that the woman the servant would pick, would be the one that God had chosen for Isaac.

Genesis 24:40 And he said unto me, The LORD, before whom I walk, will send his angel with thee, and prosper thy way; and thou shalt take a wife for my son of my kindred, and of my father's house:

Things always work out when God is in the drivers seat, we need to only trust in him and realize the blessings that he will bestow upon us. God Bless
If God joins two then it is right. If not then not. What is "Christian dating" also? It is like fishing in a pond with thousands of fish and needing to catch a lot of them to find the right one, if ever. Seems to me, the time would be better spent having a Christian fellowship relationship with all their peers without pressure and listening to God for the right one. The feeling of rejection is multiplied in a dating environment as most of the people met are never intended by God to be a spouse.
Here are my 2 cents worth...

I speak both from worldly experience stemming from human wisdom, (i.e., doing it the wrong way x 2 failed marriages) and from Godly wisdom and experience after God truly got a hold of me, put me in my place and matured me in His wisdom, understanding and knowledge, (i.e., doing it the right way x 1 - current successful marriage for over 5 years).

Arranged marriages are great, as long as it is God who does the arranging, (Genesis chapter 24 and Proverbs 19:14). What God joins together, man should not separate, (Matthew 19:6), but God can. Most marriages are NOT from God and are done in the flesh without consulting God. That is why so many end up in divorce. Though God hates divorce, it is not the unpardonable sin. Parents operating prophetically by the Spirit of God can have good input, but ultimately if the parents and/or children are not hearing from God, the arrangement is likely to be doomed, since it comes from human wisdom and ultimately that is of the devil, (James 3:13-18). My first two marriages were done through human wisdom and failed miserably. My current wife and I never went on a date before we got married. God told me that I was to marry her. He set up the whole thing and it went through without a hitch, though the devil put up quite a hissy fit. We have had our issues, but I love her more today than I ever have and we are both growing in the Lord, day by day. This marriage is at least 100 times better than the former two! I have been praying for future additional wives to come at God's direction, since I know that is the only way it will work.

A word on different ages, I am 30 years my wife’s senior and she has trouble keeping up with me. The Bible says nothing about disparate ages in marriage. My advice is if someone has a problem in this area to ask God what He thinks. I can tell you He does not care about age difference, so we should not either. Consenting teenage girls can may marry at God's direction as long as the girl has matured to menstruation and, if necessary by law, has her parent's consent, (I Corinthians 7:36).

I do not like the term ‘soul mate’, because it is not Biblical. I would prefer then to call those whom God wants to be married to one another as ‘Spirit-mates’, since this is the true connection that we seek with one another through Christ, (I Corinthians 6:12-20, esp. v. 17). The soul, (i.e., the mind, will and emotions or the personality) is where the battle between the flesh and spirit takes place, (Romans 1:1-17 and Galatians 5:16-26). The battlefield is no place to make the connection. The true ‘love connection’ must be one between the ‘spirits’ of two people born again of the Spirit from above. The souls will then need to be brought into line with God by His Word, (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit. The process of soul maturation is the hard part of the two 'becoming one', (mind). This can only be accomplished with God's help. Apart from Jesus we can do nothing, (John 15:5). Emotions are important, but they must follow the decision to walk in love. True love is a decision, not an emotion. The emotions will flow from the decision based process of the love walk. This is God's way. The world does it the other way around and that is why most relationships fail miserably, including marriages. Truly mature, perfected Christians will walk in love even toward their enemies, (Matthew 5:43-48). Without the help of God, through Jesus and the Holy Spirit, the emotions of the soul will follow the flesh every time due to the law of the sin nature that God put in the flesh. The law of the sin nature in the flesh can only be overcome through Christ. This is the main reason God made us in the flesh and allowed sin to come into the world, so we can learn through Jesus and the Holy Spirit to overcome that sin nature and become perfected in Christ so that we will not repeat the same mistake that Lucifer made, (Isaiah chapter 14, Ezekiel chapter 28 and Romans 7:13-8:11).

As for the abortion issue, since God can make children out of rocks, then it is not too hard for Him to give us our true spouse(s) despite the enemies work through abortion.

As far as the blessing of God being on a marriage, true love means that one lays down one’s life for the other person(s) who are obedient to Jesus, (John 15:13-14). We are called to show love for our enemies, but only need lay down our lives for OBEDIENT Christians, (which unfortunately are few and far between). Unfortunately as well, this rarely happens in most marriages. When we walk in true love for one another and ‘sow’ blessings to the other partner in Christ, then of course God’s blessing will be multiplied upon the marriage, (Genesis 12:3, Psalm chapter 107, 115:13, Galatians 3:14 & v. 29, 6:7 and Sirach 11:22).

Marriage done God’s way will not only work, but will be wonderful as well. My advice...pray and obey. God will work it out properly and in due season for those who walk in the wisdom of the Spirit of God and not according to the flesh and the human, demonic wisdom of the world.

Be blessed,

Dr. Ray
Very good Dr. Ray. And the experience and failures you mention make a Christian point their energies towards God, and cause a self-denial that allows God to work even when we can rationalize a good approach or a solution to a relationship ourselves. A person can do most everything right and still be surrounded by failure.
You wrote, "Without the help of God, through Jesus and the Holy Spirit, the emotions of the soul will follow the flesh every time". I agree one hundred percent. And the other person in a potential relationship can have the same bad direction and there you have two people, with the same self-deception without God, or God pushed aside even temporarily. Now they really consider themselves "soul mates". There is nothing sacred about that term. And then since they are in this area without God's direction, these two "soul mates" experience failure. They do not trust any further relationships either or themselves. How could they? They found their supposed "soul mates" and it didn't work and God didn't help their self-made relationship. So they do not trust God either. Somewhere, early or later, our wills must break before a Holy God, our knees bend, and we give it to God. The words "that which God has joined together" ask us to take a mostly hands off approach to finding a spouse. It is hard but God must do it. In finding the proper family members, we trust God to create our children, give us the right name for them, have them conceived and born on the right days, and have the physical appearance given by God to make them the individuals they are. But...when finding the family member that is a spouse, we try to do it ourselves. God wants to do it if and when of his own account. If based in God it brings God glory and the relationships themselves magnify the name of our Lord. In that we seek the kingdom of God first,it starts God being able to do things in our lives.
I agree wholeheartedly with what you say. If we allow God to do the architectural organization and planning in our building of family and church and if we follow His guidelines, then the results will be awesome. This will bring Him glory and we will all be happy. If we do it ourselves in pride then the end will be disaster, (Proverbs 14:12 & 16:18 & 25). 'If God ain't happy, then ain't nobody happy.'

I pray this prayer from time to time...

'God please bring the people into my life who are supposed to be in it and take those people out of myt life who are not supposed to be in it.' Then I sit back and am amazed at who moves in and out.

Be blessed,

Dr. Ray
My technique is to say: "God, if you don't want me to marry this woman, hit her with a lightning bolt". If he doesn't, I can safely assume it is Gods will that we marry ...
First let me say that I was originally responding to the inquiry..."what do we think"

bringtherevolution said:
What say you, godly fathers and mothers of the 21st century?
Are emotions too fickle to be the foundations upon which a marriage is built?
Does love between a man and woman indicate God's blessing?
Those of you raised by genuinely good and godly parents: Would you have given at least considerable thought to whomever your parents had agreed best suited you as a spouse?
At what point in the Bible did arranged marriages go out of style? How about, in the Church?

Those supportive of arranged marriages: How young is too young to take off from your child's back the burden of having to find his or her own spouse?

Those of you who believe in soul mates: Considering that one-in-three babies is aborted, does that mean that there is a one-in-three probability for each of you that you true love is dead?

Throughout my replies, I have given my take on scripture says about this matter and what I believe is how I am raising my family with.

djanakes said:
While it is true that, as parents, the mate we pick out for our children may not be the one that God had intended for them, it is equally true that the mate that our children pick out for themselves may not be the one that God had intended for them either. The one that God has intended for them will be able to get past both of our vetos.

While this is a good way to do it, the last possiblity maybe that both you and your child may be wrong, in either case, I hope I raise my daughter to value my input on a potential mate and make the decision herself, letting God guide her and bringing her the mate that will make her the happiest. This is the way I look at it. I can teach the word of God to my daughter, I can have her study the bible, teach her what scripture really says, go over a thousand times and show her examples of how god wants us to live and that Christ is the son of God and that he died for our sins. But ultimately, it is her decision to accept Christ when she comes of the age of accountablity. It is her desicion that must be made of her own accord and free will. She must accept Christ with her whole heart and soul knowing that he is her savior, and no matter what i say or do, it is her decision that must be made. I can only be there as guide, teacher, minister, and her father to show her what she needs to do, and how she needs to do it. Without her making that choice, it doesnt matter what I say in the end. So it will be with her marriage. I can be there to give my opinion. To give my insight and wisdom. To show her if it is within scripture or not, but utlimately she must make that choice, right or wrong, whether I agree or not, it is up to her. That is her free will.

Good evening and God Bless
truthfinder1967 said:
However, no matter what is said, to me...and my view...a marriage of this great a distance is age is bordering on immorality.
I understand you're just expressing your opinion, and I have no issues with it as such. I'm not even sure what "bordering on immorality" means exactly. Either it's moral, immoral or amoral. I just felt it was important to make it clear that true morality is what God says it is, not necessarily what we'd like it to be. There are many things that I may not allow, but the definitions of right and wrong are what God says they are. Just because I wouldn't allow a much older man to marry my younger daughters doesn't mean I can condemn another for it, on the grounds of being "morally wrong" or "sinful" behavior.

Nevertheless, I have a nice 6' battle staff which stands at the entrance to my office which serves as a reminder to all comers. I may not be able to make a Biblical argument against all possible issues on the basis of sin, but with one strategic swing, I can certainly explain *unacceptable* to anyone who would try to bypass my authority. :lol:

Love in Him,
djanakes said:
Nevertheless, I have a nice 6' battle staff which stands at the entrance to my office which serves as a reminder to all comers. I may not be able to make a Biblical argument against all possible issues on the basis of sin, but with one strategic swing, I can certainly explain *unacceptable* to anyone who would try to bypass my authority. :lol:

Love in Him,

HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. :lol: ...Brother I am still laughing....I had the same thoughts myself :D Nicely said....and I do agree. No matter what, I put my trust in God to always guide me and my family to his will and blessings, even though I may not understand his wisdom behind them.

God Bless brother.