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Re: to 'vex' her (Olde English)

[And, yes, I know this has come up before, but the archives are Big.]

There is a school of thought that suggests (based on history) that "to vex her" applied specifically to a situation (which kinda/sorta fits with Yakov) where one sister was barren, and he takes the other to give him a child/heir, and thus "vex" her.

That is a situation that won't apply as often.

Furthermore, some of the best Hebrew scholars I have known point out that the root word literally means "as a RIVAL to her."

Which is the caution I'd emphasize.
Re: to 'vex' her (Olde English)

[And, yes, I know this has come up before, but the archives are Big.]

There is a school of thought that suggests (based on history) that "to vex her" applied specifically to a situation (which kinda/sorta fits with Yakov) where one sister was barren, and he takes the other to give him a child/heir, and thus "vex" her.

That is a situation that won't apply as often.

Furthermore, some of the best Hebrew scholars I have known point out that the root word literally means "as a RIVAL to her."

Which is the caution I'd emphasize.

Probably more valid than my notions of vex historically speaking but my idea is more fun.
Vexing is chasing them about the house with whatever batter or other food stuff is on your hands frim cooking or pulling her leg with tales that teeter on that edge between believable and outlandish or other various and sundry shenanigans that strikes one's fancy.
The ladies should be always at least mildly vexed in a whimsical fashion. It is good for them. Helps to stave off consumption and the vapors.
The fact that my wives never suffered either seems like a solid proof of concept to me.
I would actually love if my sisters and I had the same husband. Although I should ponder more the pros and cons. I will set that mental task aside to contemplate another time.

After some pondering I think for sisters it would be basically a plus (provided they get a long I guess) I would cherish the friendship that I know we have. it would comfort me, and would also be fun - come to think of it my husband marrying me and a good friend would also be interesting - it would also me the initial period less nerve wracking if one knows people in the house hold. Also if I do marry an older man, it would be nice having someone closer to my age in the house. Not sure what advantage a man would get in marrying sisters. paterfamilias mentioned that sisters are more used to working as a team. I guess that is a plus, that could also work against him though.
After some pondering I think for sisters it would be basically a plus (provided they get a long I guess) I would cherish the friendship that I know we have. it would comfort me, and would also be fun - come to think of it my husband marrying me and a good friend would also be interesting - it would also me the initial period less nerve wracking if one knows people in the house hold. Also if I do marry an older man, it would be nice having someone closer to my age in the house. Not sure what advantage a man would get in marrying sisters. paterfamilias mentioned that sisters are more used to working as a team. I guess that is a plus, that could also work against him though.
It would increase the bond between the women and the other woman’s children, reduce jealousy potentially since they’re her nieces and nephews.
Not the same situation, but two of my mother’s sisters married two brothers and I like that this knits the family together more.
Those cousins are genetically siblings I believe. Maybe that’s only twins marrying twins, I don’t remember for sure.
After some pondering I think for sisters it would be basically a plus (provided they get a long I guess) I would cherish the friendship that I know we have. it would comfort me, and would also be fun - come to think of it my husband marrying me and a good friend would also be interesting - it would also me the initial period less nerve wracking if one knows people in the house hold. Also if I do marry an older man, it would be nice having someone closer to my age in the house. Not sure what advantage a man would get in marrying sisters. paterfamilias mentioned that sisters are more used to working as a team. I guess that is a plus, that could also work against him though.

Meh...in my experience as well as what I have been told and observed, if wives or a wife and family or surrogates of some kind want to gang up on the man it is just going to happen.

Ideally there should be no need to gang up on your husband. Or the idea of not considering his feelings as well as one's own should be a bit off-putting.

Re sisters or friends... I think it could go either way. With sisters it old be interesting to see if tyey was more apt to sync up pregnancies and the like.

Hopefully though related or fast friends or new friends, they should be super supportive of each other.

Some of us men are enough of a pain in the ass that one needs thst teamwork
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Would it not be more ideal to not sync up pregnancies?

That would be grand.
I am not saying negative in any way, simple interesting.

I am pretty pro natalist so it would not hurt my feelings at all.
I will admit that two infants at once would have terrified me before I was a father but just from the point of view that I was inexperienced and unsure about if I could be a good dad.
More to it but it is not particularly interesting. I imagine most men have trepidation about infants thst first time.