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BibFam gets the shoutout... from the pulpit! 😂😂

First reference is in the first couple of minutes - and it's immediately an uninformed personal attack against Andrew just criticising his photo on the front page. Low blow. I don't have time to watch and find if there are other references right now. But we might get a few visitors from that shoutout to the web address in the first couple of minutes!
Yes guys so this was my previous church. Long story short I was called an apostate and ushered out while being yelled over. I did make a public challenge to debate Joel Saint and he has not replied. I do not what to slander him because every topic I can think of he has much to offer as far as sound doctrine. This one however has lit his fire. My life has boiled up quite quickly. My wife thinks im crazy and has taken custody by way of the court. I just today got granted supervised visitation wed's, and everyother weekends for 10am --8pm. Please pray for my wife because she is hurt and I was a bit careless of how much I persisted with this topic with her. Either way need prayers. I am looking forward to all of his video over the next few weeks to be able and start a long rebuttal.
I wish there was some family willing to go down and attend one of these services. No body would be violent I am very confident but what an eyeopener that would be for their congregation!!!!
If someone is willing I will flip the bill for travel and lodging.
I can be reached at 717-450-8977
Okay first off, which one of you glorious sons a bitches was that guy talking about? We’re going to make an award for you! Gets the ministry name checked publicly award! Bonus points for the son telling his mom he wanted three wives!

Secondly, that “preacher” is way out of his depth. He probably won’t even deliver the second sermon. The first was so pathetic he clearly didn’t do any research. When he runs into the buzzsaw of actual argumentation he’s going to explode into a fine red mist.
Yes guys so this was my previous church. Long story short I was called an apostate and ushered out while being yelled over. I did make a public challenge to debate Joel Saint and he has not replied. I do not what to slander him because every topic I can think of he has much to offer as far as sound doctrine. This one however has lit his fire. My life has boiled up quite quickly. My wife thinks im crazy and has taken custody by way of the court. I just today got granted supervised visitation wed's, and everyother weekends for 10am --8pm. Please pray for my wife because she is hurt and I was a bit careless of how much I persisted with this topic with her. Either way need prayers. I am looking forward to all of his video over the next few weeks to be able and start a long rebuttal.
I wish there was some family willing to go down and attend one of these services. No body would be violent I am very confident but what an eyeopener that would be for their congregation!!!!
If someone is willing I will flip the bill for travel and lodging.
I can be reached at 717-450-8977
What general region is this?
Okay first off, which one of you glorious sons a bitches was that guy talking about? We’re going to make an award for you! Gets the ministry name checked publicly award! Bonus points for the son telling his mom he wanted three wives!

Secondly, that “preacher” is way out of his depth. He probably won’t even deliver the second sermon. The first was so pathetic he clearly didn’t do any research. When he runs into the buzzsaw of actual argumentation he’s going to explode into a fine red mist.
I am the Dad he was referencing. Matthew is my 10 year old son who needs a little understanding that Women find their roles and you just can't designate them lol
I do not what to slander him
That is the correct attitude. He, on the other hand, has no problem slandering either you or anyone else who disagrees with him. Stick to the high ground even if it's lonely.

He is actually broadcasting slanderous discussion to the world about a family whose situation is before the courts. Is this even legal?
My life has boiled up quite quickly. My wife thinks im crazy and has taken custody by way of the court. I just today got granted supervised visitation wed's, and everyother weekends for 10am --8pm. Please pray for my wife because she is hurt and I was a bit careless of how much I persisted with this topic with her. Either way need prayers.
Will be praying for you.
I am looking forward to all of his video over the next few weeks to be able and start a long rebuttal.
Waste of time. He is not your concern, and wouldn't listen anyway. Pearls before swine.

Your wife and children are your concern, and she will not be won back by a theological treatise. Focus on them, and forget this troublemaker. Others may debate him, and ultimately God will deal with him, but he is a distraction for you. You have a wife to win back.
First reference is in the first couple of minutes - and it's immediately an uninformed personal attack against Andrew just criticising his photo on the front page. Low blow. I don't have time to watch and find if there are other references right now. But we might get a few visitors from that shoutout to the web address in the first couple of minutes!
There is at least one more reference bookending a whole bunch of hilarious craziness and a few tissue paper thin arguments... treasure trove of response material...
There is at least one more reference bookending a whole bunch of hilarious craziness and a few tissue paper thin arguments... treasure trove of response material...
Appreciate your response videos too!

They think they have a good argument....and so might their congregation....until they see what the Bible actually says!!
Not all have eyes to see....some are willfully ignorant (as Dr Hovind says that means "Dumb on purpose!") but some may be enlightened on their faulty foundation where this doctrine is concerned.

Keep on keepin' on!
My wife thinks im crazy and has taken custody by way of the court. I just today got granted supervised visitation wed's, and everyother weekends for 10am --8pm. Please pray for my wife because she is hurt and I was a bit careless of how much I persisted with this topic with her. Either way need prayers.
This is most sad and I will be praying for you and your family. The fact the she would separate from you and turn to the secular court system to withhold access to your children demonstrates a willingness to ignore the Scriptures. If she genuinely believes you are not obeying God, there is very clear instruction in 1 Peter for how she ought to respond. Wives, likewise, be submissive to your own husbands, that even if some do not obey the word, they, without a word, may be won by the conduct of their wives, when they observe your chaste conduct accompanied by fear (1 Peter 3:1-2). Trying to destroy your marriage and family is not the way she should be going, but is the way that religion and false teaching will take her.

You primary concern is to be your wife and family. Ephesians 5:25-25, Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word.

God will deal with that preacher. Leave that to Him. Shalom
This is most sad and I will be praying for you and your family. The fact the she would separate from you and turn to the secular court system to withhold access to your children demonstrates a willingness to ignore the Scriptures. If she genuinely believes you are not obeying God, there is very clear instruction in 1 Peter for how she ought to respond. Wives, likewise, be submissive to your own husbands, that even if some do not obey the word, they, without a word, may be won by the conduct of their wives, when they observe your chaste conduct accompanied by fear (1 Peter 3:1-2). Trying to destroy your marriage and family is not the way she should be going, but is the way that religion and false teaching will take her.

You primary concern is to be your wife and family. Ephesians 5:25-25, Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word.

God will deal with that preacher. Leave that to Him. Shalom
I wonder how long I am to continue to be married under these circumstances. one year three forever? Living with you woman while she thinks you crazy and disapproves of you teaching and leading doesn't seem something Longterm I could deal with. Thoughts
I wonder how long I am to continue to be married under these circumstances. one year three forever? Living with you woman while she thinks you crazy and disapproves of you teaching and leading doesn't seem something Longterm I could deal with. Thoughts
It won’t take long to resolve itself one way or the other. She’s already declared her intentions. There’s probably no way back for this marriage. She’s already gone to court and taken your kids. This is not a woman signaling a desire to reconcile.
That is the correct attitude. He, on the other hand, has no problem slandering either you or anyone else who disagrees with him. Stick to the high ground even if it's lonely.

He is actually broadcasting slanderous discussion to the world about a family whose situation is before the courts. Is this even legal?

Will be praying for you.

Waste of time. He is not your concern, and wouldn't listen anyway. Pearls before swine.

Your wife and children are your concern, and she will not be won back by a theological treatise. Focus on them, and forget this troublemaker. Others may debate him, and ultimately God will deal with him, but he is a distraction for you. You have a wife to win back.
I would welcome your Feeback from winning my wife back. She seems so far gone from me and parts of me want to divorce her. If you have time to discuss that might be helpful. I feel like she sold me out to the state. separated herself from me despite me telling her we should not separate unless agree upon time. Then she goes to the court and claims things and fills out a petition that is slanderous and far from a contextual truth. I feel betrayed. Granted she probably feels betrayed to because we have always agreed on monogamy, and I have expressed a desire that I would be open to that if God granted. Lots of little details along with the story of course.
I would welcome your Feeback from winning my wife back. She seems so far gone from me and parts of me want to divorce her. If you have time to discuss that might be helpful. I feel like she sold me out to the state. separated herself from me despite me telling her we should not separate unless agree upon time. Then she goes to the court and claims things and fills out a petition that is slanderous and far from a contextual truth. I feel betrayed. Granted she probably feels betrayed to because we have always agreed on monogamy, and I have expressed a desire that I would be open to that if God granted. Lots of little details along with the story of course.
I've actually been thinking and praying about this situation over the morning while on the tractor. I'll send you a private message so we can discuss it more freely.
My wife thinks im crazy and has taken custody by way of the court. I just today got granted supervised visitation wed's, and everyother weekends for 10am --8pm.
Just a word of caution here to people who think because this truth was easy for them to see, that others will accept it. NOT SO.

I know of an admitted pedophile that has unsupervised visitation of his child. And there are many sad stories out there of judges ruling in favor of pedophiles... but this man has to be supervised with his children for believing in a biblically correct way of life that 84% of the world's cultures accept as normal. Yes, the "western culture" is in the minority where this is concerned.
Please pray for my wife because she is hurt and I was a bit careless of how much I persisted with this topic with her.
We will certainly pray for all involved, but especially for your wife and the restoration of your family.
Seems like you've got yourself quite the conundrum here my friend. Here's the thing, she's got you man. And she has your kids, and likely filling their heads with garbage (daddy's crazy, we're better off without him, etc). Kids are significantly more likely to abandon the faith if the father is out of the picture, this is your children's eternity in question (and maybe your wife's too). It may be better to drop this thing entirely, ask for forgiveness for the way you handled things and do whatever you can to reconcile. You don't have to renounce God's word but your family could possibly end up damned without you as their head. How well did you lead before all of this? Did you just jump head first into patriarchy and poly out of nowhere? Do whatever you can to reconcile with your wife for the souls of your children. And if she refuses, well that's on her because you've (hopefully) committed no sin against her, just hurt her feelings. Even if you were truly "apostate" the Bible says she would want to stay with you as a godly wife to bring you to Him. And if she remarried she'd be committing adultery (as I'm sure you're aware) because she abandoned you not the other way around.
I wonder how long I am to continue to be married under these circumstances. one year three forever?
Michael, there is so very much I don't know about your personal situation, but there is so much that I know only too well. The battle is colossally hard to deal with because you are in the midst of it, and the attacks are coming from multiple directions aimed straight at you. It's vicious, and worst of all, it comes mainly from those who would call themselves "Christians", brothers and sisters in Christ. They are by far the most destructive toward your marriage and family relationship. Your wife will get lots of "help" from other women in the church and other Christian friends to destroy any semblance of affection or care for you she might still have. Michael, your wife is not your enemy, she is the woman God has given you for you to love and cherish, to bring her closer to Christ, to wash and sanctify her through the washing of water by the word.

Living with you woman while she thinks you crazy and disapproves of you teaching and leading doesn't seem something Longterm I could deal with.

Step back a moment, take a deep breath and try to think through the situation you are in from the standpoint of what God has endured in His relationship with you. How long has God continued His relationship with you under those circumstances? If you are prepared to abandon the first wife He has given you when the going gets rough, why should He give you another? Be faithful in the battle He has allowed you to encounter now, and don't give anyone reason to believe the false accusations against you. Remember, No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it (1 Cor. 10:13).

Talk with Samuel, he's an awesome guy to help guide you through the mess you find yourself in.

May the God of all grace and peace grant you His peace in the turmoil of this battle. Shalom
Seems like you've got yourself quite the conundrum here my friend. Here's the thing, she's got you man. And she has your kids, and likely filling their heads with garbage (daddy's crazy, we're better off without him, etc). Kids are significantly more likely to abandon the faith if the father is out of the picture, this is your children's eternity in question (and maybe your wife's too). It may be better to drop this thing entirely, ask for forgiveness for the way you handled things and do whatever you can to reconcile. You don't have to renounce God's word but your family could possibly end up damned without you as their head. How well did you lead before all of this? Did you just jump head first into patriarchy and poly out of nowhere? Do whatever you can to reconcile with your wife for the souls of your children. And if she refuses, well that's on her because you've (hopefully) committed no sin against her, just hurt her feelings. Even if you were truly "apostate" the Bible says she would want to stay with you as a godly wife to bring you to Him. And if she remarried she'd be committing adultery (as I'm sure you're aware) because she abandoned you not the other way around.
Thanks for the encouragement to reconcile. My challenge will be loving her when she has assumed authority through the state over my children. I need to understand that she thinks im the crazy one and is acting out.