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BibFam gets the shoutout... from the pulpit! 😂😂

"nowhere does the most high say a
man can only have have one marriage"

In fact quite the opposite, for we have many instances where it indicates that a man DOES have more than one wife. Saint is trying to say that such marriage arrangements cannot exist. His argument then is with the Word of God itself. His argument is basically that God redefined marriage and then redefined it again.
You are basically calling the church "Babylon". You just cannot help yourself!
There is the Church, and there are people in churches. Not all of them are in His Church.

At some point the difference will become obvious.
There is the Church, and there are people in churches. Not all of them are in His Church.

At some point the difference will become obvious.
So yeah, we are just going to tell Pastor Saint that his church is a false church. I am sure he will accept that premise!
So yeah, we are just going to tell Pastor Saint that his church is a false church. I am sure he will accept that premise!
Shucks, we can’t even get him to accept polygyny.
You are basically calling the church "Babylon". You just cannot help yourself!
If the shoe fits...

But, actually, NO. I have a better word - and it's derived right from Jeremiah chapter 3 and Ezekiel chapter 23.

And, as for Babylon - no, again. And here's why: Babylon is a bigger system than religion alone; it's economic, political, legal, spiritual. And what AmeriKa as a whole has become is NOT 'Babylon' per se.

It's just a big part of the Greater Babylon Metro Area.
Some of these messages might not make perfect sense since I just went on a chopping spree and deleted a bunch of them that were derailing the thread into a Torah debate.

If there are any that are so out of context now that the OP would like them deleted as well please let me know.
Some of these messages might not make perfect sense since I just went on a chopping spree and deleted a bunch of them that were derailing the thread into a Torah debate.

If there are any that are so out of context now that the OP would like them deleted as well please let me know.
Thank you! Consider removing the most recent posts from myself steve and markc, starting at 10 29 AM.
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Do you think he’s on here, reading the comments?
I went back through these comments searching for the word "prison", and the only mention I see of that word, is where I quoted him accusing one of us of saying it. It leads me to think that he pulled it out of thin air (IOW he lied), knowing that his followers would never fact check him on it.
Some of these messages might not make perfect sense since I just went on a chopping spree and deleted a bunch of them that were derailing the thread into a Torah debate.

If there are any that are so out of context now that the OP would like them deleted as well please let me knkw
I went back through these comments searching for the word "prison", and the only mention I see of that word, is where I quoted him accusing one of us of saying it. It leads me to think that he pulled it out of thin air (IOW he lied), knowing that his followers would never fact check him on it.
i may have read the prison comment on one of his videos actually.
Pastor Saint seems to have given up trying to refute anything. Maybe he has realized that the Bible doesn't support his views, and has decided to ignore the issue.
I imagine it could get overwhelming. I suppose his response videos only handled the posts that had two or three lines. Once he got into the meatier posts, he realized that he had kicked a hornets' nest. I imagine he only responded to a few posts, just to be able to claim that he had responded to the criticisms, and his sheeple would think that we really didn't have much substance. None of the posts that he responded to, were posts that identified his false claims and logical fallacies.
At least FiveSolas made a concerted effort to respond to the meatier posts. His last straw that he is clutching tight to, is the Matt 19:9. He knows he has got nothing left! Destroy that argument, and the only other thing he can hold onto, is this "harmful to your wife" claim.