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Britain Is Now a Totalitarian State

From what I can discern from the news reports, those leaving are being replaced by multiples of young men from countries that openly oppose your values and traditions. Hmmm....that seems logical for those wanting to destroy your nation.

The actions of the elites seem to indicate they want to destroy the country.

As for those leaving, we are expected to loose around 9,500 millionaires this year. That puts us 2nd in the world for loosing the most millionaires. This was celebrated by the Marxists and they laugh about it.

Young people and young families leaving the country has increased. Non UK citizens who moved here years ago for business reasons are also part of the above figures for people leaving.

If you have ambition, want to better yourself in life and be an entrepreneur, the UK isn’t the place to be. It’s at the point where you can add Christian to the list.

Sadly, those staying and coming in are happy to live of state at the expense of others. But the others are starting to leave….

And that’s just the tip of the ice burg.

only 20% of the population voted for this current government, not to mention they won by default as everyone was fed up of the previous government.
Most of conservatives voted to destroy "conservative" Tory party since Tory party has implemented about 0 conservative policies.

We have the highest tax burden since the Second World War with one of the world’s most complicated tax codes. After you have been taxed you then have a high cost of living. Regulation is excessive and the way it’s going you’ll need a permit to build a sand castle.
Did you mentioned Civil Service wanting to accept EU laws even after leaving EU? Foreign state making your own laws.

Only 4% of home break in lead to prosecution and around 7% of knife crimes get a conviction. Defending yourself could land you in court if they decide you used to much force.
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The actions of the elites seem to indicate they want to destroy the country.

As for those leaving, we are expected to loose around 9,500 millionaires this year. That puts us 2nd in the world for loosing the most millionaires. This was celebrated by the Marxists and they laugh about it.
Heard Cuba has now problem feeding its population. What was response of state?

More regulations which makes is even harder to produce food for population. Which will increase emigration.

This will be natural response of UK. It's never less rules, making things easier. It's always opposite.
If you consider the fact that the goal of a certain group of people who wield great power is to reduce the Earth’s population to, I think, 500,000 or maybe 50,000, it all makes sense.
November 5 will be Guy Fawkes Day in the UK and there is some chatter that the Starmer regime is going to restrict sales of the iconic masks, ban the movie "V for Vendetta", and ban public gatherings for the event.

At this point it is just a rumor. I guess we'll see. Just wanted to make a note of it in case it happens.
November 5 will be Guy Fawkes Day in the UK and there is some chatter that the Starmer regime is going to restrict sales of the iconic masks, ban the movie "V for Vendetta", and ban public gatherings for the event.

At this point it is just a rumor. I guess we'll see. Just wanted to make a note of it in case it happens.
Have they also banned the sale of kegs of gunpowder and access to the basement of their parliament building? 🤔 🤔
November 5 will be Guy Fawkes Day in the UK and there is some chatter that the Starmer regime is going to restrict sales of the iconic masks, ban the movie "V for Vendetta", and ban public gatherings for the event.

At this point it is just a rumor. I guess we'll see. Just wanted to make a note of it in case it happens.
Hahaha! That would be a surprise! Guy Fawkes Day is practically like the fourth of July in America! There are fireworks and parties all week long! At least where I lived it was a huge deal
That sounds too much like a English cultural activity. Likely will be banned as far right ethno-nationalism
He is at number 10 office.

Hopefully everybody will have massive public gathering.

Specific segments are allowed large violent gatherings and others are not allowed to even wonder into a peaceful protest.

Frankly shocked that Rickey Kent is being held to any account for the throat cutting violence encouragement

I suspect that we may far more anger on the rise as the native population continues to be oppressed
Hahaha! That would be a surprise! Guy Fawkes Day is practically like the fourth of July in America! There are fireworks and parties all week long! At least where I lived it was a huge deal
Over in New Zealand it was big when we were children but has been gradually de-emphasised to the point of almost not existing at all now. Heavy regulations around fireworks being the primary tool for repression of the event: first ban skyrockets and just allow fireworks of less power and range, then promote going to public displays instead of having fireworks at all, then restrict fireworks sales to a few days prior to guy fawkes night, encourage the large stores to stop selling them, then ban advertising so it's hard to find where to buy them, then stop running the public events that people had been told to go to, and once fireworks advertising and public event promotions are gone then the event simply disappears from public discourse. Alongside this, import halloween from America (never was a thing when we were children) because the timing gives a substitute event at the same time, which can be heavily promoted instead.

Ultimately, the whole tradition is just erased. The same can be done in the UK quite easily, the model is proven.
Similarly for Independence Day in the US; they long ago quit teaching the true significance in the Publik Inoctrinashun Sinturs.
Ultimately, the whole tradition is just erased. The same can be done in the UK quite easily, the model is proven.
What...??? Quite easily erase the UK??? ;) By what we see portrayed in the alternative media, it looks like they are quite easily destroying the UK. It's a mess.
Over in New Zealand it was big when we were children but has been gradually de-emphasised to the point of almost not existing at all now. Heavy regulations around fireworks being the primary tool for repression of the event: first ban skyrockets and just allow fireworks of less power and range, then promote going to public displays instead of having fireworks at all, then restrict fireworks sales to a few days prior to guy fawkes night, encourage the large stores to stop selling them, then ban advertising so it's hard to find where to buy them, then stop running the public events that people had been told to go to, and once fireworks advertising and public event promotions are gone then the event simply disappears from public discourse. Alongside this, import halloween from America (never was a thing when we were children) because the timing gives a substitute event at the same time, which can be heavily promoted instead.

Ultimately, the whole tradition is just erased. The same can be done in the UK quite easily, the model is proven.

Point being cultural erasure