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Politics is what I believe I remember being the actual issue.

Re the counter points, I don't know if you are referring to those presented here on the site or if you have consumed others elsewhere or to what extent
The arguments presented here were not new, so both apply.
Re questioning authority, I sm glad to hear it. Re not being concerned with others assessment, i am not sure if you me us loons here or more broadly.
I do know that on this particular topic,
Broadly. I guess there are certain people whos assessment I need to take seriously like teachers.
in many areas one could be castigated and penalized for disagreeing the opinion of the cathedral though.
Interesting that you mentioned Cathedral since religious people can be somewhat problematic here.
Glad to see that you have not abandoned the site as a bad investment though
Oh not an issue. I do not mind controversial discussions. I just abandon certain conversations if it degrades to A is correct. No B is correct. No A is correct, No B is correct. since in the end it just becomes a time suck.

We don’t worry about sound in our home. We shouldn’t have to be quiet in our own home. It’s our home. If something is heard then it’s heard. Everyone knows what’s going on anyways.
I was replying to someone else who mentioned the noise issue.
Not that I'm willing to share publicly. Not sure if you can send private messages. Reach out that way if you want more info.
I have been able to send private messages, but now it generates an Opps something went wrong message. Oh well. Perhaps later.
What was the issue with Galileo Galilei then?
He disagreed with the existing scientific consensus. The scientists had influence on the dominant political power of the day - which just happened to be the Catholic Church - and used the political power of this body to censor Galileo and ultimately place him under house arrest.

This process is eerily similar to what is happening all around us today, to enforce scientific consensus and suppress dissent, the only difference being that the dominant political powers are now secular rather than religious. There is nothing new under the sun.
I do not know if this is a joke or not.
Regarding @Earth_is-, noting his name, you'll realise he's actually serious about NASA. That should not at all imply to you that anyone else agrees with him. :) We've all discussed this in the past and have just stopped debating it.
Broadly. I guess there are certain people whos assessment I need to take seriously like teachers.

Interesting that you mentioned Cathedral since religious people can be somewhat problematic here.

There are lots of people with credentials over and above teachers who have been questioning the vaccine

Re the cathedral...you should note a couple of points.
First I intentionally say "the cathedral" and do not capitalize. I am not referring to a building or anything to do with religion but instead a broad term for a power structure made up of government, industry, media and various non government organizations.

Second is that I am the lone herstic here in that I am not religious.
I come to my position on plural marriage from my own personal conclusion that polygamy is a good way to build a large and endearing family. One where children have more parents in a world where so many have less than in previous times. One where there are more heads and hands to turn towards dealing with problems. One where there is more companionship and frankly I simply see it as quite natural.
My own morals and notions are parallel to the group with occasional intersections and crossovers but very much my own, informed by my own ideas and my own codes and ideals.

So I don't see that the concept of Cathedrals and religion being problematic applies to me.
I am likely to be problematic in your eyes for different reasons.

All that said, the unfortunate thing about the majority of secular people who use the term poly is that they are rebranded swingers looking for hedonistic pursuits and to stoke their own overt narcissism. This is why I avoid the truncated term and prefer plural marriage to poly.
I am not what you could remotely call fond of that set. Unfortunately they seem to be vastly more common than those who are family focused regardless of their faith or lack thereof.
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Correct - but I think the general mechanism is the 'power supply' circuitry. The LEDs last a long time; I save the 'dead' bulbs for 'post-apocalypse,' and just keep a big supply on hand while they're cheap.

Yes, and a lot of the people noticing premature death of them are on the grid. Grid power is extremely dirty in some places, 2 hours ago, our voltage would fluctuate 15-20 volts in either direction throughout the day; now, out here in the sticks, it can be even worse. The fire department, 2 years ago I think, lost some very expensive equipment because of a voltage spike that also took a lot of TVs out in town and the power company flat out told the volunteer fire department, "must have been on your end, wasn't on ours".

If it has a PCB in it, it isn't going to like voltage fluctuations or spikes as the former will drastically reduce lifetime, and the latter will just outright kill stuff. If you're drawing from a battery, and that voltage is stable, they'll last a lot longer.

Heat in the LED bulbs is also an issue; most of them have horrible heat management, and they just sit there baking themselves, or they get put in a ceiling fixture or the like and bake in there.
Yes, while the sample is yet small, I believe I have seen better performance from those bulbs that have a visible external heatsink (and they run cooler to the touch.)