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corporate spokes person

Boycotts don't work when corporations no longer even CARE about "profits" - at least not those from people who buy their products. (See 'Disney') Their PC bread is buttered elsewhere in a fascist (Public-Private Partnership) state.

They 'don't care about profits' because their purpose isn't profit to begin with; this is esp. true of media companies. They are first and foremost propaganda outlets. Disney is prime example of this. They've been pushing destructive propaganda from the beginning. It's just becoming glaringly obvious now, but they were always bad. Most media companies are artificially propped up by banks, Wall Street, or corporate ad spending.

Boycotts do work however in this manner: they can financially set back our enemies while providing motivation to decouple ourselves from economic activity with our enemies.

We just have to learn that our enemies includes all corporations because they're all part of the same system.
Plus insist on real free market.

Businesses should be responsible to it's customers and owners, not activists.

The free market is dead, and has been dead for generations, and will stay dead until we outlaw publicly traded corporations, if not all corporations like it once was in this country.
The free market is dead, and has been dead for generations, and will stay dead until we outlaw publicly traded corporations, if not all corporations like it once was in this country.
Actually, publicly traded corporation drives from 11th century from boat building.

One boat was too expensive for single person, so multiple person had to invest in boat. So each investor got one share of boat ownership. Loss liability is limited to only to investment, instead of all your property.

Later this was generalized as idea.

Remember, free trade is nothing more than exchange of goods/services under no force threat. We would get something similar like publicly traded corporations because limiting investment loss is very attractive idea.
Actually, publicly traded corporation drives from 11th century from boat building.

The concept is old but in the early United States corporations were not legal except for limited public purposes for limited time periods.
Corporations aren't free trade nor free enterprise. They are a government created entity, a government privilege; and as such they put true private enterprise at a disadvantage in the market. Even worse, they hide monopolies from the public. And monopolies kill free markets.

They are essentially evil: the fiduciary responsibility to grow profit is just the economic version of 'the love of money is the root of all evil'. Making them publically traded just multiples the error as it essentially makes ownership via stocks ownership in name only. Millions have been murdered for profit by corporations and they perps walk free because 'limited liability'.
The free market is dead, and has been dead for generations, and will stay dead until we outlaw publicly traded corporations, if not all corporations like it once was in this country.
True. But there can BE NO SUCH THING as a 'free market' based on fiat: Dishonest weights and measures, aka "abomination".

The concept is old but in the early United States corporations were not legal except for limited public purposes for limited time periods.
Corporations aren't free trade nor free enterprise. They are a government created entity, a government privilege; and as such they put true private enterprise at a disadvantage in the market. Even worse, they hide monopolies from the public. And monopolies kill free markets.
Also true.

Worse, however, is that corporation are 'soul-less' creations of the State, with "unlimited lifetimes" ('you can be like god, you will not die") and which literally cannot be punished, much less held guilty of capital crimes. In what now passes for "law" they are actually called "persons," and, sad as it is, they have more 'rights' than actual people with souls created in the image of YHVH.
End times. I the Bible the tribulation no one should buy it sell unless they have the mark. The question that arises is how do believers survive 7 years if they can not purchase anything it makes me think there is another system in place secretly for the believers to survive and to eat
End times. I the Bible the tribulation no one should buy it sell unless they have the mark. The question that arises is how do believers survive 7 years if they can not purchase anything it makes me think there is another system in place secretly for the believers to survive and to eat
The question that arises is how do believers survive 7 years if they can not purchase anything it makes me think there is another system in place secretly for the believers to survive and to eat...
It is if we PUT it in place. It's called 'silver' in English, 'qesef' in Hebrew, and the same word means 'money'. Do a legal search for 'commerce' (ie, "buy or sell", for fiat) and see "how deep the rabbit hole goes." It will be called "black market" by the Tyrants, but it means "come out of her," and live.
End times. I the Bible the tribulation no one should buy it sell unless they have the mark. The question that arises is how do believers survive 7 years if they can not purchase anything it makes me think there is another system in place secretly for the believers to survive and to eat

Only if you build it.