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Dietary Laws


Real Person
Although I do not believe that we are required to follow Dietary Laws from a moral perspective, I do believe they are still valid for health purposes. Share what you know regarding the health benefits of following God's dietary laws.
One thing I forgot to mention in our "maintaining health" post -- we eat little or no pork (or other foods on the "forbidden list").. We don't do it because we "have to" (just like we don't keep any of God's instruction out of "have to" any more b/c we have a new and better convenant) -- but because it is one of the most unhealthiest things to eat. I won't give a nutrition lesson here (although it is one of my passions) -- but, you can do a search on health and eating pork and see how it can affect many areas of your health - everything from being more prone to the flu to arthritis! (You know the saying "You are what you eat"? -- Well, even though goats are known for eating strange things -- pigs are known for literally eating everything! -- like even maggots and their own excrement?!) :shock: Doesn't make it sound very delicious when you think of it that way! ;) God has given us such a wonderful variety of truly healthy foods - why put garbage in our bodies (and then expect them to work right!)

i tend to believe that what was unhealthy then is unhealthy today

shari is headed in the right direction in my book
I have often told people that back when I was an "unbeliever" and started to recognize that the Bible really WAS the Word of God --
there were three major topics that served as a "wake-up call" to me (actually, more like a 2x4 across the face ;) ). It became clear to me that "what I had HEARD it said" was not really what He Wrote.

Those three items were marriage (including the fact that monogamy is never mandated), prophecy (in particular the now-obvious "Mark"; at the time, well over ten years ago, I could already see the movement toward mandated biometric IDs and the end-run around the Bill of Rights) and what He designed as "food". Within a short period of time, I saw several 'witnesses' to the fact that "Science" was still just beginning to understand what He had told us thousands of years ago.

One in particular was a headline I still recall:
Science discovers pig DNA closest to human...which went on to say this was being offered as an explanation as to why every major pandemic was almost always the result of transmission from pork to people, as viruses jumped the "species barrier".

A while later, I recall seeing a book on food and health which noted that pork flesh contains appetizing-sounding enzymes like "putrescene" and "cadaverene", with obvious functions. (When the subject of why I don't eat swine comes up at lunch, I often tell folks, I'd be happy to explain, but perhaps we should wait until after we've finished eating. ;) )

Not long ago, I saw yet another article; this one was written by a woman who grew up on a farm, and told the story of a hog that nearly died. When the vet came out, he knew immediately what to do. It seems that pigs have a "vent hose" that runs down the inside of their legs, to above the hooves. The most disgusting effluent is exhausted from their systems (and that's saying a lot) via this route. If it gets plugged, the animal can die on its own waste build-up. The solution, of course, is to un-plug the hose, which the vet did.

Her description of what came out would be enough to convince anyone who still believes that "Jesus died on the cross so I could eat a ham sandwich" not to bother... :D

Ultimately, however, I think the bottom line is quite simple. He said if we eat the things He told us to, we would be blessed. I believe Him.
Oooookay, Mark. I'll just STAY vegetarian, thanks. The only disgusting things I have to worry about are rutabagas and brussel sprouts. Well, I'm not too fond of egg plant either. :?

Saw an article online at Fox or msnbc recently entitled, "Want to live to be 100?" or somesuch. One of it's suggestions was to become an SDA, as they have been shown to live, on average, 7-10 years longer than the general population. Why? Adherence to the dietary laws, and an emphasis on healthy overall lifestyle including vegetarianism for the last 150 years. ;)

Don't, however, look at me for an example. Afraid I've not lived up to what I was taught. *sigh* It's amazing how badly one can destroy their health with a strictly vegetarian diet consisting primarily of Dr Pepper, Mt Dew, chips, cookies, and string cheese -- for years. Oh, don't forget the jelly beans, chocolate, and occasional pizza (just to balance it all out, ya know!) :lol:

Recovery is a slow process ... :x

just curious about how you are doing in climbing out of the bastardized food cespool and into nutrition. you mentioned what you used to eat. did you go cold turkey?

amen, i moved from MN to WA in 80 and was looking forward to the bountiful seafood.
to find that everything that i lusted after was designed by God to clean up the poo-poo from the rest of the fish on the oceans bottem.....................
Yeah, don't eat things that eat poo...

Except plants, poo eating plants are good. I bought 100KG of (Composted) sheep poo for my garden because I don't mind eating poo based plants. Mmm, strawberries...
Steve asked: >>cec: just curious about how you are doing in climbing out of the bastardized food cespool and into nutrition. you mentioned what you used to eat. did you go cold turkey?

Well, to tell more or less the whole story ...

I went from a spare and muscular 165 lbs on a 6'0" frame to 315 lbs. on that "diet" from '83-'95 or so. Freaked, started doing a little better, started hovering around 290. Truth to tell, I was using diet to self-medicate for fear. Fasted under supervision for 12 days and dropped to 260. Kept it off for a while by eating according to Natural Hygiene principles, but eventually went back to caffeine use and climbed back to around 280.

Caffeine is the big problem for me. My "job" no longer really interests me most of the time, and I find it hard to concentrate on it when there are so many truly interesting things in the world yet to explore! Caffeine has seemed to help. But it is always associated for me with sugar. So ... here we are, 2009. I'm diabetic. Peripheral Neuropathy has pretty much stolen my ability to play any sort of music (keyboards and frets primarily). My endocrine system is a mess to the point that my doc won't even start hormone replacement therapy cause the blood work results are all over the board. This is a problem because other things don't work either, and that messes with the marriage! :(

Bottom line, I haven't really kicked things as yet.

Having said that, I eat and drink much less of the junk previously listed than formerly. I'm trying the "overcome-evil-with-good" approach by stuffing myself with good stuff as much as possible. It does seem to work when followed. Instead of keeping a drawer in my desk full of chips, cookies, and candy, with pop in the fridge, I've got cans of various vegetable soups, beans, nuts, vitamins, tea bags, ... and a little bit of candy (which has been around for a while now, rather than disappearing the same day). My fridge at work has carrots and salad dressing, fresh strawberries, oranges, lemons, duck sauce (for vegetarian spring rolls from a local chinese eatery), Aloe Vera juice, and a couple of bottles of Naked Superfoods. I tend to eat dinner at home with Cindy, and that typically involves veggies or a salad.

Today, I drank about 4 oz of Dr Pepper, 4 oz of a coffee/milk drink, a SlimFast Optima (Eeeewww!), 1 ltr of Bolthouse Farms Blue Goodness Smoothie, ate about a pint each of cut pineapple and cantaloupe, a couple handfuls of cashews, 6 jelly beans and 2 pieces of chocolate. Have felt good and busted my tail all day at work.

Yesterday, however, ... I drank a litre of Dr Pepper, and ate a medium pizza (mush, olives, pineapple, extra cheese) and assorted other junk. Felt awful, performed poorly, and went home a mess.

Of late, God has been trying to deal with me over my caffeine use. I'm not on a soap box proclaiming that it is an evil drug and all who use it are sinners (though come to think of it, they are -- just like everyone else! ROFL). I do, however, know that it is too often abused, and has negative health consequences when used regularly. AND that some people don't metabolize it as well r as fast as others, creating other problems.

In my case, God seems to be trying to tell me that I'm STILL using it out of fear. I thought I had that licked, but apparently not.

I've done some serious study on the benefits of a totally RAW diet, probably pretty much vegan, and the info looks pretty positive. I am finding it hard to commit to going to that extreme, even for a set period of time like 60 days, but the loss of music and other things is getting to be too much to bear. Also, considering the difference in how I feel today from yesterday, and on only 5 hours sleep, is pretty stunning!

Having talked waaaaay too long, I'll now shut up. :D (Other than to say I wanna go HOME -- to the Pacific NW!)
i really believe that genes have more to do with it than we wish to admit. i believe, barring being hit by a bus, we are born pretty much dying of what we are going to die from. if you wonder what that is, then look at your grandparents. all the women in my family died past 82 of a massive stroke, that's how i expect to go and its ok by me. i spent most of my life wishing i was something i will never be (thin). i spent all my waking hours thinking about what i was not going to eat today, and hating myself for my inability to accomplish this impossible task. i have gotten over with it and moved on with my life. i am happier and thinner, believe it or not.and the freedom from not worring about it anymore leaves me free to "think on these things." if i want it, i'll eat it. dr adkins died from slipping on ice. he could have had donuts every day and done that! if i refuse a piece of cheese cake, then die from a car wreck, i'd be soooo mad! and hungry! now the only thing about diet i am dealing with is whether or not God requires me to eat kosher. (we're still arguing about that!) as far as the rest, i'm gonna eat.
I am not bragging, merely speaking the truth. I can eat whatever I want as long as I ask Gods blessing on it. I even pray over my vitamins. :D I do not eat blood, I do not think that has changed. I do not get sick, but have been healed from a number of illnesses that have no hope for cure in the natural. Anyone who wants to know about what God has shown me regarding healing can read my teaching on the subject at http://www.perfectchristian.110mb.com/truth_about_healing.htm. I know that most people do not believe what I teach is from God, but it works so that is good enough for me. Jair can attest to that. I am also more than willing to help anyone who is willing to believe in what God has shown me to get a healing.

As for weight, we are not supposed to be too thin, it makes God look bad....

Malachi 4:2 -

2 But to you who fear My name
The Sun of Righteousness shall arise
With healing in His wings;
And you shall go out
And grow fat like stall-fed calves.
The Holy Bible, New King James Version, (Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson, Inc.) 1982.

Be blessed,

Dr. Ray
Thanks, Dr. Ray.

I've downloaded the .pdf from your site and will read it with interest.

That was an interesting observation about being too thin makes God look bad. I've wondered if sweets and dairy aren't supposed to be too good for us, then why did God describe the land of Canaan as flowing with milk and honey/ *grin*
DrRay777 said:
I am not bragging, merely speaking the truth. I can eat whatever I want as long as I ask Gods blessing on it. I even pray over my vitamins. :D

I don't disagree, Dr. Ray. We are told that we can even eat poison, and that it "will by no means harm us".

And I've said before (hopefully in a light-hearted context :) ) that I could (and, if necessary for survival, since we are to "choose life") WOULD even eat 'dog poo'.

But I don't generally want to... ;)

Blessings in Him,

Is THAT a nutritious substance, Mark? :x

This is Ali, Steve's wife, and I wrote you this no doubt profound reply :p and then somehow it got lost in cyber space. Bottom line: Steve almost died when we were on the mission field, was in bed for two years, and is now completely well. No one knew what was wrong, and we had to do a ton of research, praying and changed our lifestyle. We can help if you are interested, and you don't have to be miserable in any of it. I PROMISE that you will be able to kick your cravings if you give your body a chance. (Yer tawkin' to someone who drank almost nothin' but diet pepsi for 14 years and now can't stand it.) If you want to check out my website, it's www.aliturner.com. The site is product related,(Juice Plus) but I have info and resources that I can send you with no obligation. We are both so grateful to have our health that we love to help anyone who wants to learn a new way and find out it is actually fun.

Shalom to you and your household,
CecilW said:
Is THAT a nutritious substance, Mark? :x

Old jokes about 'buffalo chips' and 'Moose T-rd Pie' come to mind, Cecil... ;)

But, I was really only half-kidding. I have no doubt than in a survival situation, I would be thankful for WHATEVER God might provide -- and people have lived on worse. But in normal conversation, there are just some things that even Amerikans (who have proven themselves willing to eat ANYTHING* :D ) don't call "food". I have been convinced that His followers used that term (and similar translated words, like 'meat') to refer to what God had consistently told them it was.


* As an aside (and one that has been addressed on BF before, as I recall) --
aspartame (NutraSweet, et al) is just simply poison. It breaks down into methyl alchohol and formaldehydes, and has tremendous deleterious effects on neural systems, among other things. (Including obesity, because of how it fools and conditions the body.) We can, in fact, survive and eat many things. "But all things are not profitable for me..."
I find no fault with eating only certain things. I also choose not to eat chocolate covered ants, though I hear they are considered a delicacy in some locations. :D Where God has taken me in the area of healing is beyond where most Christians have gone. Why He choose to do that, I cannot say. I am just telling those interested, so that perhaps I can help them come to the place of freedom that I walk in. It requires no sacrifice of natural things or cutting out anything as far as food goes. THough I do recommend moderation in all things. You can ask Jair. Nothing on the list of the things that I told him to do in order to get his healing had anything to do with food or drink, save taking communion and that is only symbolic.

Be blessed,

Dr. Ray

BTW, Before I really understood this truth about healing, I heard Joyce Meyer say she was just wanting a diet Pepsi and that God had someone just walk up to her with one in hand having heard from God to give it to her. I was shocked because I knew all the bad things about aspartame. So I went to God and asked Him what is the deal here? He simply referred me to Mark 16:18 that if we as believers drink ANY poison that it will by NO MEANS hurt us. I was set free and now one of my favorite drinks, (in moderation) is Pepsi Max. :D
Forgive me, I don't know weather I am supporting or opposing anyone in particular.

We must understand the Law before we can partake of our Liberty, or else our Liberty will breed contempt for the Law and for God's Justice. That's what Mark is reacting against, and it happens all the time. People believe the law is void, then they believe it is faulty, and then they find fault with God. Of course it is void, as we failed it, but it is not faulty. I agree with what Ray said, with liberty we can do whatever we may without it hurting us, but what I am saying is that we should understand why it was once forbidden before we decide weather or not we want to partake. The harm of pork is quite real and documented, if a Christian understands that and how it supports the law and still chooses to eat pork, then they are working in their freedom. If a Christian does not understand it, and eats pork, and reads the Bible and is offended by it then they are in error and not under protection. I know that Crab and Shrimp are bottom feeders, and are unhealthy, but I do eat them both by choice at special occasions and do not suffer repercussions (noticeable ones at least). I avoid pork whenever I can respectably do it though, as it has a very bad effect on my body.

Like anything else we need to understand the law before we move on to liberty or else we will fall into the vicegrip most Christians are entangled in. Freedom without wisdom is only a burden, and winds up being bondage, just look at the 'free' churches long list of extra biblical prohibitions, polygamy especially.
thanx for taking the time to write all of that out. somehow i knew that there was a story there.
as a guy who used to "turbocharge" with mountain dew and snickers to accomplish 70 and 80 hour weeks i can understand. i got so toxic that i spent several years very sick and unable to sleep until about 6 am and then for only 3-3.5 hours per day.
listen to the Lord and let him lead you out of this. he loves you just the way that you are, and too much to leave you that way
Thanks Jair for that. As usual you are bringing harmony. Are you a musician? :D Well said.

The only thing I would respectfully differ on is that there is fault with the Old Testament Law of Moses for believers in Christ, (I would put quotes around the word fault, but then all those symbols would appear). We have liberty. Not liberty to sin and indulge ourselves, but liberty FROM sin and overindulgence. I too used to indulge to excess when I was a baby Christian, especially when it came to beer. I liked beer and could from time to time over indulge. Then one day God lifted the desire for beer off of me. I could not really even stand the smell of it for awhile. Gradually I could again drink about half a beer. Over time I have been able to finish one, (occasionally two if I am with people who are having a BBQ or something). What God showed me in this is that He has the power to break off addiction and bring balance, as Steve has spoken of elsewhere. The bottom line message to me in all of this is BALANCE, (thank you Steve). If I had to summarize the message of the Bible to someone on how to approach life, I would say that if one walks down the middle of the road toward God through Jesus and with the help of the Holy Spirit, turning neither to the right nor to the left, they will get into the kingdom with the least amount of suffering. In other words, we must take everything in moderation.

Gluttony is a sin because it is self indulgence. This principle can be applied to any substance that we can take into our bodies. Paul said that he had liberty in all things, but not everything is helpful or will edify. The object of the game of life in human form is to give up self. It was selfishness and self indulgence that led Lucifer into the sin of pride and caused his fall. It is this very thing that God is trying to work us through, so that we will not fall into the same trap if He grants us eternal life in His presence. When one is focused on self, then sickness and excess can come into a persons life. When one is focused on Christ and through Him others then there is no place for sickness or excess. Sickness is a wake up call that something is out of order. If a person is walking the narrow path to perfection that Jesus laid out for us in the Word, (esp. Matt. Chapters 5-7), there is little room for sickness and no room for self indulgence in the flesh. If someone truly has an addiction or struggle with sin, then they should be baptized again to break the power of that sin in their lives and pray and not go back to that sin, (Romans chapter 6). Otherwise, it is a daily walk of repeatedly doing the same things... get up, spend time with God in prayer, read/study the Word, take communion, pray over our body for health, (binding sickness and loosing healing into all body parts) and thanking God for healing daily; then spend the rest of the day hearing from God and doing His will, go to sleep, get up and repeat the process until Jesus comes back. This is walking in the Spirit and not in the flesh. There are no dietary laws in this walk, just balance and unity with God through Jesus Christ. This is what I do each day and it works. I have been through the wilderness in life where I ate only certain foods, avoided processed foods, artificial sweeteners, kept the Sabbath, etc. It was good for me at the time, but God has moved me past that and brought me into the promised land of rest in Him. I like where I am now better, but I would not advise anyone who does not believe in this to try to come here, (still a few giants around). However, anyone who wants to cross over may do so freely in Christ and I will be glad to help in any way that I can. I still stumble from time to time, but God gets me back on the right path by afflicting me in some way. But now I am sensitive to how this works and respond accordingly.

Galatians 5:13-14 - (NKJV)

13For you, brethren, have been called to liberty; only do not use liberty as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. 14For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.

Hebrews 8:7-13 - (NLT)

7 If the first covenant had been faultless, there would have been no need for a second covenant to replace it. 8 But God himself found fault with the old one when he said: The day will come, says the Lord,
when I will make a new covenant
with the people of Israel and Judah.
9 This covenant will not be like the one
I made with their ancestors
when I took them by the hand
and led them out of the land of Egypt.
They did not remain faithful to my covenant,
so I turned my back on them, says the Lord.
10 But this is the new covenant I will make
with the people of Israel on that day, says the Lord:
I will put my laws in their minds
so they will understand them,
and I will write them on their hearts
so they will obey them.
I will be their God,
and they will be my people.
11 And they will not need to teach their neighbors,
nor will they need to teach their family,
saying, You should know the Lord.
For everyone, from the least to the greatest,
will already know me.
12 And I will forgive their wrongdoings,
and I will never again remember their sins.
13 When God speaks of a new covenant, it means he has made the first one obsolete. It is now out of date and ready to be put aside.

Be blessed,

I'm not sure we actually differ. It would be faulty for us to bind ourselves to an agreement that was not made with us. The agreement itself is faultless on Gods part, but people broke it long ago and no mortal alive is bound to it. That sentiment re-iterates what you said and explains why.

And I failed to speak clearly for the rest of it, my post was working under the assumption that someone would abide by their understanding, of course gluttony and all other things are sins we should have nothing to do with. The first rule of a discussion is to clearly speak your assumptions, and I failed to do that.