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and what sin would you say goes along with the work stripshow (with scriptures)
It is one example of uncleanness that specifically involves nudity precisely as stated in Deuteronomy 24:1.

Remember that the "uncleanness" we are talking about cannot be adultery, as adultery was punishable by death. Deuteronomy 24:1-2 is a provision for divorce in the case of lesser forms of uncleanness. Precisely what those are is not stated. Because it is not outlined in detail, I interpret it to mean "anything the husband considers unclean", but with the limitation that it must have something to do with nudity / sex.

Hence this other possible example I gave, which was honestly a bad example and I shouldn't have used it because it's too debatable, but I hope you can now see my reasoning: It is "unclean" because it involves sex / nudity, and the husband disapproves of it.
why is refusal of the wife to have sex “uncleanness”
Now, I could be wrong. But how better would you define "sexual uncleanness that is less serious than adultery"?
Confused on why you think the husband who “thinks his wife is unclean” has the same lawful divorce grounds as a man who actually “finds uncleanness” in her, shouldn’t we attempt to define this?
I see those two statements as the same thing. A man who "finds uncleanness" in his wife, in reality "finds something he perceives to be unclean" in his wife, which means he "thinks his wife is unclean".
It is one example of uncleanness that specifically involves nudity precisely as stated in Deuteronomy 24:1.

Remember that the "uncleanness" we are talking about cannot be adultery, as adultery was punishable by death. Deuteronomy 24:1-2 is a provision for divorce in the case of lesser forms of uncleanness. Precisely what those are is not stated. Because it is not outlined in detail, I interpret it to mean "anything the husband considers unclean", but with the limitation that it must have something to do with nudity / sex.

Hence this other possible example I gave, which was honestly a bad example and I shouldn't have used it because it's too debatable, but I hope you can now see my reasoning: It is "unclean" because it involves sex / nudity, and the husband disapproves of it.

Now, I could be wrong. But how better would you define "sexual uncleanness that is less serious than adultery"?

I see those two statements as the same thing. A man who "finds uncleanness" in his wife, in reality "finds something he perceives to be unclean" in his wife, which means he "thinks his wife is unclean".
Interesting. In all honesty, I think erva should be translated here as indecency/improper behavior or shame (the second definition), not limited to sexual matters. But that in the same way as the second husband who “hates her” he can divorce her without sin. I do think that God hates the putting away and not divorce (as long as you aren’t unkind to a wife or divorce her because of a bad day or to gain money or hurt her, etc.)
What about all the self-help books on sexual positions etc,? How would I know about "Hey I didn't know you could do THAT!" Not everybody gets to have locker room conversations with a more experienced buddy on what to do next. So witnessing a married couple that is having sex is wrong, why if there is no coveting?
What about all the self-help books on sexual positions etc,? How would I know about "Hey I didn't know you could do THAT!" Not everybody gets to have locker room conversations with a more experienced buddy on what to do next. So witnessing a married couple that is having sex is wrong, why if there is no coveting?
You can't call sex guide book porn.

Not every nakedness of human body is bad. Although it can be drawn, not everything requires actor.
You can't call sex guide book porn.

Not every nakedness of human body is bad. Although it can be drawn, not everything requires actor.
What if they aren’t acting like Hollywood
You can't call sex guide book porn.

Not every nakedness of human body is bad. Although it can be drawn, not everything requires actor.
Stick figures should be safe, the rest are going to be on a sliding scale.
Are you saying that because Israelites were commanded NOT to marry these women, that they couldn’t disobey? Where do you get the idea that these marriages weren’t real? Do we know if the people in Ezra gave divorce certificates or not?
The Ezra incident is extremely difficult to build a teaching on. We are not told those directions came from God or how He viewed them.
This lady is almost certainly, as in there really is no room for doubt but you always have to leave a little wiggle room, a porn actress promoting her next video.
Can't find any such evidence.

Her twitter is mostly politics, it's contains no links towards something shady. Brave search found nothing.