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DOES POLYGYNY RUN COUNTER TO TODAY'S TRENDS? Or, Is It Possible That Women Simply Don't Want to Climb the Wrong Tree We're Barking Up?

Keith Martin

Seasoned Member
Real Person
I'm offering an article by John Mac Ghlionn for specific discussion. Kevin Samuels clearly doesn't agree with Mr. Ghlionn's prognosis, but the article below asserts that not only are one-man-one-woman monogamous marriages passé -- committed marriage period is on the way out among human beings. Evolutionary psychologists are supportive of polyamory -- and even provide explanations for why it will most often be exemplified by males with multiple female partners versus the reverse -- but they don't generally predict that polyamory will increasingly involve committed, much less religiously-determined, relationships.

What does this say about our organization's insistence on not only adhering to biblical principles but typically training our focus on the older portions of The Word than we do on the newer messages? What is our theological response to Mr. Ghlionn's presentation? What is our cultural response? How about our personal responses? Do we reject this article and the scholarship that informs it? Incorporate it? Or do a little of both?

Fat and Lonely

John Mac Ghlionn
Overweight man passing by healthy food

America faces a grim future as marriage rates plummet.​

In 2012, The Atlantic’s Jen Dell asked if we had entered a “post-marriage” era. A decade on, the answer appears to be most definitely yes. The marriage rate in the United States is at an all-time low. In 1990, the marriage rate was 9.8 per 1,000 people; in 2020 it had fallen to about half that figure.

According to the economist Aaron Clarey, the author of Menu: Life Without the Opposite Sex, there are many reasons for the decline in marriage, including “advances in technology, incredible economic growth,” as well as “a generous welfare state.” Additionally, the “political movement of feminism,” cannot be overlooked. Today, he argues, “men and women no longer need each other in order to survive.” This statement is supported by hard, difficult-to-digest facts. Less than a decade from now, 45 percent of women in the workforce, ages 25 to 44, will be single. Getting married, once considered the worthiest of goals, now “ranks 5th place on women’s priority list.” Number 1? Independence, a proxy for career. In modern-day America, women are far more likely to be married to their jobs than to men.

Author and “manosphere” mainstay Rollo Tomassi, who has been talking about a post-marriage America for years, believes the “one man, one woman” system is unfashionable because “the twentieth century monogamy we know today is the result of a post-agrarian social order.”

In the past, “the monogamous tradeoff for women was long-term provisioning, protection (as far as the man was capable or could afford it), and parental investment, all things conducive to sustainable futures for women and their children,” says Tomassi. But that was then, and this is now. “Today,” he adds, “we know that women find 80 percent of men ‘unattractive’ as suitable mates.” That’s true, both in a physical and an economical sense. “Socially enforced monogamy served the reproductive interests” of yesterday’s humans, but norms and incentives appear to have changed. We are now desperately trying to superimpose a twentieth century template onto a twenty-first century world which it no longer fits.

Monogamy, according to Tomassi, “was a male institution masquerading as a female institution,” because “it ensured some level of paternity and stable bonds and responsibilities to arrive at a semblance of order among males in a community.” It came with a series of compromises, all to maintain “order, security, and reduce violence among males.” At the same time, he adds, the system “provided sex (at a limited scale) to a majority of males. It was a taming of nature invented by man that most likely allowed for the rise of civilization.”

Alan J. Hawkins, the director of the School of Family Life at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, told me that America has “undergone a long process” of “deinstitutionalizing” marriage. Hawkins referenced the work of Andrew Cherlin, an academic who documented the many ways in which the “practical significance” of marriage has vanished from American society. Judging by the number of Americans willing (or unwilling) to get married today, one could argue that the symbolic significance of marriage has also vanished.

Hawkins told me that marriage is “closer now to a designer activity—setting personal parameters—rather than a highly institutionalized entity that sets the rules for its members.” This is because we, as a society, “have been changing the meaning of marriage for decades now.” Some changes, he believes, “have strengthened marriages (e.g., softer gender roles).” Although, as I have argued elsewhere, “softer gender roles” are part of the post-marriage problem. Hawkins noted that the rise in no-fault divorces and the elimination of sexual complementarianism—that is, of men and women—”as a necessary element of marriage legally” have contributed to the demise in marriage rates.

The system of marriage that our parents or grandparents knew is gone, and it’s not coming back. People are less likely to settle down, and women are less likely to settle for an average guy. Marriage has gone upscale, and become something of a luxury product, but the men that women do want—known as high value males—are in very short supply. David M. Buss, an evolutionary psychologist at the University of Texas at Austin who researches sex differences in mate selection, told me that there “are evolved sex differences in mate preferences, which combined with current cultural shifts,” have created or exacerbated “certain forms of sexual conflict.”

One key point to consider, he said, is that “women universally, in all cultures, have stronger mate preferences for men with status and resources. Since there’s been a ‘flip’ in education and higher professional degrees, with more and more women exceeding men, that means that there’s a smaller and smaller pool of men whom women consider eligible.” So, he adds, “women either wait and hope to find some man who exceeds threshold—at least as successful as they are, and preferably more so—or they opt out of the mating market; or they ’settle’ for men, and essentially ‘mate down.’ Women are typically very reluctant to do this.”
Of all the physical characteristics that matter to women, a man’s height appears to be the most important. This is true across cultures. The so-called “perfect” height is 6 feet. That’s bad news for the average American man, who stands at 5 foot 9 inches. More bad news: American men are shrinking. In 1914, American men were the third-tallest group in the world. Almost a century later, they rank 37th. American men’s height peaked a quarter of a century ago. Poorer nutrition appears to be a reason why, though immigration from Latin America and Asia is probably a likelier answer.

What will the country look like in the next few decades as these trends play out? The aforementioned Clarey, told me that, two decades from now, “marriage will be the distinct minority of relationships,” with the vast majority of “people dating in perpetuity until they’re dead.” Oh, and “your average American woman will weigh 200 pounds, and your average American man will be 265.”

Clarey believes that “the marriage industry will tank,” and “cohabitation will be the primary form of households.” Roughly “75 percent of American children will be born out of wedlock.” Those are all estimates, he added. Clarey, a methodical researcher, believes that “Americans will continue to look more slovenly.” Absent the social pressure to groom and compete for mates, “people will get fatter, dress sloppier, care less about their physique less, and end up looking like the People of Wal-Mart. We will become physically disgusting and revolting people, and by many regards we’re already there.”

He’s right. One-third of American adults are now obese. This is a parlous trend. Obese people, especially obese men, are less likely to find love, and less likely to get married. By 2030, according to researchers at Harvard’s School of Public Health, almost half the country’s adult population will be obese. This is the future awaiting the country. You have been warned. An increasing number of Americans are waddling into the abyss, alone.

John Mac Ghlionn is a researcher and essayist. Twitter @ghlionn.

This article originated at: https://americanmind.org/salvo/fat-and-lonely/
Well that’s a dystopian future almost as bleak as any prepper porn. It’s also a very likely scenario.

For us what it means though, that if true, as marriage continues to decline, there will not be an increasing pool of women willing to accept polygyny. This article suggests that women will simply remain single and take turns dating the few desirable men out there.

It’s a depressing article on several fronts.
Marriage can sink because many men don't want to get married or want to get married too late, it was the patriarchal culture that pressured men to get married.

I saw a video of some men calling their girlfriends "my wife" and they were very happy. Most women would get married at a young age if men wanted to.
Marriage can sink because many men don't want to get married or want to get married too late, it was the patriarchal culture that pressured men to get married.

I saw a video of some men calling their girlfriends "my wife" and they were very happy. Most women would get married at a young age if men wanted to.
if men don´t want to get married they are surely not the right groom. Girls and young women should marry with those who have a desire for them
Most women would get married at a young age if men wanted to.
I disagree. Many other things would have to change before that would return to being the case. These days, most women are entirely brainwashed to think they're supposed to establish careers and whore around for a decade or two before "settling down."
Maybe what it means is that if you want to be polygamous, you have to become a King David, or a Chief Abraham - be the desirable man the women flock to. Otherwise forget it. Which is possibly more historically accurate than the dream of every man who discovers this that they too might have multiple wives - yes most of the great men in Hebrews 11 were polygamous - but then again, those are the great men in Hebrews 11...

You could consider that either depressing or motivating.
You could consider that either depressing or motivating.

Probably wise words, Samuel, but it doesn't come close to inspiring me to be depressed, nor is it a worthy enough motivation to shoot for if it requires the fool's errand of trying to match King David or Abraham (he of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob fame).

Personally, I'm incapable of long-term depression. The longest short-term depression I've ever experienced was a period of a couple months in the wake of falling out of a hearse at 55mph at age 18, ending up with 1100 stitches and being dumped by one of the most perfect girlfriends in my life for how hideous I (temporarily) looked. The depression ended after I committed suicide by drinking almost two full fifths of tequila and lying down coat-less in a cemetery in the middle of a more-serious-than-average Pennsylvania snowstorm, assuming life was over as I blacked out -- only to wake up several hours later in a 2-foot-high snow grave, entirely dry. When I looked up at the sky, it was dark, but when I sat up it was broad daylight. I laid back down -- darkness. It was like a science lesson. I stood up, trudged back through the snow in my sneakers to my dormitory and walked up to my second floor room on a Sunday morning, and luckily passed not one human soul on my way there. So it was potentially but not actually embarrassing, and my predominant thought that morning was, "Only I could fuck up a suicide." But in the wake of it, I became what I am today, someone for whom being down in the dumps only has the potential to last hours even in the worst of circumstances (and you've been observer to at least one such rare scenario).

So acknowledging the partial but nonetheless brutal truths in Mr. Ghlionn's article doesn't come close to inspiring depression in me -- not even to inspiring feeling defeated. On the other hand, it does throw yet another tubful of cold water on fantasies I once had that I could easily persuade another woman to join our family.

I have other observations, but for some reason this is where I want to interject the one thing I think Ghlionn inaccurately reported. He didn't cite a source, and he really did just glibly assert it, but no data I've ever seen, nor any sustainable set of observations in real life, supports the notion that as many men are becoming obese as are women. Kevin Samuels regularly cited data that, in the last 100 years, men's average height has stayed the same at 5'9" and average weight has increased by less than 10 pounds, whereas women have gained 2 inches but put on, on average, 45 pounds, with black women averaging a 67-pound gain. All one has to do is look around to observe that obese women easily outnumber obese men -- and this gender disparity is even more striking among the morbidly obese. In 2022 America, the average woman is 5 inches shorter but 2 pounds heavier than her male counterpart. So if weight is a measure of unhappiness, it's clearly the case that women are becoming even more unhappy than are men. Thanks mostly to Kevin Samuels, this message was leaking like a sieve out into the black community in America, and I believe it reached enough critical mass to be irreversible there, no matter how much postmortem spin the black feminists put on it. That, however, may not be true among white women. White America wasn't even aware enough of Kevin Samuels to take note of his death, much less learn the lessons he boldly taught. For several decades (at least ever since Elvis first swiveled his hips) white culture has been following black trends in music, dancing, sports, and decadence -- always just a step behind in everything from turning blues into blues rock to deterioration of marriage and out-of-wedlock births. We haven't yet seen white women reach the pinnacles of clown-show-ness in clothing and hair exhibited by their black counterparts, but black America has begun to wake up. Will white America do so as well? Or will white and other non-black women continue spiraling down into a future in which they not only dress for Clown World but continue to delude themselves that 80% of them deserve monogamy with the top 10% of men. In recent months, Samuels was beating the drum -- and receiving a lot of affirmation from women in the know -- that snagging one of his vaunted high-value men required a willingness to accept that the woman would not be his only woman, so I'm assuming this is probably beginning to be a given within the black culture. I think white culture will probably eventually, as it does, follow in black culture's wake in this regard, but my suspicion is that the accurate mirror that dating sites provide is, for some time, only going to show increasing levels of women having incredibly unrealistic high expectations for what men are supposed to provide before they'll even be willing to be seen with men, much less marry them. The women may eventually come around to putting their feet back on the ground, but will that happen before society starts ripping and shredding so much at the edges that it all becomes frayed past the point of being able to be sewn back together?

Rollo Tomassi gets a lot right but isn't infallible (the same can really be said of almost every evolutionary psychologist), and what his being correct about 100% of the women considering 80% of the men unacceptable doesn't take into account is that men not only are getting so fed up with being either part of the 80% or being part of the 20% and having their fellow men be so thoroughly disrespected that what happens next is NOT going to just be determined by whom the women choose to have sex with. They will retain the power to decide who gets into their pants, but men are much more in charge of who they marry, and younger men are increasingly deciding against ever getting married, focusing instead on taking care of themselves and treating women as temporary sex objects, because getting laid at any given moment only takes manufacturing a very temporary illusion of high worth (or a line of coke, or a tab of molly), as compared to manufacturing a convincing argument for a long-term relationship. And, thus, modern feminism has eventually created a set of dynamics that the early modern feminists falsely claimed back in the 1970s was already in place: men seeing them as only useful for the purpose of sex and making babies. While endlessly spouting tropes about how patriarchy translates into misogyny, women have managed all on their own to establish dynamics that ensure that, at least for the time being, men will be too afraid to depend on women in general for much of anything else. In general, now, women can't be depended on to be respectfully cooperative, they can't be depended on to follow the lead of the men who keep the world they depend on running, and they can't be depended on to even demonstrate some baseline, foundational gratitude for all that men provide them in this world. And men have about had it up to here (insert image of a man sweeping his hand above his own head).

Government programs will forestall the immediate effects of men's increasing unwillingness to put up with women treating them like losers as they fix their pipes, build their buildings, re-pave their roads and invent the next iterations of the smartphones on which women type out their insistence on global travel and dog worship in dating profiles. But even the government programs that provide women the convenience of avoiding recognition of how thoroughly men prop up their worlds will eventually start finding themselves wanting for funding if men continue to check out of the relationship marketplace. Women can vote for politicians who will give them what they want, but as men in general get hip to how providing support for such nonsense just shoots them in the collective foot, that system will come down around all of us as well.

This is just part of what the system destroyers like Cloward & Piven, Saul Alinsky and the various globalists have wanted all along. I guess one way to respond is depression. Another is chasing one's tail to prove one is valuable enough to either marry a top 5% woman or marry a couple of bottom 25% ones. Yet another is to simply eat oneself into obesity oblivion in an unconscious strategy to decrease the term of one's inner torture. That's not where I'm taking myself, though -- not on any of those paths. But I'm a sigma, and I'm possessed of decades of personal experience and over a decade of intensive experience on dating sites to know without any doubt that the only thing keeping me from finding another wife is either (a) the fact that I already have a wife, or (b) the particular wife that I have doing her female best to sabotage any potential 2nd-wife relationship. What strikes me every time I read the above article (and that includes twice again just now) is that, if John Mac Ghlionn is correct in his assertions about the general disappearance of marriage, a great many of my married middle-aged fellow brothers seeking additional wives (and that includes y'all here at Biblical Families) are not only destined to failure when it comes to experiencing plural marriage, they are destined to a remaining-lifetime of loneliness if their current wives pass away or leave them. Because times have changed just that much. Back when we were getting married 40 or 30 or 20 or even 15 years ago, women hadn't reached the point of being so thoroughly convinced that they're all high-value creatures who deserve only the best in men and that even those men better accept being lower on the totem pole than the rescue dogs those women share a domicile with. In the 20th century, women grew up yearning for marriage, but now two generations of females have gone through the American public education system being brainwashed into thinking that marriage and motherhood rank far below career, independence and the freedom afforded by abortion. This effect has also not entirely sidestepped our own wives.

I observe this everywhere I go (other than, for the most part, among the recent immigrants from Mexico who heavily populate my environment in Fort Worth -- and that does give some cause for hope, but only up until I start noticing how their Americanized teenage daughters behave when Dad isn't looking). I must admit, though, that it most breaks my heart when I see this creeping feminism expressed overtly or covertly at Biblical Families gatherings, where I perhaps mistakenly have my highest expectations for demonstrations of male leadership, and this article makes a chill run down my spine in that regard. I know this is essentially irrelevant, but what I imagine when I read Ghlionn's writing is what it would be like for us if those who have been married for 15-35 years were alive and single right now but 40 years younger in 2022. That would mean that 4 out of 5 of us who are currently married would instead not only not be married; 80% of us would be treated by women as if we didn't even have a prayer of being worthy of a wife. I invite you, Samuel, and the rest of you reading this, to take that in and let it sink into your bones. This is the world our sons and our grandsons are struggling to break into, a world in which, as men, they will still be expected to avoid the Complete Loser tag by being productive, upstanding men of substance, but 80% of them will have to choose between having a life that revolves around chasing after pussy most of their non-working time or having a life of abject loneliness. 80% -- because statistics tell us that 80% of the birthing persons now have their children with 10% of the men, and the other 20% have theirs with the next 40%. Contemplate this reversal of statistics: again, this is from the black community, but this is where everyone else is headed as well: just 30 years ago, the average black boy lost his virginity by age 16; in 2022, 31% of black males are still virgins at age 30, and 51% of black men do not have any children and will likely never have them, not because they have lacked the desire for sex or marriage but because their women have been encouraged to see themselves as worthy of only the best.

This cannot be sustained. Staring at this abyss is where my research has led me. So please forgive me if I think we're past the time when beating around the bush about it is still justified. Men are beginning to wake up, and it really is time for us to encourage women to wake up as well. The consequences are just too damn consequential. The path of piously pretending that every woman is a Queen keeps our hands clean, but it's also a path that isn't likely to produce much of a harvest in the long run. White-knighting feminist women who baldly demean us will not translate into those women becoming submissive plural wives. The expectation that every woman should be treated with kid gloves might have been initiated with good intentions, but the evidence is that it has led to women simply feeling entitled to being universally treated as if they're all worthy of the best results without having to work for it beyond attending college at universities that are increasingly dumbed down. Despite being children of God, all women are not Queens. Many women -- just like many men -- are just slugs. And the average woman is just that: average. We have morphed into a world where women don't hesitate to label men as average, but being rated by men as average is spoken of as if it's a heinous crime. This is not a set of dynamics that will continue to inspire men to be willing to die for their country, inhabit 95% of the most dangerous occupations, invent new conveniences (that, by the way, predominantly create advantages for women) or even do most of the repairs around the neighborhood.

Am I the only one who fairly regularly observes elderly women pushing their shopping carts out of Walmart struggling mightily to remain upright and then looking like they're going to bust a gut schlepping their bags into the backs of their cars? That would have never been tolerated back when I was young -- men (especially young men) would have fallen over each other to step in to help them, but now people just walk around them without even considering offering assistance.

In the wake of Kevin Samuels's death, the following is representative of the public reaction among women. Watch the following video, and notice especially how each woman misrepresents what Kevin Samuels did in his interviews with women. They insist on saying he demeaned women in his ratings of them, but what they either consciously or unconsciously entirely avoid doing is acknowledge that what they're calling 'demeaning' is Samuels encouraging women to consider that they just might be average. Average, which means normal or in the middle. What level of cultural insanity does it represent for us to expect that everyone prop up the notion that nearly everyone is well above average? Will that eventually work some kind of magic that will somehow produce a world full of superior women? Or, in the real world, is that more likely to remove any real incentive to aspire to greatness when one can just expect to be treated as one of the greats? While the majority of women die alone with their cats and dogs after torturing their arthritic hands and limbs for years struggling with shopping carts.

I do like your frankness Keith particularly regarding "average".
I guess one way to respond is depression. Another is chasing one's tail to prove one is valuable enough to either marry a top 5% woman or marry a couple of bottom 25% ones. Yet another is to simply eat oneself into obesity oblivion in an unconscious strategy to decrease the term of one's inner torture. That's not where I'm taking myself, though -- not on any of those paths. But I'm a sigma, and I'm possessed of decades of personal experience and over a decade of intensive experience on dating sites to know without any doubt that the only thing keeping me from finding another wife is either (a) the fact that I already have a wife, or (b) the particular wife that I have doing her female best to sabotage any potential 2nd-wife relationship.
Just trying to clarify what you mean by the fourth path (other than depression, chasing one's tail or obesity). Do you mean something like "just keep being the best you you can be, trust the only issues are within the scope of your own control (e.g. your present marriage), and these are solvable, no need to be depressed."? If so I would agree as this is the way of faith, but I may have misunderstood.

Ultimately, my goal is not polygamy, my goal is to live the life God wants me to live, which in a relatively relaxed fashion I hope might include polygamy. So I too aren't striving to chase my tail or slipping into the path of depression.
Kevin Samuels regularly cited data that, in the last 100 years, men's average height has stayed the same at 5'9" and average weight has increased by less than 10 pounds, whereas women have gained 2 inches but put on, on average, 45 pounds, with black women averaging a 67-pound gain.
Which raises another point - I'd much prefer to just have the one woman I have than be married to several blue-haired screaming feminist land-whales.

On a side-note: Yours is the only attempted-suicide story I have ever read that began in a hearse and ended up out of one. :)
So many things to respond to, so little time.
I agree that men aren’t getting that much heavier. The same culture that tries to convince women that they are getting sexier as they plump it up gives a much more accurate message to men that they are closer to having a heart attack than a sexual experience. The culture still incentivizes men being fit, while decrying it as judgmental to expect it from women.
I believe that we are living in the world that Isaiah 3 describes. Things don’t change until the end of the chapter.

But we aren’t center-of-the-Bell Curve people!
Why be bothered by all of the center-of-the-Bell Curve women who aren’t available to us?
Be your best self and enjoy your life, you may run across that one outlier, or you may not. Personally, I believe that Yah takes a bit more of an active role in our lives, but I am not here to argue that point. But even He cannot overcome people’s wills.
Just trying to clarify what you mean by the fourth path (other than depression, chasing one's tail or obesity). Do you mean something like "just keep being the best you you can be, trust the only issues are within the scope of your own control (e.g. your present marriage), and these are solvable, no need to be depressed."? If so I would agree as this is the way of faith, but I may have misunderstood.
Sounds like you've found your perfect fourth path, Samuel, but I wasn't suggesting just one other path or that there's just four paths. I'm just personally rejecting those first three paths, all of which are alluded to in the article (to me, for example, obesity is just suicide by cowardice). I'm relatively certain, though, that the potential transcendental paths in response to cultural rot are multitudinous.

I will also suggest that it's important to keep one's focus on the primary problems. Just as we as a group recognize the existence and omnipotence of Yah (no matter what Name we have for Him) and further recognize the role of His Son Yeshua's Resurrection in saving us from our sins and know that those things trump many of our other sectarian theological disagreements, it's imperative for effectiveness' and efficacy's sake to accurately define the main obstacles to cultural and familial survival. To me, one of the biggest tells that something isn't the heart of the matter is when the mainstream media seems to be purposefully working us all up into a lather about a particular hot-button controversy: that means it's definitely a distraction (currently, a mass shooting, but everything from gay marriage to transphobia to GMOs and even in some cases abortion are the issues du jour that remove our focus from the larger efforts to entirely destroy humanity as we know it -- as opposed to how those who would rule us would see it).
Which raises another point - I'd much prefer to just have the one woman I have than be married to several blue-haired screaming feminist land-whales.
I was many decades ago married to a blonde-haired screaming feminist sociopathic land-wraith, and I can verify that it's the opposite of desirable.
On a side-note: Yours is the only attempted-suicide story I have ever read that began in a hearse and ended up out of one. :)
You made me laugh! And, just to clarify, there was nothing attempted about it. I had already fallen out of a hearse going 55mph and been declared brain dead, so living through what should have been fatal alcohol poisoning and hypothermia led me to wondering if I wasn't invincible. I've never shared with my parents about the suicidal behavior, but the rest of the recklessness in my life leaving me without any broken bones regularly prompted my mother to declare that God must have some purpose for me that I hadn't yet fulfilled. I long wondered what that might be, but, now that my daughter Naomi exists (and those of you who have met her probably have some idea of why she would qualify as a sufficient purpose), I do proceed with much more caution, because I don't want to frivolously test that whole invincibility thing given that Kristin and I already brought Naomi into the world!
Why be bothered by all of the center-of-the-Bell Curve women who aren’t available to us?
Amen, Zen Trucker.
Probably wise words, Samuel, but it doesn't come close to inspiring me to be depressed, nor is it a worthy enough motivation to shoot for if it requires the fool's errand of trying to match King David or Abraham (he of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob fame).

Personally, I'm incapable of long-term depression. The longest short-term depression I've ever experienced was a period of a couple months in the wake of falling out of a hearse at 55mph at age 18, ending up with 1100 stitches and being dumped by one of the most perfect girlfriends in my life for how hideous I (temporarily) looked. The depression ended after I committed suicide by drinking almost two full fifths of tequila and lying down coat-less in a cemetery in the middle of a more-serious-than-average Pennsylvania snowstorm, assuming life was over as I blacked out -- only to wake up several hours later in a 2-foot-high snow grave, entirely dry. When I looked up at the sky, it was dark, but when I sat up it was broad daylight. I laid back down -- darkness. It was like a science lesson. I stood up, trudged back through the snow in my sneakers to my dormitory and walked up to my second floor room on a Sunday morning, and luckily passed not one human soul on my way there. So it was potentially but not actually embarrassing, and my predominant thought that morning was, "Only I could fuck up a suicide." But in the wake of it, I became what I am today, someone for whom being down in the dumps only has the potential to last hours even in the worst of circumstances (and you've been observer to at least one such rare scenario).

So acknowledging the partial but nonetheless brutal truths in Mr. Ghlionn's article doesn't come close to inspiring depression in me -- not even to inspiring feeling defeated. On the other hand, it does throw yet another tubful of cold water on fantasies I once had that I could easily persuade another woman to join our family.

I have other observations, but for some reason this is where I want to interject the one thing I think Ghlionn inaccurately reported. He didn't cite a source, and he really did just glibly assert it, but no data I've ever seen, nor any sustainable set of observations in real life, supports the notion that as many men are becoming obese as are women. Kevin Samuels regularly cited data that, in the last 100 years, men's average height has stayed the same at 5'9" and average weight has increased by less than 10 pounds, whereas women have gained 2 inches but put on, on average, 45 pounds, with black women averaging a 67-pound gain. All one has to do is look around to observe that obese women easily outnumber obese men -- and this gender disparity is even more striking among the morbidly obese. In 2022 America, the average woman is 5 inches shorter but 2 pounds heavier than her male counterpart. So if weight is a measure of unhappiness, it's clearly the case that women are becoming even more unhappy than are men. Thanks mostly to Kevin Samuels, this message was leaking like a sieve out into the black community in America, and I believe it reached enough critical mass to be irreversible there, no matter how much postmortem spin the black feminists put on it. That, however, may not be true among white women. White America wasn't even aware enough of Kevin Samuels to take note of his death, much less learn the lessons he boldly taught. For several decades (at least ever since Elvis first swiveled his hips) white culture has been following black trends in music, dancing, sports, and decadence -- always just a step behind in everything from turning blues into blues rock to deterioration of marriage and out-of-wedlock births. We haven't yet seen white women reach the pinnacles of clown-show-ness in clothing and hair exhibited by their black counterparts, but black America has begun to wake up. Will white America do so as well? Or will white and other non-black women continue spiraling down into a future in which they not only dress for Clown World but continue to delude themselves that 80% of them deserve monogamy with the top 10% of men. In recent months, Samuels was beating the drum -- and receiving a lot of affirmation from women in the know -- that snagging one of his vaunted high-value men required a willingness to accept that the woman would not be his only woman, so I'm assuming this is probably beginning to be a given within the black culture. I think white culture will probably eventually, as it does, follow in black culture's wake in this regard, but my suspicion is that the accurate mirror that dating sites provide is, for some time, only going to show increasing levels of women having incredibly unrealistic high expectations for what men are supposed to provide before they'll even be willing to be seen with men, much less marry them. The women may eventually come around to putting their feet back on the ground, but will that happen before society starts ripping and shredding so much at the edges that it all becomes frayed past the point of being able to be sewn back together?

Rollo Tomassi gets a lot right but isn't infallible (the same can really be said of almost every evolutionary psychologist), and what his being correct about 100% of the women considering 80% of the men unacceptable doesn't take into account is that men not only are getting so fed up with being either part of the 80% or being part of the 20% and having their fellow men be so thoroughly disrespected that what happens next is NOT going to just be determined by whom the women choose to have sex with. They will retain the power to decide who gets into their pants, but men are much more in charge of who they marry, and younger men are increasingly deciding against ever getting married, focusing instead on taking care of themselves and treating women as temporary sex objects, because getting laid at any given moment only takes manufacturing a very temporary illusion of high worth (or a line of coke, or a tab of molly), as compared to manufacturing a convincing argument for a long-term relationship. And, thus, modern feminism has eventually created a set of dynamics that the early modern feminists falsely claimed back in the 1970s was already in place: men seeing them as only useful for the purpose of sex and making babies. While endlessly spouting tropes about how patriarchy translates into misogyny, women have managed all on their own to establish dynamics that ensure that, at least for the time being, men will be too afraid to depend on women in general for much of anything else. In general, now, women can't be depended on to be respectfully cooperative, they can't be depended on to follow the lead of the men who keep the world they depend on running, and they can't be depended on to even demonstrate some baseline, foundational gratitude for all that men provide them in this world. And men have about had it up to here (insert image of a man sweeping his hand above his own head).

Government programs will forestall the immediate effects of men's increasing unwillingness to put up with women treating them like losers as they fix their pipes, build their buildings, re-pave their roads and invent the next iterations of the smartphones on which women type out their insistence on global travel and dog worship in dating profiles. But even the government programs that provide women the convenience of avoiding recognition of how thoroughly men prop up their worlds will eventually start finding themselves wanting for funding if men continue to check out of the relationship marketplace. Women can vote for politicians who will give them what they want, but as men in general get hip to how providing support for such nonsense just shoots them in the collective foot, that system will come down around all of us as well.

This is just part of what the system destroyers like Cloward & Piven, Saul Alinsky and the various globalists have wanted all along. I guess one way to respond is depression. Another is chasing one's tail to prove one is valuable enough to either marry a top 5% woman or marry a couple of bottom 25% ones. Yet another is to simply eat oneself into obesity oblivion in an unconscious strategy to decrease the term of one's inner torture. That's not where I'm taking myself, though -- not on any of those paths. But I'm a sigma, and I'm possessed of decades of personal experience and over a decade of intensive experience on dating sites to know without any doubt that the only thing keeping me from finding another wife is either (a) the fact that I already have a wife, or (b) the particular wife that I have doing her female best to sabotage any potential 2nd-wife relationship. What strikes me every time I read the above article (and that includes twice again just now) is that, if John Mac Ghlionn is correct in his assertions about the general disappearance of marriage, a great many of my married middle-aged fellow brothers seeking additional wives (and that includes y'all here at Biblical Families) are not only destined to failure when it comes to experiencing plural marriage, they are destined to a remaining-lifetime of loneliness if their current wives pass away or leave them. Because times have changed just that much. Back when we were getting married 40 or 30 or 20 or even 15 years ago, women hadn't reached the point of being so thoroughly convinced that they're all high-value creatures who deserve only the best in men and that even those men better accept being lower on the totem pole than the rescue dogs those women share a domicile with. In the 20th century, women grew up yearning for marriage, but now two generations of females have gone through the American public education system being brainwashed into thinking that marriage and motherhood rank far below career, independence and the freedom afforded by abortion. This effect has also not entirely sidestepped our own wives.

I observe this everywhere I go (other than, for the most part, among the recent immigrants from Mexico who heavily populate my environment in Fort Worth -- and that does give some cause for hope, but only up until I start noticing how their Americanized teenage daughters behave when Dad isn't looking). I must admit, though, that it most breaks my heart when I see this creeping feminism expressed overtly or covertly at Biblical Families gatherings, where I perhaps mistakenly have my highest expectations for demonstrations of male leadership, and this article makes a chill run down my spine in that regard. I know this is essentially irrelevant, but what I imagine when I read Ghlionn's writing is what it would be like for us if those who have been married for 15-35 years were alive and single right now but 40 years younger in 2022. That would mean that 4 out of 5 of us who are currently married would instead not only not be married; 80% of us would be treated by women as if we didn't even have a prayer of being worthy of a wife. I invite you, Samuel, and the rest of you reading this, to take that in and let it sink into your bones. This is the world our sons and our grandsons are struggling to break into, a world in which, as men, they will still be expected to avoid the Complete Loser tag by being productive, upstanding men of substance, but 80% of them will have to choose between having a life that revolves around chasing after pussy most of their non-working time or having a life of abject loneliness. 80% -- because statistics tell us that 80% of the birthing persons now have their children with 10% of the men, and the other 20% have theirs with the next 40%. Contemplate this reversal of statistics: again, this is from the black community, but this is where everyone else is headed as well: just 30 years ago, the average black boy lost his virginity by age 16; in 2022, 31% of black males are still virgins at age 30, and 51% of black men do not have any children and will likely never have them, not because they have lacked the desire for sex or marriage but because their women have been encouraged to see themselves as worthy of only the best.

This cannot be sustained. Staring at this abyss is where my research has led me. So please forgive me if I think we're past the time when beating around the bush about it is still justified. Men are beginning to wake up, and it really is time for us to encourage women to wake up as well. The consequences are just too damn consequential. The path of piously pretending that every woman is a Queen keeps our hands clean, but it's also a path that isn't likely to produce much of a harvest in the long run. White-knighting feminist women who baldly demean us will not translate into those women becoming submissive plural wives. The expectation that every woman should be treated with kid gloves might have been initiated with good intentions, but the evidence is that it has led to women simply feeling entitled to being universally treated as if they're all worthy of the best results without having to work for it beyond attending college at universities that are increasingly dumbed down. Despite being children of God, all women are not Queens. Many women -- just like many men -- are just slugs. And the average woman is just that: average. We have morphed into a world where women don't hesitate to label men as average, but being rated by men as average is spoken of as if it's a heinous crime. This is not a set of dynamics that will continue to inspire men to be willing to die for their country, inhabit 95% of the most dangerous occupations, invent new conveniences (that, by the way, predominantly create advantages for women) or even do most of the repairs around the neighborhood.

Am I the only one who fairly regularly observes elderly women pushing their shopping carts out of Walmart struggling mightily to remain upright and then looking like they're going to bust a gut schlepping their bags into the backs of their cars? That would have never been tolerated back when I was young -- men (especially young men) would have fallen over each other to step in to help them, but now people just walk around them without even considering offering assistance.

In the wake of Kevin Samuels's death, the following is representative of the public reaction among women. Watch the following video, and notice especially how each woman misrepresents what Kevin Samuels did in his interviews with women. They insist on saying he demeaned women in his ratings of them, but what they either consciously or unconsciously entirely avoid doing is acknowledge that what they're calling 'demeaning' is Samuels encouraging women to consider that they just might be average. Average, which means normal or in the middle. What level of cultural insanity does it represent for us to expect that everyone prop up the notion that nearly everyone is well above average? Will that eventually work some kind of magic that will somehow produce a world full of superior women? Or, in the real world, is that more likely to remove any real incentive to aspire to greatness when one can just expect to be treated as one of the greats? While the majority of women die alone with their cats and dogs after torturing their arthritic hands and limbs for years struggling with shopping carts.

Wow! I didn't know that Kevin Samuels had died. That is a great loss. Truth tellers are few and far between, and Mr Samuels had some great insights.

Keith, your claim to be a Sigma is called into question by the length of your posts. According to Vox Day who introduced the expanded male social sexual heirarchy, Gammas are well known for making very lengthy posts.😉. Furthermore, Gammas are pretty common and Sigmas pretty rare.

I'm just messing with you. I'm not at all surprised at you being a Sigma. I'm probably just a Delta, like most guys.

As a Delta, apart from the Almighty intervening, the likelihood of me ever getting a second wife are pretty darn low. Fortunately, I do believe that the Almighty does intervene in the affairs of men (but have no guarantee that He will for me in this matter). That's alright. He knows best.
The expectation that every woman should be treated with kid gloves might have been initiated with good intentions, but the evidence is that it has led to women simply feeling entitled to being universally treated as if they're all worthy of the best results without having to work for it beyond attending college at universities that are increasingly dumbed down. Despite being children of God, all women are not Queens. Many women -- just like many men -- are just slugs. And the average woman is just that: average.

Well said. And next time I’m in Fort Worth we need to get coffee.
Pendulum has swing very hard in equality direction. What will happen when it swings back?
An excellent question.
You’ve thought about it more than I have, what do you see coming?
An excellent question.
You’ve thought about it more than I have, what do you see coming?
US culture will go hard right in this decade. Perhaps enough to destroy feminism and equality. I did see some people calling for repealling women's rights to vote.

All above will open path for polygyny. Or least official wife with kids plus nobody judges/comments/is suprised when high status man "accidentaly" was child with long term lover.
@Proverbs3.5 showed me after the retreat that a bill going through Congress right now has provisions in it to legalize polygamy -- along with, of course, transgenderism, all other alternative relationship structures, etc.