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Filipino Women - Filipinas



Filipinas make up a plurality of the foreign women that American men are interested in and they make up an even larger portion of the women who Americans consider for plural marriage.
Rather than take up threads that are more general in nature. It makes sense to have a specific thread for this topic. I personally believe I became involved with the Philippines because God willed it. I applied for entrance to the University of Washington and they sent me back a rejection letter because I didn't have enough foreign language credits. I thought I did. They didn't. So I artfully crafted a letter, after a little research, stating that I wanted to study Tagalog as the foreign language but in order to do that I'd have to go to San Francisco which was the closest school other than the University of Washington that taught Tagalog. So I asked if they could let me study there contingent upon my completing the language requirements within two semesters. Whether they let me in because they needed an excuse to pass through the son of an alumni or whether they bought my story or whether this was God's will, they let me in so long as I took at least two semesters of Tagalog. I think I ended up taking five semesters. After the first two semesters during which my Filipino classmates told me how wonderful the Philippines was I determined to go there. I bought my ticket for a two month visit. When I announced it to the class my teacher was happy but all of my classmates said, "Oh no, you don't want to go there. You'll hate it!" And I did hate it. So I went back four years later to face what I did not like and to go to college there. It seems that the alienation that I carried with me made me the perfect candidate for living in a place where I understood no one and no one understood me. I'd lived through living the sixties. Ten of my friends hadn't been so lucky as self destruction and Volkswagen accidents took their toll. Yes, three of them died in bugs. The Philippines was at least an entertaining learning experience and what is so amazing is that the older I've gotten, the more fun I have experienced in this country. So here I am surrounded by women who are friendly and welcoming so let's talk about them. I'm interested in discussing their good qualities because there's nothing you can do about the bad qualities except ignore them or distance yourself from them and I'm not perfect either.
Ok, the first thing I'd recommend you keep in mind is that Filipinas, like women in every other place on this planet, are sinners who need to hear the truth of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. Most are quite religious but very few have any understanding of the Bible.
There are wonderful opportunities to evangelize and teach Filipinas anywhere you go and most will chat freely with you about biblical matters.
It's easy to make friends here and provided you aren't a social misfit, people seem to be open and polite to communicate with. If you go to places where there haven't been a lot of foreigners, it's better coz the Filipinas haven't been put off by the dumb things some foreigner guys do. Just saying... .
You speak English differently than they speak English. Your words put together mean something different to them than they mean to an American.

There are things foreigners say that are completely unfilipino but that take place every day in America.

"I hope you don't think..." The problem with this is that the Filipino will "think" you are accusing them of the very thing you're saying you hope they don't think.
You say: "I hope you don't think I'm just here to eat all I can."
They think: "He's saying that I think he's here just to eat all I can?"
You say: "I hope you won't think I'm rude."
They think: "The nerve of that guy, saying I think he's rude."

You get my point. Another thing is concerning surmising. Don't ever guess what might have happened in a situation out loud or the next person who talks about that situation might use your words as if they really happened like this.

You say: "I wonder if a competitor had him shot"
They say that afternoon or the next day. "I heard a competitor had him shot."

It's not like in grade school where they did the gossip test with one person saying something in the next person's ear and then finding out what the last person said. The Filipino heard you clearly say, "I wonder.." I think most of them know the meaning of the word "wonder" but apparently it has alternate ways of being perceived because they have a habit of taking the last thing they heard surmised from a trusted friend about an event as gospel. This is a language and perception thing. There's nothing you can do to change it so just follow the rules about your wording. It's probably good not to surmise if in any way it has a chance of touching you personally which brings up the next topic.

Filipinos know everything that happens everywhere. You will be discovered.

When you made a trip to visit Analyn, somebody was someone's cousin who was visiting someone else's cousin in the the house of someone else's cousin. So a cousin walks up to you where you're out gallivanting around and says, "Are you the guy that visited Analyn two weeks ago in Antipolo?" What! You went there by yourself and you were there for one hour . It's amazing. The Filipinos don't need texting but they did text rapidly and for years before it ever became a trend in the U.S. Gossip on steroids. And if a Filipino read this post the key word would be "Analyn" and they'd think Analyn was someone involved with me even though it's just an example name. In fact, the first reply might be. "Who's Analyn."

Superstitions. Lots of them.
Ok, the first thing I'd recommend you keep in mind is that Filipinas, like women in every other place on this planet, are sinners who need to hear the truth of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. Most are quite religious but very few have any understanding of the Bible.
Finding out if a woman is even capable of reading through Genesis with you is a good way to find out whether they will be able to live their life with you in submission because if they don't care about God's Word as you do then how will they care about anything else in your life. I consider reading the Bible through a few chapters in the Bible with a girl to be "getting to first base" not kissing. By the way, is "getting to first base" ever used today?
What was my initial reason for being attracted to Filipinas? The ones that were actually raised in the Philippines didn't give up on me. They pursued me. Yes, American women were doing that too but they gave up too soon. The Filipinas were more tenacious. Once they've decided that you're "the one" as they call it. They persist through your moods and it's a very wonderful experience. The problem is, as Frederick and I have stated, is they must share your faith.

Luke 16:26 And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence.

There are walking dead who like Lazarus are separated from us and no matter how many words they share or verses they read they still don't live their lives for Christ. Polygamy does not save any more than matriarchy saves. I'm speaking to the choir BUT there are really really hot, on fire hot babes here! Watch out! They'll love you, adore you, they may even be virgins, they're full of life! But if they are not full of God's Spirit through Christ, watch out. It is a pagan bondage that you will fall into.
My experiences with Filipinas were entirely within the confines of women who had married and or divorced Marines but stayed around the bases. They were not considered to be excellent wife material but then we probably weren't really good judges of that anyway.
I kind of have to bite my tongue because it's very difficult to discuss types of Filipinas without objectifying them. I know my type and that's good enough for me. Everyone has to follow their own path because the way of a man with his maid as the wise King Solomon said is not to be comprehended. And if a guy happens upon a girl who is a little different, what do you know, he's acquired a new taste. Talk about objectification!
Finding out if a woman is even capable of reading through Genesis with you is a good way to find out whether they will be able to live their life with you in submission because if they don't care about God's Word as you do then how will they care about anything else in your life. I consider reading the Bible through a few chapters in the Bible with a girl to be "getting to first base" not kissing.

Can you expound on that a little?
Can you expound on that a little?
I have no problem "expounding" as anyone here can testify but I thought that was a complete thought. What specifically didn't come through clearly?
I have no problem "expounding" as anyone here can testify but I thought that was a complete thought. What specifically didn't come through clearly?

On second thought you're right. I see it now.
When you take a woman in the Philippines as your bride you will have an increased expense from $100 to $1000 or more per month to her family. If you think you can get away without paying this then you better search for a bride from another country or go to the orphanage. Problem is, many in the orphanage have living parents and family who will expect a return from having provided such a beautiful relative to a foreigner. I mean nothing bad by this. It's just the way it is. It is an understandable amount to send to her family considering the poverty in that nation. This brings up an important aspect of your search. Watch out for any woman whose family system resembles bondage. You've got to be at the center of her life after Jesus. If one of her relatives has paid for a lot of her college then you better make it a point to pay all that money that was paid for her college back plus interest plus even more by the day you take her as your bride and a dowry to the father to boot. If your bride gets a job in the U.S. then expect her to want to send half of her money back home. If you've paid everyone involved for their contribution to your bride's education etc. then you will more easily be able to persuade her that sending forever is an unreasonable expectation and that you'd like to save for your own families future and safety.
Utang na loob.
Debt within.
A Filipino custom that can put a recipient of financial assistance in emotional debt to them forever. This goes far far beyond a debt of gratitude. It's part of their psyche. Again, I mean nothing bad by this. It's just the way it is but Filipinas are such gems they're worth what is required to have one for a bride.
If you think you can get away without paying this then you better search for a bride from another country or go to the orphanage.
Not wishing to contradict what is generally true here but it is possible to make a significant difference to your wife's/wives' financial situation(s) by dealing with the endemic corruption. Overcoming the fraud and or theft which affects so much of their income/outgoings can transform the quality of life for the household. I won't get into my personal specifics, but I can tell you it's incredible the difference that can be made. And the benefits are obvious. ;) :)
Go at it and may it happen. I'm serious. I hate to see people having a hard time. I first came here in 1979 and corruption was exactly what I saw. I saw it again in 1983-84. Aquino gets in. Still corruption. Again in 1987, still the same. Then 1990, then 1995, 1997, 1998, again 1999, etc. etc. I WANT the Philippines to be blessed. I hope and pray but I just don't see it. Every country in this area of the world has passed the Philippines or made except for I think Cambodia and Laos.

There is even something in this country called "smart shaming!" Imagine, as part of their culture, they shame people who have answers. Oh, aren't you so smart mister. Maybe you ought to be president. I mean it is one sick and weird culture when it comes to progress so when you raise your kids here make sure they are taught well by your example that anything is possible.

And if the economic lack of progress weren't enough of a burden the U.N. got their feminist president back in 2004 to pass:
Republic Act 9262
Anti-Violence Against Women and Their Children Act of 2004

That removed all power from the father over his minor daughter's activities. No more shotgun weddings. This is why there are "single mothers" wall to wall! I've never been to a place with so many "single mothers." As in all places, they say it like it's a badge of honor but it's primarily the fault of a messed up law. Before the law, a father could give the man who he found with his minor daughter a choice. Marry her or go to jail. The penalty is so stiff that the man would marry her. Now, the penalty for being with a minor is zero if the man is within ten years of her age and if the age spread is larger he goes to jail, no choice. Because of this, none of them go to jail because they just pay off the father and the minor has no husband even though in many cases the woman would have wanted that man for a husband. Let's say he's 21 and she's 17. By law they cannot marry, not by any order of anyone, no judge no signature, nothing. It has destroyed the dignity of the Philippine women. For what? U.N. population control. And did it work? Hah! You think Filipinos are in a hurry to abort? It's certainly not as common in the Philippines as the butchers of America.

Again, if that weren't enough. The Republic Act 9262 makes it so that you can be prosecuted for making a woman you're involved with cry! Seriously!

Now I guess we've scared everyone away from visiting here. RA9262 was also tested by the Supreme Court because it treated men differently from women and you know what the judges said? They said there's no evidence that women are violent toward their husbands. Really? Well I guess you better let all the women who dropped stones on their husbands' heads or knifed them or shot them out of prison because how could they be guilty! Listen to an attorney on youtube discussing RA9262 and it will make your skin crawl. He's looking for lady clients to prosecute and sue their husbands for making them cry. Even girlfriends! Huhuhu, he said he's breaking up with me. His tone was so abusive. This is not a joke. Satan is at work in the laws of the world and it begins with every law that claims to protect women.
Not wishing to contradict what is generally true here but it is possible to make a significant difference to your wife's/wives' financial situation(s) by dealing with the endemic corruption. Overcoming the fraud and or theft which affects so much of their income/outgoings can transform the quality of life for the household. I won't get into my personal specifics, but I can tell you it's incredible the difference that can be made. And the benefits are obvious. ;) :)
Nobody's perception of the Philippines is the same. It's not a country you can "size up" so I welcome contradictions big and small. It will give those reading this thread an idea from as many perspectives as possible.