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Friggin clown world


Seasoned Member
Real Person
I like watching speedruns of video games. I know I just lost most of you right there, but for those of you who are left: Hear my pain.

I love watching someone just absolutely wreck a game I poured out my childhood on in minutes flat and every once in a while I check back to see if anyone's broken an old game in a new way. So I check back at this place and see that there's this woman's only event called Frame Fatales. Which obviously is a bit of an eye roll for me because I don't see the point, the regular events include men and women runners and it's not even a competition and no-one's going for a record: they're really only showcasing stupid fast runs for video games. Anyone with no life could do it. But whatever, they wanna have a women's only event to showcase the ladies of the speedrunning world and i wanna see someone wreck a game and I'm not really picky about who.


20 seconds in and it's apparent that both the runner and the commentator are men who think all it takes to be a female are falsettos, wigs, and a lisp. This all women's event is made up roughly 50/50 of females and men who wish they were women really hard. And now I'm just irritated because all I wanted to do is nerd out for a minute but no. Literal Sodom needs to jump in waving flags to remind me that gender is just like, your opinion man. And I'm not gonna enjoy watching a run with some dude tee-heeing his way through commentary the whole way.

I have standards. They are low, but they exist.
I felt this in my soul. My husband and I were discussing the "fortnite" syndrome today, too. It's rough to watch. Gotta admit....that's pretty horrifying.
I'm with @Rebecca . I'm not a gamer... personally see it as a monumental waste of time. BUT, that being said, I definitely hear your pain and the total absurdity our society and culture us becoming. It's a sick circus!

Already, we are seeing males crashing into female sports... gonna accelerate until judgment becomes an absolute must.
It’s painful to have normality destroyed, but it would be even more painful to be forced to live with the dichotomy of having to accept transgenderism that didn’t have consequences.

Transgenderism is the problem, men doing women’s sports is simply the natural result. I feel sorry for the girls, but bring on the bearded 250 pound 6 year old ballerinas. Let’s showcase the absurdity of the pc idjits.

But then there is @ZecAustin with his gold paint and glitter and I am suddenly conflicted.
Well @Slumberfreeze, I can relate to your consternation, but not really the dissapointment. (Not a gamer)

I guess women only anything draws the fem wannabees who probably love the idea of being able to flaunt what they ain't got!

I quit attending church after years of hollow and disappointing experiences and people.

Maybe its time to find some new hobbies?

TV, movies, video games and even books are all imho an escape from or alternative to reality. The trouble I always had with them in excess (and yes, I was a weird teen who analyzed myself and the effect things had on me) is that sonetimes I'd do that when I was procrastinating something else. Thenwhen the movie is over, or I'd finish the book, whatever it was I was avoiding ...was still there.
Eventually I just opted for more real living that gives me a better tomorrow.

This forum is now my major weakness.
So let me get this straight: you are watching video game replay videos on the net and in a "women's only" event half of the women are ex-men?

I feel sorry for the girls high school athletes who are forced to compete against ex-boys and end up losing state championships and scholarships, etc. Totally unfair and misses the point about why the sexes are segregated in sports at all.
I could always go back to my first love, the great and unrivaled parlor game that is Dungeons and Dragons!
You might try a card game called nurts.
I grew up playing it with sisters and cousins. It can get fast....and competitive.
You can learn it online....but real cards are the BEST!
I could always go back to my first love, the great and unrivaled parlor game that is Dungeons and Dragons!
This explains a lot about you. I should have know you were a D and D guy.:D
Well, I'm supposed to go camping sometime soon. Maybe I'll learn to play and take some cards out with me.
Gin is slow...but might work better then nurts around a campfire.
I grew up playing something called Gin Rummy... Some of my favorite memories. :)
I like gin because it's the one card game my hubby will play with me. For years we have enjoyed playing by the fire on winter evenings....after the kids are in bed....sipping a cup of some hot drink.
What is almost strange is how many times (more then once many days) the card the winner discards is the one needed to complete the other's hand.
The other fun memory was the time I shuffled, dealt, and hubby picked up his hand, put down the extra card and said "Gin." That has only happened once.

Nurts is the game of my childhood, and we invented new ways to play it when we got bored.
Backwards, = kings play like aces.
Red suits mixed, black suits mixed.
Any suit played as long as the number is in sequence.
My personal favorite was musical nurts.
This version (and we did varying levels of complexity) made everyone put their cards down and move places, playing someone else's hand at a prescribed point....like whenever someone played an ace of hearts. It became an excersize in memory when we assigned different directions to move, and number of spaces to move, to each suit's aces.

We used to just love finding others that already knew how to play.

I play now with my kids whenever blue moons land on stormy winter days.
:) ;)
I feel sorry for the girls high school athletes

I don't. Athletics was for the most part a male pursuit. Title 9 destroyed boys athletics across the nation; leaving us with a paltry subset of programs and a bunch of girls trying to be boys. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. They wanted equality, now they got it.

TV, movies, video games and even books are all imho an escape from or alternative to reality

Everything in moderation. Self control is the key.

The great part about board and card games is they are social activities. Much more benefitial experience than video games.
The great part about board and card games is they are social activities. Much more benefitial experience than video games.
That's what my hubby always said too.
I like watching speedruns of video games.
Have you seen the video of the guy that beats Skyrim in under half an hour, while still at level 1? A truly impressive collection of exploits and glitches. Although, speaking of literal Sodom, one such exploit involves reading the Elder Scroll while at your wedding, and the closest (thus, quickest) eligible NPC to the temple to whom you can propose just happens to be male, and the player's character was also male, so... yeah. (though, technically, reading the Elder Scroll at your wedding causes you to miss it)