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God’s gift to women ;)

You'd be surprised, the other parts of your life may not need to be so firmly grasped when you meet the right man. I'm not suggesting that you need to change, just that changes may happen naturally.

Perhaps, however the following:

It is only in the complete submission (which is not easy or fun but actually painful) that any real “passion” or “excitement” or “healing” takes place.

actually makes me more worried. And her husband (The Revolting Man, if memory serves) seems to be one of the better ones.
You described it as actually painful.
Okay. Just wanted to make sure i was following you.

I’m sure the dynamics vary widely within individual marriages, depending on the woman’s personality (and of course, the man’s). Similarly, with child-rearing.. I have one specific daughter who completely takes after me, strong-willed and stubborn. And one who yields almost immediately to correction.

How well do you respond to correction/discipline, parental or other authorities?
Well, my parents discipline me. I think I would accept discipline from a older husband better then someone my age, where I would view it more as a provocation.

I guess I am submissive towards my parents, however they also not only accept my interests they actually cultivate them. I guess I am looking for a similar scenario with a husband.
Perhaps, however the following:

actually makes me more worried. And her husband (The Revolting Man, if memory serves) seems to be one of the better ones.
That I'm sure is why this thread has the title it does. The healing, passion, and excitement are not the natural result as much as a gift from our Creator that we only experience in the self (will) sacrificing that the New Testement describes. We are supposed to present ourselves as living sacrifices. By choosing a higher path (obedience) for a greater good (preserving our families and manifesting His will on earth) we also cultivate the fruits of the spirit....including peace and joy.....in spite of our circumstances.
Living sacrifice sounds to much like something the Aztec did.

At the end of the day I am still going to build the life I want to build. Obviously one needs to make a few compromises here and there.
You say at the end of the day the life you want to build? What about the life Christ wants for you? I find your answer stunning are you a follower of Christ or a non-believer? If you are a follower of Christ, I think I would be checking where my spiritual life is at because I am not supposed to follow what I want as believer but that of what Christ wants for me. A living sacrifice means I lay my wants and my desires aside for what pleases God and He became the sacrifice for my sin willingly so I lay my ambition and my wants and needs at the foot of the cross in surrender. In this case, it is submitting myself under the hand of God and I cease looking to promote myself and submit to Christ authority. I am asking because if you cannot submit to Christ authority there is no way you will ever be able to submit to the authority of a Husband. Ephesians 5:22-24= Wives submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the savior of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything.
Hebrews 12:11
For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.
You have a mix of daughters and sons. I presume you raised your sons to treat their wives in the same way they want their sisters to be treated by their husbands. I presume you raised their daughters to fulfill they role you expect them to. I guess the daughters never got a chemistry set at 5. Did you also cite them the Hebrews 12:11. Did any daughter ever ever say nope, not for me? If one of your daughters were to marry more of a tolerant man, would you say, good for her, or view that as problematic?
He made you yes but at Salvation there should be a change and a regeneration process because we are born in sin. If we have no regeneration then we are not living for God but living unto ourselves and our sinful passion rather than Godly passions.

If I were to invent warp drive (an arrogant presumption to be sure LOL) I would be giving God's Kingdom the greatest boost in terms of reach since the steam engine was invented, and would allow God's follows to settle space. How would that be a sinful passion?
Living sacrifice sounds to much like something the Aztec did.
I got a laugh out of this, lol.
But God made me as I am no? He gave me my passions
That he did. Nearly anything you're interested in could bring some sort of benefit to a husband or family if used correctly, even if only for the sake of entertainment and discussions. Take a look around; most men have the capability of enjoying women with all sorts of personality types and appearances. This can be a huge blessing to women, most men have the ability and desire to cover and marry a variety of women. This is one of the things that drew me to plural marriage to begin, the concept that a husband could have multiple wives who worked together for the betterment of the family by fulfilling various roles. Particularly ones they were personally passionate about or excell in.
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If I were to invent warp drive (an arrogant presumption to be sure LOL) I would be giving God's Kingdom the greatest boost in terms of reach since the steam engine was invented, and would allow God's follows to settle space. How would that be a sinful passion?
I am saying we have to use said passion for God's glory. If God wanted us on other planets he would have placed us there and that is man's attempt to in my humble opinion strive to be a creator and that is not what God put us here for in the first place. And if we just aren't there the most brilliant of minds still have not accomplished getting man to other planets so have we stopped to consider that may not be in God's will? I am saying yes you are created with a divine purpose from our Heavenly Father with goals and dreams and ambition but it is how we use those passions that he has placed in us.
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You have a mix of daughters and sons. I presume you raised your sons to treat their wives in the same way they want their sisters to be treated by their husbands. I presume you raised their daughters to fulfill they role you expect them to. I guess the daughters never got a chemistry set at 5. Did you also cite them the Hebrews 12:11. Did any daughter ever ever say nope, not for me? If one of your daughters were to marry more of a tolerant man, would you say, good for her, or view that as problematic?
Good questions! My oldest son is 12 so I haven’t gotten there yet.

The 2 daughters I referenced have each paired off on their own. My eldest to a good (probably tolerant, as you call it) man that she met in the service. (Maybe that answers your “chemistry set” query?) I do think they will be a fine match because she is the more yielding of the 2. Regardless, I think any woman would benefit from a strong-handed leader.

My second daughter (with my personality) has not necessarily been as lucky. She did not choose a nice guy. But her righteous responses to her situation have probably made her more spiritually mature than her sister. What’s the saying, “your mileage may vary?”
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Well, my parents discipline me. I think I would accept discipline from a older husband better then someone my age, where I would view it more as a provocation.

I guess I am submissive towards my parents, however they also not only accept my interests they actually cultivate them. I guess I am looking for a similar scenario with a husband.
You guess? When you don’t get something you really want, how do you react?
You guess? When you don’t get something you really want, how do you react?

You mean in terms of some thing? If I do not get some object I do not really react negative. For gardening, since it is one of my tasks I generally have a set budget anyways. A lot of my interests have shared with my parents/siblings so I lot of things I desire, there is usually one parent that does as well. One thing that did cause some discussion, I recently ordered a 1:350 scale model of the refit Enterprise, the ship lights itself up like in Star Trek: The Motion Picture. That cost $800, however I paid for that with money I earned with jobbing, while my parents did question it, they in the end stated that with money that I earned myself they will not interfere.

Not being allowed to go to place XYZ usually would cause the most irritation with me. However I do not throw a tantrum or anything. Compared with other teens I am relatively chilllaxed I would say