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Good info for uncertain times...

We've got our bug out bags packed, and decent food and water supply. We're not hardcore enough to really be considered "preppers" though.
Us either. I think it would be hard for Christians to live in that much fear. We have about 2-3 months of basic food stuffs (rice and beans) and are aiming for a year's worth.

Our bigger goal is self-sufficiency, which we are far from. But making strides towards.
Many Christians seem to be feeling completely independently called, or just suddenly more interested than they ever were before, to store up supplies and establish self-sufficient lifestyles. I see this everywhere I look, in many very different people. There will be a reason for this. Go with it...

Ultimately our security is in Yeshua. But He can give us security partly by prompting us to make provision for ourselves.
Yep, 7 fat cows eaten by 7 lean ones comes to mind. Trusting in God doesn't mean being unprepared, it means if you prepare you do it not out of fear, but because the wise man stores up for the winter.

Winter is coming. (Lol, had to!)
Lol, wow. Game of Thrones on BF. I love it. And 100% agree. Even in the Garden we had a job and we ate. I don't think Christ's admonition to sell you cloak and buy a sword should be completely written off either. Just saying...
7.62mm sword. Why have an American dagger when you can have a Soviet broadsword for the same price?
It is kind of like the old joke about the flood and the man that refused to leave when told to. s
Saying " the lord will protect me" the waters increased his neighbors ask if he would like a ride in their truck to higher ground he refused " the lord will protect and provide" finally the fire department showed up with a rescue boat asking him to come off the roof to safety "I am a child of God and he will take care of me" the water got so strong it washed the man from his roof and he drown. In that moment he was before the lord and ask "Lord why did you not provide for me?" The Lord answered " what do you mean? What more do you want from me? I sent out an announcement , your neighbors and the fire dept. and you refuse all that I sent"

A small amount of levity
I had one Sam, but I love my AR15. Let's not forget it was labelled the "meat axe" in Vietnam, and in my experience is much more comfortable and accurate to shoot. My "Dagger" is my Sig P938 Nightmare, and my "Short Sword" is my Beretta PX4 Storm. I'd liken my AR to a "Broadsword" and a Kalashnikov to a "Claymore". Big and hits hard, but a bit unwieldy and lacking in finesse! ;)

Sig P938

Beretta PX4 Storm

My AR (And me, GloryGirl, and our youngest)
Well this is a new side of GloryGirl that I didn't know! I always liked bow and arrow myself. :)
Our oldest son likes making bows and arrows...and even flint napping the arrow heads.
Second son likes knife making. They are both good shots....like dad.
When you grow and raise your food you don't have to buy and store so much.
Here's a valuable verse to bear in mind when considering how to prepare for uncertain times.
Ezekiel 7:19 said:
They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels: because it is the stumblingblock of their iniquity.
Oh Samuel, how could someone so wise and dedicated to the study of the Word be so misguided? The AK47? Brother I am approaching you man to man as required by scripture when a brother has fallen. Please don't make me call in Daniel. I'm kidding of course, sort of. The AK is perfectly acceptable rifle for 100 yards or less and it will always fire no matter what. Also the ammo is very inexpensive so can be stockpiled.

A quality AR is accurate out to 500 yds, although the lethality of 5.56 is questionable at that range. It will also always fire as long as, it is periodically cleaned, the dust cover is kept closed as much as possible and you use good magazines. I Allied countries it has the advantage of using the dominant cartridge so that you don't have to stockpile much ammo or magazines as they will always be available.

In a perfect world I wouldn't choose the AK or the AR-15 but rather the AR-10 which was the original form of the AR before the Kennedy administration and a drunk Air Force general got a hold of it. The AR-10 fires the powerful .308 and is the perfectly balanced main battle rifle, but alas ammo and more so magazines will always be scarce in a crisis so the AR-15 becomes the overall winner.
Over here the traditional favourite would be the old Lee-Enfield .303, as used by Commonwealth forces in WW1 and WW2 and then heavily modified for hunting by generations of deerstalkers. Solid, reliable bolt action, accurate to long ranges, plentiful and cheap. Very good rifle. But now the ammunition is getting more expensive.

Yes, the AK is engineered to reliably fire rather than to fire accurately. But at the end of the day, I'm just winding up Americans for the fun of it... :D
Gosh FollowingHim, I thought I was the only one who wound up people just for the fun of it. I also so like to catch them not looking and put Their batteries in backwards. But I am usually the only one that finds that funny.
Lol, I almost bought an Enfield once and I read that in WWI that the German high command was outraged by the failure of their decision to rely on machine guns and concentrated fire that was accurate out to 400 yards in the face of UK troops who could regularly reach out to a 1,000 yards or more. The whole experience paid further dividends when Hitler refused to upgrade to a semi-automatic rifle because of his battlefield experiences with British accuracy in the face of German machine guns, failing to recognize that the problem wasn't the volume of fire but the lack of aiming and that I more bullets could be thrown down range at a higher rate with a similar accuracy then it could only be a good thing.

So fairplay to the commonwealth, you dominated the battlefield and set up a victory 40 years ahead of time. I believe you can get those old Enfields rebarralled to .308. Now that would be a cool rifle.
I've even seen one rebarrelled to 7.26x39, which takes me back to the start of this thread... :D