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Greetings from the UK


New Member
Praise God and Greetings to all

We area family in the UK We would like to say hello to all of you and say how happy we are to have found this website. We hope to find lots of information help and most of all here friends and in time we pray our Lord God provides us with the wife we seek for my husband.
Hi again i thought i would add a little more about our selves. Will has been a christian since his early teens and so have i. we both believe all things in life are through God and without God there is little if any meaning to life. We have wonderful children and have been married for 10 years. William came to me one day to say he had heard troubling news that will change our lives. This was the time a couple of years before the the uk started making gay marriage legal and equal to traditional marriage. he told me of the laws intent to do such things and he realised the christian faith in the UK would come under attack with the intent of wiping our moral values out. he was and is correct. this prompted us to bring back a discussion we once had about Abraham . We had been speaking of his wives and how i felt it proper and ok if he chose to have to have another wife. i now more than ever feel God has placed on my heart the need and desire for my husband to have another wife and he fully agrees. We do so pray that the lord will bless us with one and of course more children. We both know the greatness of God and we have in our live experience a miracle, so we know the real power and majesty of God. We ask all of you to pray for us that God will send grant us our desire to fulfill his will in faith and love.

Will and Kirsty
Welcome, good to have you here.

Is it time for BF to hold a UK retreat? :)
Hello Will & Kirsty. Nice to see you here. Your testimony is a joy.

A retreat in the UK would be great, I think, being in Germany as I am.
Hello and welcome willandkristy! My name is also Will. Your husband and I are of like mind concerning world events. There are several discussions concerning polygyny in end times and the possible reasons it will be so. If you wanted to read them, I would put Isaiah 4:1 in the search bar to find them. Blessings to you and yours.
Hello and Greetings from Texas :)

Welcome! Thank you so much for telling us a little bit about your situation. I appreciate your honesty and enthusiasm. I'm excited that you are here. I think I say this in every post but being a part of the BF community has changed my life. I hope the same for you and your family.

If you can work out the timing, I encourage you to check out the ladies chat on Tuesday evenings. Lots of open hearts and wise words there. Uh, and a bit of warm silliness as well. ;)

Thank you again for introducing yourself. I look forward to getting to know you better!


PS I'm SO down for a BF retreat in the UK... :)
Thanks to all of you for your warm welcomes... we are also very pleased to be here. we are in earnest with our faith and our desire to serve God. as his true and unchanged word states. We feel that here on BF we will find others like ourselves that realise its through God we will survive the trials and tribulations to come and that are happening now. I support my husband completely and i pray God will provide us with that which he desires for us, i also pry my husband finds another wife that we will fulfil that which God ordains. Polygamy in end times we feel will be crucial to our salvation and service to God

I will try to visit the ladies area for chat and support. I like the open hearts we women can share. and we will look up all of the posts over time and look for help and support in all things we as christians can give each other.
Knowing where to start that is the hard part here..lol there is so much to choose from.

a retreat here would be wonderful.. not sure how it all works yet but please let us know how we can help.

\love to you all
Welcome to this site I am sure that you will find a lot of interesting reading.

WillandKirsty said:
Polygamy in end times we feel will be crucial to our salvation and service to God
Ahhmmm, could you please expand upon that statement? I do not want to jump to conclusions.
Welcome Will and Kirsty! Glad you have you here. I hope this site will give you support and fellowship and a few things to ponder. Good to have a family in the UK too!
OK lol i see what you mean.. we feel that all of What God laid out for man and woman in life, structure, roles, Marriage is plain to see. we think that it is part of the life god has laid out for us, it was man who changed the laws of god and continues to do so. from hadrian in 130-135 and on to Constantine in 325 and the bishops of nicia that began the conversions and rewrites of the word, by calling jews detestable and placing himself as the head of the church ad actually put to death anyone who kept the old testament law such as passover, and jesus commanded us to keep passover. who could think jesus being a jew could be detestable.
the change of passover to the sabbath and the made easter out of passover, just to name one major change. it what the same bishops that changed gods laws on marriage. the list of changes up to Justinian is endless thus our comment about polygamy being part of our salvation was poorly written as you cannot read my /our mind, however to try and explain it far better obeying Gods words and all of them is what we feel is the key to staying on the path of salvation and as we feel polygamy/ multiple wives is ordained by God and we both feel it is important in our lives.My husband has researched history of and about the word of god for more than 20 years. it is amazing to find out that all of our answers are in the bible. as are the problems some have caused by altering the word.
here is a we link to a site we found that is a short concise explanation that parallels of some of My husbands research
this is not his work but it is a shorter version of the pages he has from our own research. we are working to stay on the correct path of obeying the word of God.

I hope you understand what i was trying to convey

God is everything
Very good points, Kirsty.

In our family devotions we are currently in Mark. We read Mark 7 day before yesterday. It is so very important that we not fall into that trap of man's law superceding God's Law.

(It would be very nice to get to know you personally. Is there no interest in a european retreat?)

we are pleased you found the explanation of our meaning clearer this time.. Where we live it is impossible to find a church that follows the word of God as he Commands. Most if not all of our local churches agree to are seem to comply with the govts laws on tolerance. many churches here have openly gay members in positions of authority , refuse to preach Gods word on the subject and will admonish a parishioner for questioning this.
Yet our leaders say we are a christian nation and yet are proud to be amongst the nations in the world allowing gay marriage and are completely pleased to see the growth of the gay christian church .( no such thing is possible) We are LITERALLY the word of god being reinterpreted to say homoseuality is acceptable to God and the books and chapters that state that it is wrong / unacceptable and abomination for a man to lie with a man as a woman being called "clobber passages" and unimportant. Last year was the last year we took our children to Church. the wee church we attended had a young man visit us from one of the seminary colleges run by the baptist Union if i recall that part correctly, he did the sermon in which he stated so point my husband and i were extremely concerned over at the end of he service will approached the young pastor to be and asked him to explain his points about homoseuality, Wil said the bible clearly states its wrong and it is an abomination and God says he will look away from you and not see you if you commit this sin, he opened his bible and referred to the specific chapter and verse. We were utterly stunned by his reply. " well you must understand times have changed and the church (baptist) must now look to and is reinterpreting the scripture in order to fit into modern society and get more students into the colleges", he then says " we are finding fully 33 % of the students applying are Homosexual and if the colleges is to keep its doors open we must cater to the new world" he then said polite good byes and went to chat with others. We then spoke with our then Pastor and some of he elders who defended him and his views and the views of he college stating we must obey the law the govt has set. placing mans law over GODS law. we never went back. and Wil now does our sunday services and other days at home for us and we are looking for a home church to Join. we have interviewed a few of the pastors in the local churches and found there is not one we can join in our area that is safe so to speak. we realise no church can be perfect but if it not at least trying its lost. we are part of a small spread out group who place Gods word and law first in every respect and we fully believe this is the only correct coarse, understanding we also live in the real world. several of the group are in marriages with more than one wife, we all believe fully that unless we fulfil God's laws as best we can as he laid down we are lost.

WE WOULD BE VERY PLEASED TO SEE A EUROPEAN RETREAT If you find you wish to have a retreat here we will help you as we can. we would be pleased to be part of this and meet others like us. who feel gods Law is supreme.
First, welcome, W&K.

WillandKirsty said:
We were utterly stunned by his reply. " well you must understand times have changed and the church (baptist) must now look to and is reinterpreting the scripture in order to fit into modern society and get more students into the colleges", he then says " we are finding fully 33 % of the students applying are Homosexual and if the colleges is to keep its doors open we must cater to the new world" he then said polite good byes and went to chat with others.

:eek: :shock: Wow. I mean... wow. To be so blatant. So obvious. So... accepting. Like it's no big deal. It's astonishing.

i can assure you that was n exaggeration as i said after the comments we spoke with our pastor and we were both so stunned by id lack of criticism of this young man. we went on to say if my child were to be gay and came to us with their partner, our children know we would never stop loving them. but we would not allow them as a couple in our home. our child would always be welcome at the our table and in our home but they could not bring in their partner and live that life under our roof so to speak. I think you can understand what we are saying. the pastor said you do not know how you would react or how your thinking would change or your perspectives . we believe and put into practise the laws of God. salvation is to be protected and one cannot do this if we allow or encourage ungodly acts. we must obey the word of God.

the UK has seen a dramatic change in the faith, only last week it was announced that two christian ministers/pastors who were married in their church only 2.5 years ago are getting a divorce. i was stunned they were allowed to marry and now they are suing for divorce. I assume you know both the church of England and the Church of Scotland recently voted to allow gay ministers and gay marriage. this has split the church, with many going back to the catholic church. the evangelical churches of the UK appear to be in decline spiritually ( many but not all)
We feel and have felt God steering us away for such depravity with in the church. He seems to moving us in a different direction and away from those who do not listen. We hope that we will be able to live up to Gods Standards and we hope he sends to us another to add to our family. to a larger and truly God loving and faring family with ore kids.

Sorry for being long winded

Will and Kirsty
Thank you for clarifying, but it's unnecessary. Whether you simplified it for us or recorded it verbatim, it still expresses their views and is sad. It's not even their final view that irks me the most, but the reasoning behind it, "we need the money." Where's a whip when you need one?

WillandKirsty said:
I assume you know both the church of England and the Church of Scotland recently voted to allow gay ministers and gay marriage.

You know, I've never understood the egotistical, audacity of these corporate churches who dare to think that they can vote on the Laws of God. From the RCC of old to the various flavors of modern evangelical houses and different schools of eschatology, there's a common assumption that they can decide for themselves a better understanding derived from the exact opposite of God's Word. It's gone from the some-what innocent, "we're not too sure, so we collectively think it means this," to the "we don't care what it says, we don't like it, so we're going to change it."

Even Christ had to set a few people straight in His day. That's what that whole section of "you have heard it said..., but I say..." was about. The religious leaders came up with these ridiculous rules that had nothing to do with what they were supposed to be teaching. And even what He said there is getting misquoted and twisted by scholars today.

GAH! My turn to apologize. I just get so tired of the BS. :x

We agree with you fully, We can tell you we never follow like sheep these leaders and churches that feel they can interpret God and his wisdom. We know that the word of God is plainly written and since Hadrian in 130-135 AD up to Constantine and the council of Nicea in 325 AD right on to Justinian and many more men have been rewriting Gods word to suit them for millennia.. try reading this link and you can see why so many find themselves on the wrong path doing just the opposite of what jesus said and god instructed. Its a brief description of one topic of a vast array subjects of which i have been studying for 25 years. i wen to bible college some years back only to emerge with more questions then answers and a few doubts. anyway if we truly seek gods wisdom and love we will find it. I know this to be completely true.


Blessing from god upon you and your family
Good on you leaving that church. My parents left our local church when I was 9 (for different reasons), and for the remainder of my childhood we had "church" at home. This was brilliant, and absolutely foundational to my understanding of scripture. "Church" for us was very simple - every Sunday morning everyone in the family would read the Bible for half an hour in silence. Everyone would have an understandable translation (young children would have bible story books, we even had a comic-book version of the Bible which was great). Afterwards we'd talk about what we learnt. Often we'd keep reading by choice as we were interested in what we'd been reading.

My parents also ensured we had an extensive amount of Answers In Genesis literature on Creation. We spent many hours reading this, and I actually learnt tonnes of science from it, leading in the end to my current career. But most importantly that taught me that the Bible is true and reliable, and we can actually believe exactly what it says.

And reading exactly what it says and following that rather than the words of man led me to realise very early on that there is nothing wrong with polygamy.

Just thought I'd mention this to encourage you that this can work. My one piece of caution is that you must keep it up. Our family "church" times worked well for a few years, then my parents became more slack about it and I found myself having to push to ensure that it actually continued for the benefit of my younger siblings. Don't let it slip, make sure you keep focussed on making sure both you and your children have regular times of Christian teaching directly from the Bible.
Will & Kirsty, I'll send you a private message with contact data. Having a retreat here in Europe would really be tremendous.
Well, we have three parties with interest. Praise God.

I guess the next question would be: Where?

I am in southern Germany.

Will and Kirsty are in the UK.