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Have You Ever Felt Like This At Times?


Real Person
Have you ever found yourself asking the question, why are women so complicated?

Pssst.......It's the little green button on the right that is lit up. Just push it and it works every time...like this. OUCH...just got electricuted. Again...sigh.
You should know by now that the green button never works......it's always the rererererererered......dang it, that hurt. Well I guess it aint the red button either. :lol:
To funny, I try not to ask myself that question to many times cause it can get you in trouble,lol.
Part of the confusion stems from the Automatic Configuration Randomizer at the factory. It rearranges all the buttons as well as their colors, sizes, shapes, and sometimes even the functions for each unit that comes off the line. They all have magic buttons, but sometimes it takes years of trial and error and calls to tech support to map them out.

duelingbanjos said:
Have you ever found yourself asking the question, why are women so complicated?

I have. Some women are more complicated or harder to please than others, but I've tended to find that among the very materialistic types. Otherwise, at the end of the day, most women are lovable and beautiful gifts to man. I've experienced that love just in my boyfriend/girlfriend relationships.
I believe in plural marraige,and after about a year my wife has also come to believe. However I look at my life and how hard its been,and I dont know if it would be fair to bring a new woman into the picture. Also I am forty and I wonder if I should bring more children into this world with the possibilty of dying before they are grown. I dont want to build a family and then leave them with problems. Have any of you guys ever felt this way.