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Hello Again Everybody




Ok this is Maria for those of you who remember me! I have been gone from this forum for a long time because I had lots of bad problems to deal with and take care of and I must tell you that I am glad to be back! I missed so much the fellowship of everybody on here. You are all so awesome (even the kooky ones!). There is no other forum in the world like this one. I hope y'all find my username funny (and I know some will relate to it)! I am doing very well on my own and have really cleaned up my problems nicely. I am very proud of myself. My kids are doing great and I am almost on the other side of all my problems even the financial ones! :) I have to say that I thank Jesus almighty for it all and am thankful he lives in me to push me to keep working hard through whatever comes no matter what and remember that joy is the first fruit of the spirit mentioned. I am very blessed! I miss everybody but had to just disappear for awhile for some hard work and struggling which my God always rewards one way or the other.
Ummm ... welcome back. Guess I wasn't on this board when you were here before. Congratulations, BIG ones, on your getting your house in order. That sounds like a huge achievement. If you want to tell us all about it, you're likely to find us all ears. (Which DOES make it rather difficult to move about.) WE JUST LOVE to hear of successes.

Actually, I rather like your nom de plume. Took a minute to figure out why. Realized it might be the title of an old Shaker hymn. Or is that "itsagifttobesimple"? I think the words might go ... (with apologies, my alter ego, Sir BumbleBerry, just took over ...)

"It's ok to be single,
It's ok to be strange,
It's ok to let folks think I am deranged,
So I'll turn, turn, turn at the speed of liiiiiiight,
Til by turn, turn, turning
My sense takes flight."

Anyway, welcome again.
Marichu! Welcome back! Awesome that things are going so well for you.
Tell the kids we all said hi - and if 'L' wants to find Katie on Club Penguin this summer, drop me an email.
(Hey I took that picture! :) )

Too bad for Cecil that he missed you the first time round - especially since you all lived less than 20 miles apart then (not anymore).
Hi Paul, nice to see you again too. I saw u all on the pictures of the retreat on memorial day (cute kids!) Hi Cecil nice to meet you. I love that song! I used to sing it to my baby girl to put her to sleep! This "singles" version is hilarious. The shakers were kinda kooky but man u can really make nice furniture when u not making babies, huh? ;)
Gotta take all that frustration out SOMEwhere! ROFL
Ok, where did we live 20 miles apart? OR, SC, PA, or FL? Waaaaay too much moving in the last 5 years... :x
Hi Nathan! I am so sorry i missed the memorial day retreat! I really miss all you guys! It was much harder fo rme this time to go of course as you know. I live in Oh now. Cecil, I lived in South Florida most of my life. I moved to Ohio in January of this year. Nathan, I will email you about "L". This picture you took is one of my favorites because each of my kids personalities really shines through in it. I am very glad to be back on here. Very liberating. Not that I'm into that kinda thing ;)

You want to talk about moving! I've moved 12 times in the last 6 years! I have very nice biceps to prove it! :cry:
This all happened mostly within Florida but twice out state. I think I'll take a nap now! ;)
You win. Cindy and I only moved 9 & 8 times during that period, respectively. She has one more than me 'cause she had to move to be WITH me. :D For which I'm very grateful. Oh, and that doesn't count moving out of the camper in my driveway back into my house after some folks who were living there moved out.

Well, actually, we had to move their stuff out and into storage as well. Does that count? :lol: We're VERY competitive on the moving stories front. *grin*

Seriously, sorry you had to move so often. No fun, we know. Hope you get some peace for a bit.
haha ur hilarious. My kids and I are definitely the winners of the vagabond awards on biblical families!! Where's that survey, Todd?
Todd is too busy "vagabonding" around Canada himself in a canoe this week to answer (seriously).
(Maybe that word shouldn't be turned into a verb....)
Yes nathan I remember he went to Canada last year around this time with his family.
Hey M,
Welcome back from Chaplains Rose and myself.
Hi Chaplain, Im glad to see you still on here
Hi welltan, I hope your family and home and not at home are all doing very well!
Hi Tlaloc, Good to see you again on here!
I was just asking about you last weekend. Glad to hear from you. And happy that you are getting along so well.
