• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.



New Member

My name is Rusty Armor (and I am known by Dusty Armor in a few circles after gmail messed up my name)
This is my first visit here. We are an older family, our kids from previous marriages are now adults and we have been in an actual poly relationship for two years, though our friendship goes back many years.

When we decided to become a threesome, we searched the scriptures, but could not find a specific ban against the practice, but being in a church and community where such relationships would have been censored, we had to keep our relationship a secret.

We recently moved to a rural area in Texas in the hopes of being more open albiet anonymous, but still miss that fellowship that can only be found in a congregation.

As most of you know, there are interpersonal problems with such a relationship, and so we have no "mentors" as such to guide us. So it is a very good thing we were friends before. That and the love of haShem has guided us through many rough spots.

We are Messianic, somewhat orthodox, though not of the "Nazerine" tradition. Maybe we will that fellowship we crave in here. Both wives are a little reticent to join at this point because of some not so thrilling events in other venues, but may come along later as the trust grows.

Nathan introduced himself at the end of one overheated exchange and gave me the URL for this group. I hope to not repeat that same mistake here.
Dear Rusty/Dusty

Hello and welcome. I am so glad that you found us. I hope your wives will quickly get over their shyness about joining our little group. I am Sweet LIssa second wife to Pastor Randy. We have been in a poly relationship for a bit over a year now and we are still ironing out the rough spots, but mostly we all just want to serve the Lord and do His will.

We also live in Texas, not rural. I would love to get to know your wives. We are in Dallas, if that gives you an idea of how far apart we might be. Texas is a big big state.

Please encourage your ladies to give us a chance. We ladies are pretty polite and caring to each other. Haven't had a single cat fight yet!

Take care and God Bless.

Sweet Lissa
Nice to meet you Rust,
I hope you had an enjoyable fight with Nathan and many more here! Of course, I'm sure much good interpersonal advice will arise as well.
Welcome, Rusty, and I hope you find this to be a place of blessing.

I'm another one who has been in long-time headship of our family, having entered into the second Covenant the better part of a decade ago. Still learning...

I hope we can all grow in trust together.