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How did God tell you about modern polygyny?


As a newcomer to this site I am still finding my feet, so please forgive me if I am putting this question in the wrong place. As some of you who have read my posts know, I am not a practicing polygamist, (yet). However I am open to the idea if God opens the door for it. I cannot speak for my wife as we have not actually sat down and truly discussed the issue. I can only say that we both know what the Holy Spirit has revealed to us about how it will unfold in God's plan for end-time events, as I have outlined in my post regarding Isaiah chapter 4. I am interested in how the enlightened people of this web site actually heard from God about this issue and how they dealt with the issue within their own relationships, especially those who ARE actually practicing. God spoke to me directly regarding Isaiah chapter 4, but only after a series of encounters and experiences that repeatedly brought the subject up for me to consider. It reminds me of the old joke about the guy who was trapped in a flood and God sent someone in a boat to rescue him, but he refused, telling the man in the boat that God was going to rescue him, etc., etc. Since I am mainly a teacher by gifting, (plastic surgeon by trade) and I am therefore responsible for teaching God's Word to others, I take what I say regarding the Word of God extremely seriously, (James 3:1). Once I began teaching that polygyny, (I call it polygamy) is actually God's plan for the end times, with the exception of my wife and one man who has been studying with me for the past two years, I have 'offended' and as such lost every person whom I have ever taught. Also, because God had me shut down my very successful plastic surgery practice in the United States, pack up and move to South Africa for reasons I have yet to reveal here, everyone thinks I have gone mad. It was only because I thought that I was the only one on the planet who understood Isaiah chapter 4 that I did a Google search a few weeks ago and found this group. I was glad to see that there are true Christian people out there who are getting this stuff from God and are bold enough to admit it. That is why I have great hope that some of the other difficult things that God has burdened me with will be understood and received here, since they are not nearly as difficult to accept, in my opinion, as the polygyny thing, (though I can see that the truth about healing has already causes some issues) :shock: .

Additionally, I would especially be interested in what advice the women have regarding how to deal with the issue when it actually does come to pass.

Be blessed,

Dr. Ray
It must be very awe inspiring to have had a revelation like that, also very reassuring. For me it has just always been truth, even as a child, despite not having any kind of biblical education at home i had to seek it out myself. Gender roles, the idea that a man could and probably should have more than one wife, It just made sense. Of course that conflicts greatly with what the modern world thinks and i have had my fair share of clashes with it and i often feel i was born in the wrong century, like a bit of a freak really especially in Australia where most people don't even put on a pretense of being Christian, but i have always known that patriarchy was right and polygamy was not only OK but good for you! :cool: ...i have never questioned it. Perhaps God may just save the fireworks and revelations for leaders and then provides others with simple acceptance and trust to support them.
I find your testimony extremely interesting as it shows that God can instill His will for prophetic fulfillment into someone from before birth. If you had this insight from as far back as you can remember then you were born at just the right time for the fulfillment of Isaiah chapter 4. This is very exciting.

Be blessed,

Dr. Ray
Dr. Ray

Thanks for starting this thread.....I think it will be a good one....Hopefully later this week I can share how I arrived here as well


DrRay777 said:
As a newcomer to this site I am still finding my feet, so please forgive me if I am putting this question in the wrong place. As some of you who have read my posts know, I am not a practicing polygamist, (yet). However I am open to the idea if God opens the door for it. I cannot speak for my wife as we have not actually sat down and truly discussed the issue. I can only say that we both know what the Holy Spirit has revealed to us about how it will unfold in God's plan for end-time events, as I have outlined in my post regarding Isaiah chapter 4. I am interested in how the enlightened people of this web site actually heard from God about this issue and how they dealt with the issue within their own relationships, especially those who ARE actually practicing. God spoke to me directly regarding Isaiah chapter 4, but only after a series of encounters and experiences that repeatedly brought the subject up for me to consider. It reminds me of the old joke about the guy who was trapped in a flood and God sent someone in a boat to rescue him, but he refused, telling the man in the boat that God was going to rescue him, etc., etc. Since I am mainly a teacher by gifting, (plastic surgeon by trade) and I am therefore responsible for teaching God's Word to others, I take what I say regarding the Word of God extremely seriously, (James 3:1). Once I began teaching that polygyny, (I call it polygamy) is actually God's plan for the end times, with the exception of my wife and one man who has been studying with me for the past two years, I have 'offended' and as such lost every person whom I have ever taught. Also, because God had me shut down my very successful plastic surgery practice in the United States, pack up and move to South Africa for reasons I have yet to reveal here, everyone thinks I have gone mad. It was only because I thought that I was the only one on the planet who understood Isaiah chapter 4 that I did a Google search a few weeks ago and found this group. I was glad to see that there are true Christian people out there who are getting this stuff from God and are bold enough to admit it. That is why I have great hope that some of the other difficult things that God has burdened me with will be understood and received here, since they are not nearly as difficult to accept, in my opinion, as the polygyny thing, (though I can see that the truth about healing has already causes some issues) :shock: .

Additionally, I would especially be interested in what advice the women have regarding how to deal with the issue when it actually does come to pass.

Be blessed,

Dr. Ray

You are not alone here, friend. I have been teaching about Isaiah four on the net for approximately six years now. Rarely is it ever well received.
Dr. Ray. I still muse at the coincidence of your screen name and my email address: Scannerman777@hotmail.com. Do these numbers hold any significance for you? They do for me. Interestingly, my latest was born 07/07/07. I've had this particular email address since the year 2000. I was wondering if the LORD revealed to you that in the model of ISAIAH FOUR that this astonishing event only occurs after all of the whoredoms of the land are completely vanquished. (see: ISAIAH THREE) Many try to tell me that ISAIAH FOUR is merely a "symbolic" prophecy concerning the "seven harlot churches" that desire to be called by the name of the LORD, but want to do things their own way, to "eat their own bread", to "provide their own apparel", etc. How quickly these seem to forget that in the preceeding chapter the whoredoms of the people are already vanquished and that in that day the branch of the LORD shall be beautiful and glorious! Harlotry is never beautiful or glorious. I wonder if you noticed how they seem to quickly gloss over the words, "When the Lord shall have washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion, and shall have purged the blood of Jerusalem from the midst thereof by the spirit of judgment, and by the spirit of burning" which the scripture plainly describes in graphic detail, in Chapter three. Or, how they would conveniently dismiss the words of the prophet in Proverbs 31 describing the works of a virtuous woman! No matter how they slice it or dice it, it simply doesn't add up and I'm still trying to find the scripture that verifies their "seven harlot churches" they keep yammering on about. I haven't found it yet.

ISAIAH FOUR is exactly what we are moving into in these last days and it gives me great assurance and encouragement to learn that there are others who have seriously taken this scripture to heart. I was really beginning to feel rather alone, despite the fact that I knew this revelation came to me from GOD. ISRAEL is in for a big surprise and I can only say I am grateful to be living in CANADA and I aim to stay here. Perhaps the "seven harlot churches" people keep talking about are the heads of the beast that the Harlot rides, but these are supposed to be kings — not priests :::shrugs::: I can't figure it out. I suspect perhaps these ignorant souls are merely regurgitating rote memorization they received from the pulpits of equally ignorant pastors. Now that is something that would certainly make sense since so much of it is going on these days in our secular-government registered churches. Well, if I haven't shared anything with you that you don't already know at least you know you're not alone. . . And if I DID share anything with you that you consider worth looking into then at least you have some fresh amo in stock to deal with the rulers of the darkness of this world.


One of the things that fully opened my eyes to GOD's truth about BIBLICAL BIGAMY was ISAIAH FOUR. After reading ISAIAH THREE it was clear to me that what the pastors had been teaching about ISAIAH FOUR simply could not be true. When I further discovered that there was no split between Chapter three and Chapter four in the ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPTS, but the two chapters were originally written together, without interuption, I began to get a little suspicious. To be fair, only seven years ago did I make a serious study of this scripture. ISAIAH FOUR truly opened my eyes to world events. My new wife, Hope, also played an instrumental role because I had to know for certain that it was the will of GOD that she appeared in my life as she did. If it were not for her I highly doubt that I would have paid much heed to what the LORD was telling me all along about BIBLICAL BIGAMY. Here is a response to a friend concerning a little spiritual blindness with respect to this prophecy:

In all fairness I believe that GOD uses both preachers and teachers to put forth His Word. Preachers must be sent because preaching is anointed of GOD. I have often stated that this is something the internet simply cannot confer. It is also the same with the spoken word. The spoken word has tone. Tone can convey a spirit in a way that text cannot. Both are needed. The internet cannot replace live preaching. I still preach and teach on the internet but it is not the same as listening to my pastor preach the anointed word from the pulpit. I rather doubt that the ones you speak of are anointed of GOD to this end.

Some (like myself) may have also been sent to teach; but a true, holy ghost filled, anointed preacher would not behave (in my opinion) as the people you describe. My own pastor in Edmonton has never come against me for having two wives. He simply will not discuss it. I respect that. Now I certainly have my ideas why he won't discuss it . . . I believe this man walks so closely with GOD that when GOD tells him to "shut up" he does exactly what GOD says. I would much rather prefer a pastor who shuts up about BIBLICAL BIGAMY than to spew forth lies about it, which we both know cannot be from GOD. I also understand why some pastors really do not want to see the day arrive when seven women shall take hold of one man to be called by his name. It means that a time in prophecy will be completed. It would mean that we can all finally say "goodbye" to Canada and to the U.S.A. because nationalism will have met the end of it's purpose on the earth. Now in that day, one learns, no man will say "know GOD" in that day because all will know Him. In that day, the Branch of the LORD will be beautiful, saith the LORD. In that day, women will not be ashamed of being the wives of one husband because none of them will be whores at heart. They will be clean. We are still a long way off from that day but we are also alot closer to that day than many realize. It marks the end of the age of the Gentiles. Let's look at the scripture again:

Isaiah 4

1 And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach.
2 In that day shall the branch of the LORD be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the earth shall be excellent and comely for them that are escaped of Israel.
3 And it shall come to pass, that he that is left in Zion, and he that remaineth in Jerusalem, shall be called holy, even every one that is written among the living in Jerusalem:
4 When the Lord shall have washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion, and shall have purged the blood of Jerusalem from the midst thereof by the spirit of judgment, and by the spirit of burning.
5 And the LORD will create upon every dwelling place of mount Zion, and upon her assemblies, a cloud and smoke by day, and the shining of a flaming fire by night: for upon all the glory shall be a defence.
6 And there shall be a tabernacle for a shadow in the day time from the heat, and for a place of refuge, and for a covert from storm and from rain.

Now to begin with, anyone can gather from reading chapter three that GOD has already purged the whoredoms of the people from the land so no whoredoms exist any longer. This knowledge totally eliminates the spurious belief that Chapter four of ISAIAH is addressing the "whoredoms of the church" as so many today are erroneously taught by well-meaning and perhaps not-so-well-meaning pastors. Nonetheless whoredom is whoredom — whether "spiritualized", "materialized", or even otherwized. We also read when this happens (verse four) in the above scripture; but I should like to state that after this purging comes a time literally called "that day" that only arrives when the branch of the LORD is beautiful and glorious and the fruit of the earth is comely for them that have ESCAPED ISRAEL — as opposed to them that return to ISRAEL. (verse 2)

Can we truly say that this time has actually already come? I cannot. Neither do most of the pastors I have spoken with agree that this time has already come to pass, because then they would also have to concede that there was once a time when the BRANCH of the LORD was more beautiful and more glorious than the days of King David and Solomon but no longer. I suppose there are a few nuts out there that haven't read their history books enough to know that this time has not yet come upon the earth no matter how badly some of us would like to see the prophecy fulfilled. Lots of pastors keep preaching "worldwide revival" because they know that one great revival must take place before the Second Coming; but nothing has come yet that has swept the planet to the extent that what we read here has already been fulfilled... But it's coming and I believe it is much closer than most people realize but the PURGING of ISRAEL must first occur before this happens! (See Chapter three)

Now verse three of Chapter Four reads as follows:

3 And it shall come to pass, that he that is left in Zion, and he that remaineth in Jerusalem, shall be called holy, even every one that is written among the living in Jerusalem:

We cannot have it both ways. So why would the prophet Isaiah say that the Branch of the LORD would be beautiful for them that are escaped of Israel and then, in the same breath, say that he that remaineth in Jerusalem shall be called holy? I beseech the reader to notice the ominous way this scripture is written: "every one that is written among the living". It would seem that the reader can safely deduct that a time is coming when things will not go well in Jerusalem. Here is where so many pastors would tend to quickly gloss over the scripture... "And it shall come to pass" implies another passage of time that occurs after the BRANCH is made beautiful for them that have escaped Israel. So the first two verses are about a different time and event which takes place only after the purging (see chapter three) of all whoredoms and verse three of chapter four refers to yet another time that occurs after all these events take place. Verse four reminds the reader when this time is expected to come so there is no doubt that all of these events (vs. 1,2,3) will occur after the purging of Jerusalem and not beforehand:

When the Lord shall have washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion, and shall have purged the blood of Jerusalem from the midst thereof by the spirit of judgment, and by the spirit of burning.

Now carefully read verse five:

5 And the LORD will create upon every dwelling place of mount Zion, and upon her assemblies, a cloud and smoke by day, and the shining of a flaming fire by night: for upon all the glory shall be a defence.

Has this ever happened? Yup. When Moses was still alive. Isaiah's time was long after Moses, David, and Elijah, but here he is prophesying about a time in the future when "a cloud and smoke by day, and the shining of a flaming fire by night..." provides a defence upon every dwelling place of mount Zion. This has not yet happened. Man cannot provide this "cloud" or "shining of a flaming fire by night". Clearly all the strange fire in the world cannot compare to what the prophet in this scripture is actually describing; but most pastors do agree that there will come a time when the sacrifice will be brought back and the time of the Gentiles will come to a close. . . This is the day Israel looks forward to. Some think that it is right around the corner but all things must be done in good order. Right now only our toes are in the water concerning verse one of ISAIAH CHAPTER FOUR. Now I am all for the fulfillment of prophecy. I am going to be with my LORD regardless of whether or not this happens in my earthly lifetime. I rather doubt that I will be living in this old bag of bones by the time verse five finally unfolds, but some of my children may still be around (having missed the rapture) and should I also have the honour of being a grandfather some of my grandchildren will likely witness this day in the flesh. Can you see why satan is so adamantly opposed to Biblical Bigamy? I can. It is one step closer to the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy and the enemy knows his time is short.

I am deeply concerned that the purging of Israel is about to occur very soon and that the world will witness a burning that it has never seen the likes of before. The Muslim nations know it and like the Israelis, they believe the Christians are in the dark. Well, they are right . . . Most so-called Christians ARE in the dark. Calling one's self a "Christian" does not make one saved. All who are truly grafted into the Olive Tree are JEWS. This is the calling and the adoption* of the saints of the most high GOD. We are not the false JEWS* that deny their LORD and KING, but we are the real JEWS that honor the MESSIAH in spirit and in truth. Most Christians who do reject that they are adopted by GOD as JEWS will burn in hell. Being called a Christian is not a guarantee of Salvation; but I am not ashamed of the name of Christ. I already know His name is JESUS. In fact, the claim to "Christianity" is OPTIONAL to Salvation in JESUS' name. The claim to Christ is not. Salvation is of the JEWS. The REAL Apostolic Pentecostal Oneness people know this, but there are many counterfeits and false prophets in the world today calling themselves APO when they are no more true worshipers than those who deny that JESUS is GOD, very GOD.

*Romans 8:15; Romans 8:23; Romans 9:4; Galatians 4:5; Ephesians 1:5
* Revelation 3:9
I've come to the point of ignoring chapter marks (unless is a refrence lookup) as they seem to generely impede. Some are well placed breaks, but one way or another it gets in the way.

Thats something about you're preacher. Good for him, I hope to come to a simalar point with my pastor and church when the time is ripe.

" Man cannot provide this "cloud" or "shining of a flaming fire by night"
Oddly enough I think we can. We can both sustanably harvest and focus enough energy, and such a comprehesive sheild would be the only real hope against the weapons of today. It would be a huge project taking tens of thousands of true Christians and more than a few with technical skill and a handfull of composits that to my knowledge don't exist yet, but it's not unrealistic given the ability to manipulate nature God has given the world in the last few centuries.

I'm no technocrat, I'm just saying its not unfeasable. One way or another a christian community would have to be established before anything like that could be even attempted, and do you really see Christians pulling together and throwing everything into a community and devoting all to God anytime soon?

Either way, it would be God's hand and guidance that wrought it. Well, thats just an offhand musing anyway...
Yup. I know what you mean about the whole Chapter and verse thing and that is why I rarely bothered to memorize them. Now I sort of wish that I did. But those reference numbers aren't scriptural. My pastor has known me a long time so I suspect that may have something to do with it. He is a very temperate and long-suffering man. It could just be that the LORD is speaking to his heart concerning this matter. Yes, I know many people are with you in this scientific and technological view but I am more of the persuasion that this "cloud" and this "shining" are supernatural in nature, even as they were when ISRAEL first escaped from EGYPT. Man has always imitated GOD but only GOD is capable of producing the genuine article. I believe that it is GOD who provides this cloud and this fire and that no STRANGE FIRE will be acceptable to Him, though I imagine that the false prophet of the anti-christ will likely do his best to provide a "reasonable facsimile". I agree that a special binding agent would be required to bring in the various denominations and place them in alliance with ISRAEL to perform such a thing; but this sort of thing really isn't so hard to envision as you say, with respect to technology, when one considers just who exactly owns the WORLD BANK, the IMF, the FEDERAL RESERVE, UNITED NATIONS, and the U.S.A. It certainly isn't "We the People".


I was caught up in some false doctrine and while the Lord was helping me to get out of it, I also learned of polygyny.

I was involved in a movement connected with the Memphis School of Preaching. For over two years, I was with a team that split marriages up. We thought we were doing God's will. Some of my friends are still caught up in this sect. It was unofficially called the Memphis Movement.
They teach that some marriages are 'unscriptural' or 'adulterous marriages.'
While in the process of studying through this nonsense, I learned that there are many aspects of family and marriage that has been distorted over the last thousand years or so by the catholic and prostestant churches. And it all stems from the sinful desire to control.

Family came before the church and it came before the institution of human government. Therefore, neither shall make any laws that infringe upon the natural functioning and dynamics of marriage.

God does not view families where there are several wives as being an inferior family. No, to the contrary. The negative view towards polygyny stems from man's desire to control more than his share in this world. I guess you could say that there is so much inclination towards dictatorial oppression because men do not pursue the natural desire to have large families.

Anyway, that is how God helped me to learn the truth about polygyny.
Well, here's my story on this subject. A few years ago, when I had only been saved for a year and a half or so, I asked God to explain love to me, because I couldn't understand it. I observed everything that was said on it and the behavior of cultures to it, and my logical mind could not grasp it. Its western definition was a fluffy cloud of mushy meaninglessness and emotion. I had known love before this, but I had not understood it.

A few months later I met a Brazilian girl online. I loved her and asked her to marry me. She said yes, and we were engaged... though not by her culture's standards. Over the next year and a half I went to see her twice... each a month long. We loved each other greatly. In time, as I observed love in myself and observed it in scriptures, God finally taught me what it was. It is action. The emotion is built on the action. This is why God can command love from us. You cannot command an emotion. To do so is crazy. Emotions flow like the wind. They come and go like the tides of the sea. However, actions are chosen and can be maintained without end. This also explains why people can fall out of love. When the choice to act in love stops being made, i.e. selfishness comes in, there is nothing more feeding the love and love ends. Acting in love keeps love alive. The emotion will not always be there, but the choice always is.

During the time of that relationship I was also seeking God on many marriage, relationship, and other love related things... as well as my usual searching the scriptures. I've always done my own personal research, seeking God, exploring all commentaries, articles, discussions, original languages, etc... until I find the truth... seeking it with all my heart. I also test subjects in myself, personally... observing myself to understand.

I had come across the fact that there is an extreme connection between multiple subjects built by God... Husband-Wife... Christ-Church... High Priest-Temple. But one thing didn't add up at all as I was looking into it. The marriage supper of the lamb happens after the new life is born. The bride of Christ was entered and new life was given to her before the wedding party. We are now in the pregnancy stage, and when Jesus returns there will be birth pangs in the world and the new life will truly come to be. Though we have new life now, it is not nearly what the new life will be when we are "born".

It didn't make sense... Jesus basically committing fornication. If He symbolically did it, then we were meant to actually do it... as marriage was built with such deep symbolism built in... built upon the Rock that would come. My mind pondered this, off and on, for a long while. Then I just happened upon a statement on a Jewish website concerning how marriage was at the time of Christ. There were three things that solidified an engagement and could only be broken by divorce. Bride price being paid... agreement being made... and intercourse. It wasn't ceremony or a pastor that joined two people. It wasn't a government and legal papers that joined them either. It was an agreement between two families, and a joining of a woman to a man through him entering her. That used to be understood, but tradition had put an end to that. I was never one for tradition, but when I was first saved I had a "normal" American Biblical understanding of things. This is what I consider the bomb that broke tradition. I was looking at marriage with new eyes. I begged God for understanding... and He gave.

As I researched more and more the issue of polygamy came to mind, and was seen in what I researched. I found things to a point where I could not make a judgment about them. I couldn't find any condemnation of it, and so I could not condemn it myself. I considered such things, and researched them further... not for my own pleasure, but that I may understand and judge correctly what is good and what is not. Condemning what is good is just as bad as approving of what is evil... as burdening others with what they can't handle can end in their spiritual death.

I didn't speak of such issues to my fiancee. I didn't plan on including them in my own life. It was understanding that lifted burdens, not one that added them... and I was fine with the burden on me as they were. However, a friend of hers and her boyfriend... Christians on the right path... could not control themselves and had sex once. They quickly got married. It was handled as a scandal... and my fiancee, and her father (a pastor), were condemning it. I, however, saw that they did the right thing. They had a burden upon them and could not control themselves... she was a virgin... he took responsibility for her... and they are husband and wife, as they had planned to be. I found no wrong here. I couldn't condemn it. She pressed me, and I finally admitted that. She was appalled. As the conversation progressed somehow we got on the subject of polygamy, and I admitted the truth... I could not condemn it, so I was condemned.

I spent the next 3 months fighting to understand fully, writing emails to her and her father... I could not be with her if I believed as I did... and I could not change the truth. I fought to prove it, whether it is good or evil. I fought to tie up all scriptural loose ends and truly understand. My only way to keep her was to prove it wrong. I fought hard to do so, and I could not. I cried because of that... mourning the death of the relationship. I loved her dearly... but my allegiance was to Truth and to God. I could not compromise it for anything or anyone. I could not condemn what God does Himself.,. and I could not condemn what his holy ones have done... and how could I be a child of Abraham if I condemned him, the friend of God?

But God was good to me. He told me when I was leaving Brazil the second time that I would never see Lily again. Everything was going well at that time... but when I turned the corner to go through the security checkpoint at the airport and no longer had her in my sight... I knew. I loved her greatly and fought for her for months, but I knew.

The story continues, but I'll stop it here for now. I can explain more later if you like.

I appreciate your story. Your dedication to truth is proper. It is sad that truth was not accepted by those you loved. It is a hard thing to be rejected because of truth. I agree with you that plural homes have a strong foundation found in Abraham's account and all through scripture. Speaking the truth as you did will only bring you reward in time. We hope that your posting and reading on this forum will aid your studies and give you fellowship. Anyone who believes in plural ideas will suffer rejection from time to time. Once God establishes truth in your heart and problems come, it is tempting to deny truth just to make life easier. But as one gets older, we learn with wisdom who to share our heart with and who to not share, but at certain times, especially with family, a man has no choice but to share the truth as God has given.
Many men in scripture suffered rejection, as did Christ. It is not possible to convince everyone, but to remember to keep a peaceful attitude as did Christ.

Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.
Matthew 5:8-10

sadanyagci said:
Well, here's my story on this subject.,
Nice testimony,

'Condemning what is good is just as bad as approving of what is evil
Words to live by.

I wish proof where enough, I sympathize with how you felt, if you could just show them the proof it would be fine. Think how God feels, ' For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

God's truth is everywhere, his proof in all creation, but when people harden their hearts God closes their minds and leaves them to foolishness. Your experience proving your faith by scripture on these small matters, and having hearts hardened against you, and having to turn and leave never to see someone you care so deeply about ever again is something you can take to have a small understanding of how God works with everyone, and how people harden against him and in the end slander him. Your story is a heartbreaker, but it lets you feel a bit about how God so loved the world.

It looks like you've come a long ways, and we are like minded in some ways. Bless you, I hope you keep on growing. Its hard supporting poly, but its soon time that its going to be important. In history there have long been one person or one group teaching what your saying about the church, just to be shut down. Now it seems like there are Christians in many places independently coming too it, and gradually coming together to grow. Its a long road, but if we can help break down anyone's judgementalism and false traditions to see God more as he is we've done something worthwhile.

You speak with the wisdom of God. Your testimony is sad for the loss, but powerful for your gain in truth. Most people do not understand love as you do. I have written on this subject in my teachings as well. Many will learn from your testimony. I hope to hear more. Welcome to the site. May God richly bless you for your obedience. Thank you for your input.

Dr. Ray
The Lord brought into my life a man who loved God and Jesus Christ. He told me the Lord was great and that I should read His word. I did. This man and I built a friendship and finally I asked in humility if I could meet his wife. He told me that the Lord was guiding him and through my words and questions that I was the message he needed that was the question he was seeking. He asked me if I would be willing to be his wife and her husband and the three of us would live the lives the Lord built us for. Let me tell you, one is never capable or thinking they are until polygyny walks up to you and says "will you marry us?" When there are no hesitations in the question and the answer is leaping out of you you are sure in God's plan for you as sure as the Lord is that you are one of the capable.