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How to love your wife (like Christ loves the church)


Seasoned Member
Real Person
It has been pointed out again that this forum talks a bunch about male headship and female submission and not a whole lot about the man's responsibility of loving his wife in the same passage.
I can think of several good reasons why this has come to be and a few bad ones, but that isn't the conversation I wish to have here.

How ought a man love his wife as Christ loved the church?

How ought a man love his wife as he loves his own body?

What say you, learned patriarchs? What say you wise women?
This man and his wife have a pair of companion blogs - "The Generous Husband" and "The Generous Wife". Each has a daily post (which you can receive by email) with one little suggestion on what you can do to be a better husband (or be a better wife). I have been subscribed to the Generous Husband on and off, Sarah's been subscribed to the Generous Wife for years, so I recommend them from long experience.

The latest post on The Generous Husband directly relates to this discussion:
What The Bible Tells Husbands To Do

When we’re trying to be biblical husbands, I think we should look at the Scriptures that tell husbands how to act. I realize that seems obvious, but it’s not actually what we always do. Much of what is said about being a biblical husband is actually extrapolated from what God tells wives to do. For example, “because God told women to obey, then men should ________”.

Why would we pass over what God said to us directly and extrapolate from what women were told? Perhaps we don’t like what God actually told us to do. Or maybe we don’t find what we want in what God told us to do. Either way, it seems like a bad plan, and not an indication one is all about finding and following the will of God.

Below are NT scriptures I found telling men how to be husbands, with a few comments from me:
And you can follow the link to read the rest.
A man must consider the good of the family as a whole over himself.
A man should consider what is best for the wife(s) over their wants.
A man must be willing to sacrifice for the Good of the family.
In this process it is not wrong for some of the needs and wants of the man to be met as well.
Keeping the family strong may involve sacrifice on the part of the man but if the man becomes a slave to the woman he fails to lead.
The right perspective is finding the proper
balance is finding between meeting needs and wants for all. say no when you should and yes when you should.
asy? No! Sometimes having the ability to say yes makes it harder to say no when you should. Proper balance is the Key. Proper affection and discipline.
Love is both!
Eph 5: 25-33

Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself. For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church: For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church. Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself

This is agape love, which is defined variously as...

to love, to be full of good-will and exhibit the same
with the accusative of the person, to have a preference for, wish well to, regard the welfare of
of the love which led Christ, in procuring human salvation, to undergo sufferings and death
to welcome with desire, long for:

The Christian husband dedicates himself to his wife and family. This doesn't mean he is their servant, to wait upon them and fulfill their every desire. It means he is no longer an independent person only concerned for his own wants and desires. That doesn't mean his wants are wrong or prohibited. It means he orients his life towards family and makes sacrifices for their sake.

It means he is no longer a solitary figure, but the leader of a family. Leadership has its burdens to be born. Decisions made for the good of the whole and not the individual; whether that be the husband, wife or kid whose individual desires may go wanting.

It means he is the spiritual leader. He takes upon himself the priestly responsibilities to pray for, teach (discipline), and chasten his family. His goal: to deliver unto his Lord a sanctified wife and children raised in the teachings of Christ. A wife and daughters who bring glory to their husbands. Sons who work to the glory of God. A family that walks in the ways of the Lord.

He loves them as he loves his own body: teaching, caring, mending, strengthening.

Now the false teachers of our day would turn this husband into a servant, and make love into never causing feelbads, into fulfilling the every desire of his wife and children. Little more than a pack mule to be used and discarded. A walking wallet.

But that is not how a body is grown. You have care for and treat your body well. You grow a strong body through discipline and hard work. You must eat regularly foods that are good for you, avoiding foods that are bad for you no matter how good they taste. You must work hard, chastening your body. You get stronger through pain and the successive process of pushing your body to the limit, resting, and then do it again. Which is to say, love sometimes requires doing things you or they will not like.

The man doesn't lead by serving, he serves by leading. The difference between a tyrant and a leader is the former serves himself only whereas the later loves his people and has them as his mission.

All this will all be a lot easier if he is a true follower of Christ. Luke 9:23

And He was saying to all, "If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and let him take up his cross every day, and let him follow Me.

It means he has to set the example, dieing to self in his service to Christ that they may follow his example. His example being to follow the example of Christ: that Christ held nothing back from God obeying Him even unto death. That Christ, for the sake of those who hated Him, gave up everything in self sacrifice. And not the mere sacrifice of one man's life. But rather that of a god, full of all might and power; perfect and pure and holy. He gave up more than we could ever realize.

Thus when a man's family see's him sacrificing himself for his vision in service to God he earns the loyalty of his family and they will follow him to hell and back in understanding and love.

Make no mistake, I'm not talking about the your best life now, boyfriend Jesus, magic prayer Gospel of American Christianity. I'm talking radical, counter-cultural, selfless service and obedience to Christ. The kind that's more likely to get you persecuted than praised.

While there is ongoing talk here and everywhere about punishing men who don't provide, even amoung the world that is not generally a problem (save when globalism makes them obsolete).. Men intuitively understand the need to provide. There is a reason that married men 'benefit' from the so called marriage premium (godly or ungodly, all married men on average, and no other classes, do this). They naturally work harder and make more money to provide for their families. The problems are elsewhere.

Like a shallow understanding of love that is more often than not too doting, too lax, too supplicating.

Or in replicating Adam's struggle: when faced with the choice between heeding the words of his wife and avoiding controversy and standing with God and dealing with her sins they too often follow in Adam's footsteps.

The other great area of struggle is to unthinkingly fallow the paths of the world: to let the schools teach his children, relegate spiritual instruction to the shallowness of the sunday school, and with his wife is less of a leader and more of a roommate.

Those are problems going back a hundred years in our culture. The most recent problem is fathers and mothers alike seem to have lost the word 'no' from their vocabulary. Truly our day is one where women and children rule. We ruined an entire generation of children by never telling them no, never disciplining them, never denying them their every want. And they became a terror, first as children in the grocery store and later as children on the college campuses and finally as children in the workplace. Ya, they never grew up, and they're still getting what they want via tantrums.
Here are a few of my thoughts.

I love myself reflexively. I do not "let" myself be hungry. I might take a meal late, but I very rarely simply fail to eat three times a day, with a bit of snacking here and there. I do not forget to sleep. I may stay up late because I'm having a good time, or because I need something done, but God knows at my first opportunity I'm going to catch up. I take every opportunity to make sure I am about as warm as I want to be... being cold or hot for too long is lame. I don't "let" myself be bored. I find something that interests me to do at all times. Every day, in every way, I am reaching out for comfort with hardly a thought about why. Indeed, I do these things without regard to what I think of myself. I may be a right bastard, but I'll be a right bastard with a full stomach, on a comfy couch, in a warm room, playing a video game that I like.

I love myself hedonistically. Rare (rare I say!) are the times when I impose artificial limits on my pleasures. I eat not to specific calorie count, but when my tongue and my stomach agree that I am done, I am done. I sleep when I am able, say on a saturday morning, until I am well rested, not until I have reached my theoretical optimal allotment of REM. Food, sex, sleep and pleasures are all serious business to me. If I may by any means indulge myself, the answer I give myself is almost always yes unless it has to be no.

I love myself thoughtfully. For a time, I will restrict my eating habits for health or aesthetic reasons. For a time, I will fast for spiritual reasons. Routinely, I wake up before I want to wake up in order to make sure I have the ability to be fed and warm and all that. A bit of sacrifice here and there is necessary to continue to love myself the way I prefer.

Therefore, since I love myself thus, and I am to consider my wife the same way: For the most part I am to consider my wife's needs and comforts reflexively. For the most part there is no need or desire that my wife may have that I do not automatically provide for. Whenever I may, I should indulge them beyond what is necessary. Whenever I must I should restrict them for her overall growth and sustainability.
Here are a few of my thoughts.

I love myself reflexively. I do not "let" myself be hungry. I might take a meal late, but I very rarely simply fail to eat three times a day, with a bit of snacking here and there. I do not forget to sleep. I may stay up late because I'm having a good time, or because I need something done, but God knows at my first opportunity I'm going to catch up. I take every opportunity to make sure I am about as warm as I want to be... being cold or hot for too long is lame. I don't "let" myself be bored. I find something that interests me to do at all times. Every day, in every way, I am reaching out for comfort with hardly a thought about why. Indeed, I do these things without regard to what I think of myself. I may be a right bastard, but I'll be a right bastard with a full stomach, on a comfy couch, in a warm room, playing a video game that I like.

I love myself hedonistically. Rare (rare I say!) are the times when I impose artificial limits on my pleasures. I eat not to specific calorie count, but when my tongue and my stomach agree that I am done, I am done. I sleep when I am able, say on a saturday morning, until I am well rested, not until I have reached my theoretical optimal allotment of REM. Food, sex, sleep and pleasures are all serious business to me. If I may by any means indulge myself, the answer I give myself is almost always yes unless it has to be no.

I love myself thoughtfully. For a time, I will restrict my eating habits for health or aesthetic reasons. For a time, I will fast for spiritual reasons. Routinely, I wake up before I want to wake up in order to make sure I have the ability to be fed and warm and all that. A bit of sacrifice here and there is necessary to continue to love myself the way I prefer.

Therefore, since I love myself thus, and I am to consider my wife the same way: For the most part I am to consider my wife's needs and comforts reflexively. For the most part there is no need or desire that my wife may have that I do not automatically provide for. Whenever I may, I should indulge them beyond what is necessary. Whenever I must I should restrict them for her overall growth and sustainability.

BOOOOM !!! Loving me loving you loving me!!!
@Slumberfreeze great stuff. Makes sense to me. To me that is just love. If you love someone you want them to be happy and fulfilled, enjoying life and growing into the best they can be, right? And like you said, only constraining or limiting where needed for the better (Im assuming you mean good things, not that it is some kind of sacrifice to not sin, right?)

I see a lot about sacrifice in various posts. What does that sacrifice look like? If we love our wives as ourselves...we have to love ourselves, right? It seems to me contradictory and in the ascetic vein to say that we should deny ourselves our own lives or pleasures or wants or needs just to replace them with someone else...it does not say to love your wives MORE than your body but AS. Of course, true love will die for the beloved, right? I suppose here I would argue it is because the 2 are 1 flesh. She is not just some separate person, she is a part of me. I hurt when she hurts. When she is insulted I feel indignant for her. When she is frightened I want to protect her. Etc. But the goal of all of that love is oneness, unity...becoming one as Christ becomes one with the church, into one flesh. Hence leading and sacrificing to help make her the best she can be: to encourage her God given talents and abilities, to help her fight her temptations and failings, and to make up for her weak spots by being strong arms she can lean on, or that we can carry her with when she can't walk anymore.

But that kind of love should not be a sacrifice. Christ did give Himself up for us, yes...He dies to wash our sins so that He might be reconciled to His bride and thus help her be who she was meant to be: a part of Him, one with Him. If Christ is within us we are in Him. Our wants are aligning with His. We are not monks because we do not exterminate our self to become a different person, but we transform the dirty pot into a clean one, to be the pot and hold the water we were always made to.

So with our wives. It would be unloving to tell my wife she cannot eat any cake unless she was hurting herself by overeating...because then I am loving her more than she is loving herself. But if I simply take away joy I have been hypocritical in eating the cake myself.
But likewise it would be unloving of me to just drop the book I'm reading whenever my wife says she wants cake. While her wants are as important to me as mine (often more), the same should be true in reverse. Thus if she is being unloving towards me and demanding I endure unhappiness for her selfish reason, I am actually being unloving to her if I agree, as I am hurting a part of the whole (myself) of which she ss one flesh. The loving thing would be for us both to express our wants and then, where there is conflict, to seek each others' interest, so that both are bowing and saying "no you first". Typically, to save time, we just take turns :)

NOTE that is very different than things of leadership, where there is a choice for the man in leading to something right or wrong, beneficial or not, or God's direction: those always come first, and it is loving to the wife to act thus, because she needs us to be that safe pair of strong arms to lean on when weak, guide by when lost or afraid, be pleasured by when lonely :) We must be taking care of ourselves as part of Christ, enjoying what He has given us and bettering ourselves in Him, to make sacrifices out of that, not just trading desires.
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I love seeing my wife happy and listening to her tell me about the things that she is interested in.

I try and give her downtime so that she can nap or read or work on her crafts.

I value our times in the evenings after the kids are in bed and we sometimes sit and just talk for an hour or two and she can just tell me all the things.

I'm glad I get to be the one she turns to when she needs someone to comfort her, help her, or support her.

I treasure and enjoy this person God has given me.
Being a truck driver, I have the advantage of available time.
Long story short, Ali and I talk six days a week from 0700-0800 and an hour later on Sundays. We’ve done it for something like a decade by now.
The other relationships haven’t been scheduled, but the point is to be able to talk for at least an hour per day, one on one.
I do a lot of listening, but then we all do.
I wonder what some of these whiny, modern "Christian" women would do if someone actually loved them with the love of Christ. We make this squishy, "Jesus is my boyfriend" thing that supposed to mean we have to be nice to them but that's not how Christ loved the Church. He demanded obedience. He demanded sacrifice. He made very little promise about the Church's physical comfort. He called them to serve. He called them to take up His cross. He threatened the Church with dire consequences for disobedience.

I think most women here should be begging us to talk about submission because the love of Christ is a VERY hard thing and frankly I don't think many of them are ready for it..
I think most women here should be begging us to talk about submission because the love of Christ is a VERY hard thing and frankly I don't think many of them are ready for it..
Heck, I’m still working on my own submission to Christ. Oddly tho, In the last year or two, as I’ve been working on my relationship with Christ, my wife has and is seeing the change. At the same time, I’m seeing a change in her. She’s been doing more things for me without me asking, she’s backing me when I know she disagreed with my decision. It seems to me her submission to my being head of household has happened in the same timeline as my submitting to Christ. What a coincidence?
I wonder what some of these whiny, modern "Christian" women would do if someone actually loved them with the love of Christ. We make this squishy, "Jesus is my boyfriend" thing that supposed to mean we have to be nice to them but that's not how Christ loved the Church. He demanded obedience. He demanded sacrifice. He made very little promise about the Church's physical comfort. He called them to serve. He called them to take up His cross. He threatened the Church with dire consequences for disobedience.

I think most women here should be begging us to talk about submission because the love of Christ is a VERY hard thing and frankly I don't think many of them are ready for it..
Gahhhh! That blasted ZecAustin again. Why is he so meeaaaan....

Quick, somebody post something about coffee or lip gloss!

Oh, the misogyny! The constant woman-bashing! I just...can't....

I need a mani-pedi.

And some high fives.
if you wonder why there is such a divide between men and women, its perhaps you gents have never exercised real leaderahip... one in which influence is central and key, as opposed to force and control. Just an Observation.

I think most women here should be begging us to talk about submission because the love of Christ is a VERY hard thing and frankly I don't think many of them are ready for it..

Funny, two broad statements, how can one of them be wrong. Why is one tolerated but the other not?
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Funny, two broad statements, how can one of them be wrong. Why is one tolerated but the other not?

I see you feel like being contentious about other people's opinion, but that's not what this is for. Please post your thoughts about how to love your wife scripturally, or get outta my thread.

I think most women here should be begging us to talk about submission because the love of Christ is a VERY hard thing and frankly I don't think many of them are ready for it..

So how should a man go about loving his wife like that?
With the prompting of the Lord, a few years ago I realized how selfish I had been for the first several years of marriage. I decided to put Ephesians 5 into practice and actually start loving my wife. That was the start to a change in our marriage. She tells me she doesn't know anyone as selfless as myself because she sees how much I love her and provide for her (her words not mine). I don't give her everything she wants or she'd be spoiled... One way I show love to my wife is by giving her measured correction when needed, I lead her spiritually and guide her, I make decisions for her so she doesn't have extra pressures laid upon her. I know she likes to talk and spend time with me, so I make sure to be available as I can to give her attention and make her feel loved. I love her by listening and try to understand what she's going through. We both see that we have an amazing relationship and she has told me and others that she doesn't know anyone that has what we have. Because she reverences me the way she should, it really blesses our marriage and she thrives under my loving rule.
With the prompting of the Lord, a few years ago I realized how selfish I had been for the first several years of marriage. I decided to put Ephesians 5 into practice and actually start loving my wife. That was the start to a change in our marriage. She tells me she doesn't know anyone as selfless as myself because she sees how much I love her and provide for her (her words not mine). I don't give her everything she wants or she'd be spoiled... One way I show love to my wife is by giving her measured correction when needed, I lead her spiritually and guide her, I make decisions for her so she doesn't have extra pressures laid upon her. I know she likes to talk and spend time with me, so I make sure to be available as I can to give her attention and make her feel loved. I love her by listening and try to understand what she's going through. We both see that we have an amazing relationship and she has told me and others that she doesn't know anyone that has what we have. Because she reverences me the way she should, it really blesses our marriage and she thrives under my loving rule.

Not sure if you have had the experience of having to reevaluate your marriage in the context of a potential sister wife actually coming into the picture, but from my experience what you just said goes into overdrive.
Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.

Anyone want to weigh in on that? How do you give honor to the wife like a weaker vessel? What is a weaker vessel?