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Howdy from Indiana!


Mostly a lurker, finally made an account. 39, married, male, Mormon (convert, although wife is a lifer), living in Indiana.

I'm a vintage commuting nut. I belong to my local Atari club, even. I'm also a huge Gameboy nerd. I think I have almost 40 variations now (DMG, GBA, GBC, GBL, GBP, various modded and then some uncounted FPGA units that'll play carts), and I still have the original DMG that I sold wrapping paper to finance as a kid.

I like to live a pretty quiet life offline, not paying much attention to the news and living rural enough to be somewhat practical when I need to go somewhere to get something. Outside of church and going to the grocery store, my wife is my only human contact, as I work from home, so I spend quite a bit of time on Reddit, Discord, and various hosted forums getting my socialization on.
Welcome from Eastern Washington (near the Mormon homeland in Utah and Idaho 😉).

I went to Indiana once (job interview six years ago) and liked it quite a bit (but didn't get the job).

I'm 50, so I remember Atari, original Nintendo, and original Gameboy. We had the Atari and Nintendo (and my brother the Gameboy). Going from the Atari 2600 to the Nintendo, sure was a quantum leap for better gaming. We also had the Commodore 64 which was also a pretty good platform for gaming, especially since everyone copied their friends games onto floppy disks and spread them around .
Going from the Atari 2600 to the Nintendo, sure was a quantum leap for better gaming. We also had the Commodore 64 which was also a pretty good platform for gaming, especially since everyone copied their friends games onto floppy disks and spread them around .
It really was. My brother had an Atari and then I got my NES for my 5th birthday and it was like "whoa" even my luddite grandfather was entertained by it.
Welcome! I have my original 1989 Gameboy and it still works.
Welcome! Hope you find some good things here.
Shalom and welcome.
Welcome from Georgetown Texas! Hopefully you cna join the men's video meetup every second and fourth Tuesday of the month. I believe that puts the next meetup on Aug 7th, at 7:00 PM Central 8 PM Eastern.

BTW, if you accidentally join on Tuesday evenings instead, you can just let your wife jump in and join the ladies!
Hi! I'm also mormon.
Personally I don't know too much about consoles or Indiana but my 18 year old nintendo DS is still alive and kicking... One day it will be an antique.
Hi! I'm also mormon.
Personally I don't know too much about consoles or Indiana but my 18 year old nintendo DS is still alive and kicking... One day it will be an antique.
You know, the funny thing is, the thought that the Mormons have an offshoot that still practices polygyny, was somewhat instrumental in my becoming aware that it could be practiced among non-Mormons. Long story short: I had the thought that if I were a Mormon, I would want to be FLDS, which led me to question why there isn't an FLDS version of any Christian, nonMormon denominations, given the fact that Scripture never forbids it.
Mostly a lurker, finally made an account. 39, married, male, Mormon (convert, although wife is a lifer), living in Indiana.

I'm a vintage commuting nut. I belong to my local Atari club, even. I'm also a huge Gameboy nerd. I think I have almost 40 variations now (DMG, GBA, GBC, GBL, GBP, various modded and then some uncounted FPGA units that'll play carts), and I still have the original DMG that I sold wrapping paper to finance as a kid.

I like to live a pretty quiet life offline, not paying much attention to the news and living rural enough to be somewhat practical when I need to go somewhere to get something. Outside of church and going to the grocery store, my wife is my only human contact, as I work from home, so I spend quite a bit of time on Reddit, Discord, and various hosted forums getting my socialization on.
Welcome to the group. Find a chair. The bar is over there. Just remember that the good bourbon is mine, you can have some but you gotta bring a bottle next time.
(Yeah yeah, I know...Mormon but it is my way of being friendly)