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If he takes another wife to himself, he shall not diminish her food, her clothing, or her marital rights. Exodus 21:10


If Jesus said that he did NOT come to abolish the law of plural marriage then what in the world is man so afraid of, or is it us woman that are afraid?

At this important time when, if ever, do you see the laws changing in the USA just as it has for others wanting religious freedom.
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Man's laws in this country prohibiting polygynous families should be changed so that people can enjoy religious freedom just like anyone else. Don't you think?
Hi @Brenna, in many places in the world today people are free to live together and sleep together, but most can't get government approved licences for relationships involving more than two people. Since God has never given governments the right to control/legislate relationships, there is no reason biblically to allow governments to exert control. Most plural marriages therefore exist without government licences, and that's fine according to the Bible. Shalom
@Brenna, can you find an example of someone being convicted of a crime for the sole reason of polygamy? In other words, not a person charged for something else (e.g. underage marriage) who happens to be a polygamist, or wanted on suspicion of something else but the only thing they could legally pin on them was polygamy so it was used as a substitute charge. I mean someone who was pursued by the authorities and then convicted solely for polygamy between consenting adults - convicted for the sort of relationship that we support.

I think if you try hunting for an actual case you may gain a whole new perspective on the situation.
As far as I am aware, in nearly all states, it's perfectly fine to have another wife. You just can't get government paperwork about it. The idea of govt paperwork is sketchy already anyway, we don't really need that.
Oh, I see! I guess you just have to figure out what to do about medical insurance, social security for wives, and, children.. how does that work? For my situation it wouldn't matter because we will soon be going on Medicare after my husband retires. So if we do get an additional wife I guess she would benefit to be employed, for healthcare benefits?
Oh, I see! I guess you just have to figure out what to do about medical insurance, social security for wives, and, children.. how does that work? For my situation it wouldn't matter because we will soon be going on Medicare after my husband retires. So if we do get an additional wife I guess she would benefit to be employed, for healthcare benefits?
Yes, I'm still wet behind the ears. Lots of logistics I've considered that are part of making a decision. Thank you. I really want to know everything before I begin to approach my husband, though he knows I have been reading about biblical polygyny for a couple of years, I have never come right out to see if he will seriously consider it for us. Plural marriage is such an enormous decision for anyone, without a personal experience of it already, I have so many questions like the one I just asked.. questions that I could not find all the answers to in books. That's why I'm so glad that I found you all here on biblical families.
We're always happy to answer your questions, @Brenna. Keep in mind some of us live in other parts of the world, so we're not dealing with things in quite the same way as you might encounter in the USA. But we do our best to give helpful insights and answers to the various challenges people have with plural marriage. Cheers
@Brenna I have to set up my second in other ways. In my case, she brought her own income and health insurance into the family. For long term security I can take our life insurance policies with her as beneficiary and will her assets. She gets her own social security which is family income as long as I’m alive. When I pass, she will still have this income. Hope this helps.
If Jesus said that he did NOT come to abolish the law of plural marriage then what in the world is man so afraid of, or is it us woman that are afraid?
I grew up hearing a quote "You fear that which you do not understand" and I think polygyny is something most have zero real life experience with. This makes it a foreign idea to the foundational experiences that have shaped our thinking about marriage. It's no wonder most reject it.
Women fear anything that changes their relationship dynamic....and this certainly does.
In that verse you quoted as the thread title, "diminish" is translated from this word.
It is certain to help calm a first wife's worries to be loved through the transition and feel this defining aspect of marriage is still in place.
medical insurance, social security for wives, and, children..
Governments inserted themselves into marriage beggining with thee church at Rome. Once religious authority had been accepted and Romans 13 had been improperly used it's simple for a secular authority to worm in. They don't want to legalize polygyny because of the nightmare (beyond the current nightmare) that divorce and family law would become. It also lends to large families....and small ones are easier to control.
@Brenna I have to set up my second in other ways. In my case, she brought her own income and health insurance into the family. For long term security I can take our life insurance policies with her as beneficiary and will her assets. She gets her own social security which is family income as long as I’m alive. When I pass, she will still have this income. Hope this helps.
Very helpful! Thank you.
As far as I am aware, in nearly all states, it's perfectly fine to have another wife. You just can't get government paperwork about it. The idea of govt paperwork is sketchy already anyway, we don't really need that.
She is out here beating that BASED drum
Hi @Brenna, in many places in the world today people are free to live together and sleep together, but most can't get government approved licences for relationships involving more than two people. Since God has never given governments the right to control/legislate relationships, there is no reason biblically to allow governments to exert control. Most plural marriages therefore exist without government licences, and that's fine according to the Bible. Shalom
This is also why family trusts are the friend of plural families
And it is working. Really really well.

Normally this is where I start my silly routine to attract ladies wanting to crank up the production line...but I need more coffee and a nice hearty breakfast first
Maybe not.

There is rather new "mouse utopia" theory. According to it, when population density becomes too large, fertility falls.

Most large cities have too big density.
Maybe not.

There is rather new "mouse utopia" theory. According to it, when population density becomes too large, fertility falls.

Most large cities have too big density.
Here is anothor reason for population fall:

Two kids are now another full time job.

Who has time for two full time jobs?
Maybe not.

There is rather new "mouse utopia" theory. According to it, when population density becomes too large, fertility falls.

Most large cities have too big density.

It is so very very much more than that. I know the mouse utopia comparison/theory in spades but that is just one factor in a really big equation.
Just a very few quick bullet points

- mass contraception even where completely unnecessary 9n a planetary scale

- environmental contamination... this list could go on till my thumbs cramp from typing but you are smart enough to have a couple of dozen pop to mind before you get to the end of this sentence, so I won't bore everyone with even a partial list

- Modern western diet. This technically falls under the big tent of environmental contamination but it is so big that I think it deserves its own bullet point

- propaganda. We are all being pushed extremely hard, especially the white western population, to not reproduce. It is too expensive boohoo. I don't want to impact the planet waa. How could you bring a child into this terrible world *sniffle *. I can't keep oppressing the planet with my dirty colonizer genescrazy.gif

More factors still but you will forgive my not going on about it or doing the while citations of articles and stats etc. The topic is somewhat distressing.
Yes mouse utopia but mouse utopia on drugs and war and with sadistic spastics constantly contaminating the food and torturing the mice.
