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Info About the Hebrew Roots


New Member
I'm looking for information on the Hebrew Roots movement. I can't find much on Wikipedia, except how it is seen as part of the Judaizer heresy. What Bible verses does it use to defend the dietary laws, the Jewish feasts, and the Seventh Day Sabbath? What is ur opinion of Acts 15, and is circumcision still needed today? I already know that Acts 10 didn't get rid of the dietary laws (the Father said it was 1 Timothy 4 that did that), I already know that the Christians in Acts celebrated the Jewish feasts (the Father said it was Colossians 2 that ended it), and I already know that Christians celebrated the Seventh Day Sabbath in Acts (the Father said it was Acts 20:7 and 1 Corinthians 16:1-2 that ended that). I also want to know if there r any groups that I could join online that either celebrated the the Jewish holidays or provide more information about them. Any information will be appreciated.
I'm looking for information on the Hebrew Roots movement. I can't find much on Wikipedia, except how it is seen as part of the Judaizer heresy. What Bible verses does it use to defend the dietary laws, the Jewish feasts, and the Seventh Day Sabbath? What is ur opinion of Acts 15, and is circumcision still needed today? I already know that Acts 10 didn't get rid of the dietary laws (the Father said it was 1 Timothy 4 that did that), I already know that the Christians in Acts celebrated the Jewish feasts (the Father said it was Colossians 2 that ended it), and I already know that Christians celebrated the Seventh Day Sabbath in Acts (the Father said it was Acts 20:7 and 1 Corinthians 16:1-2 that ended that). I also want to know if there r any groups that I could join online that either celebrated the the Jewish holidays or provide more information about them. Any information will be appreciated.
Hi @sambower
Just a quick reply to your question...
There are a pretty good handful of us here who are Hebrew Roots, Messianic, Torah Observant etc. We have many names/boxes lol. I have been in this walk for about 7 years, and was formally Baptist/evangelical. There are now many excellent resources, but back when I was looking for info there was not. One place I still refer people to online is 119ministries.org. They have excellent scriptural teachings, as well as a fellowship finder map! I expect @PeteR, @Pacman and a few others to jump on here to add a few things. @PeteR has written a couple of books and can recommend others as well. Shalom and welcome!
@sambowers thanks for dropping in and posting. And, welcome to our corner of the web...

By way of clarification, BiblicalFamilies is not a Hebrew roots ministry, though there are many of us here that do keep Shabbat, the biblical feasts and eat clean.

It is a topic that is sometimes hotly debated on here, so we try to walk at peace on our common ground: Salvation by grace through faith in Yeshua, scripture clearly allows for, even promotes, plural marriage as righteous and viable.

Debate/discussion of Hebrew roots is best taken up on that specific board and I hope a moderator will move this there.

In any case, welcome.
Jewish feasts,

They aren't "Jewish feasts" they are the appointed times of Yah

Leviticus 23:2 NASB
"Speak to the sons of Israel and say to them, 'The LORD'S appointed times which you shall proclaim as holy convocations-My appointed times are these:

(the Father said it was 1 Timothy 4 that did that)

The fallacy here is the assumption that meat forbidden by Torah are foods that God created to be gratefully shared...

1 Timothy 4:3 NASB
men who forbid marriage and advocate abstaining from foods which God has created to be gratefully shared in by those who believe and know the truth.
The fallacy here is the assumption that meat forbidden by Torah are foods that God created to be gratefully shared...

1 Timothy 4:3 NASB
men who forbid marriage and advocate abstaining from foods which God has created to be gratefully shared in by those who believe and know the truth
My personal favorite is Isaiah 66:16-17... if the earth has not yet been judged by fire and sword (unless I missed it) then swine is a serious risk to personal health!
Hi @sambower
Just a quick reply to your question...
There are a pretty good handful of us here who are Hebrew Roots, Messianic, Torah Observant etc. We have many names/boxes lol. I have been in this walk for about 7 years, and was formally Baptist/evangelical. There are now many excellent resources, but back when I was looking for info there was not. One place I still refer people to online is 119ministries.org. They have excellent scriptural teachings, as well as a fellowship finder map! I expect @PeteR, @Pacman and a few others to jump on here to add a few things. @PeteR has written a couple of books and can recommend others as well. Shalom and welcome!

Ten Parts In The King: The Prophesied Reconciliation of God's Two Witnesses https://www.amazon.com/dp/1729385672/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_sFMjEbTDT8EY5


Be careful with man's interpretation of the Law. Make sure you listen to God's Spirit first.
I'm looking for information on the Hebrew Roots movement. I can't find much on Wikipedia, except how it is seen as part of the Judaizer heresy. What Bible verses does it use to defend the dietary laws, the Jewish feasts, and the Seventh Day Sabbath? What is ur opinion of Acts 15, and is circumcision still needed today? I already know that Acts 10 didn't get rid of the dietary laws (the Father said it was 1 Timothy 4 that did that), I already know that the Christians in Acts celebrated the Jewish feasts (the Father said it was Colossians 2 that ended it), and I already know that Christians celebrated the Seventh Day Sabbath in Acts (the Father said it was Acts 20:7 and 1 Corinthians 16:1-2 that ended that). I also want to know if there r any groups that I could join online that either celebrated the the Jewish holidays or provide more information about them. Any information will be appreciated.

Sam, theres quite a few threads on the forum going back quite a while that will answer most of your questions. Not all of us are Torah observant for various reasons. Some you may agree with and some maybe not.
I'm looking for information on the Hebrew Roots movement. I can't find much on Wikipedia, except how it is seen as part of the Judaizer heresy. What Bible verses does it use to defend the dietary laws, the Jewish feasts, and the Seventh Day Sabbath? What is ur opinion of Acts 15, and is circumcision still needed today? I already know that Acts 10 didn't get rid of the dietary laws (the Father said it was 1 Timothy 4 that did that), I already know that the Christians in Acts celebrated the Jewish feasts (the Father said it was Colossians 2 that ended it), and I already know that Christians celebrated the Seventh Day Sabbath in Acts (the Father said it was Acts 20:7 and 1 Corinthians 16:1-2 that ended that). I also want to know if there r any groups that I could join online that either celebrated the the Jewish holidays or provide more information about them. Any information will be appreciated.

Welcome to the group. These are some good questions and deserve good answers.
I would just like to say that there is nowhere in the Holy scriptures in context that justifies eating the unclean animal, you can't find it it does not exist, you literally have to twist the holy scriptures in order to justify eating the unclean animal.

With that being said, you said "1st Timothy 4 took care of that".
Well I hate to bust your bubble, but 1st Timothy 4 does not cleanse the unclean

So let's take a look at that Passage.

1 Timothy 4:1‭-‬5 KJV
1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;

3 Forbidding to marry, (which is what the Catholics do, and the church when it comes to polygyny)
and commanding to abstain from meats, (and that's what the Seventh-Day Adventists do) which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.

4 For every creature of God is good, (amen every creature of Yahweh is good, we do not deny that, they all have their purpose here on our Flat Earth) and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving:

5 For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.

What does sanctified mean? it means set apart or to make holy, pure.

So with that in mind, it is made holy or pure by the word of God and what does the word of God say?? well you have to go back to Leviticus 11, and Leviticus 11 tells us what is clean and unclean.

I hope that answers your misunderstanding of 1st Timothy 4.
I'm looking for information on the Hebrew Roots movement. I can't find much on Wikipedia, except how it is seen as part of the Judaizer heresy. What Bible verses does it use to defend the dietary laws, the Jewish feasts, and the Seventh Day Sabbath? What is ur opinion of Acts 15, and is circumcision still needed today? I already know that Acts 10 didn't get rid of the dietary laws (the Father said it was 1 Timothy 4 that did that), I already know that the Christians in Acts celebrated the Jewish feasts (the Father said it was Colossians 2 that ended it), and I already know that Christians celebrated the Seventh Day Sabbath in Acts (the Father said it was Acts 20:7 and 1 Corinthians 16:1-2 that ended that). I also want to know if there r any groups that I could join online that either celebrated the the Jewish holidays or provide more information about them. Any information will be appreciated.
I am new writing on this form but I have been a member a while now. I run my own Facebook ministry “Who Seek Truth.” I’ll pray for anyone who reads this and likes this comment. I have made a playlist I hope can help you along your journey to search for truth.


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