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Is "marriage" just really a bunch of Monkey Business?

I love this quote:

"It's illegal to marry a monkey. Anyone found doing that or attending the marriage ceremony will be arrested," said forest range officer Bhavar Singh Kaviya.

Imagine my relief in finding out it is illegal to marry a monkey!
how intollerant, not even allowing the monkey ONE wife :!: :geek:

btw: a religion in which you can tie god to a tree, it seems a little wimpy to me. :?
So, according to the pagan-Greco-Roman-Catholic tradition that the Western world is foisting off on other cultures, must the monkeys live in sin, without the benefits of a state-licensed marriage?

Or maybe the RCC is looking for a few more celibate monks... :lol:

Actually, the marriage was done in the best patriarchal tradition. It was arranged by the families of the bride and groom. The monkeys didn't have a thing to say about the whole affair. What was the bride-price - a year's supply of bananas?

And is Ramesh Saini's brother really a monkey's uncle?
LOL...you guys crack me up!