• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

Is the story of your life: "eaten alive by women?"

It should be fairly obvious in the early stages of meeting a woman (before she becomes a wife) whether or not she is wanting to be a help or hindrance to a guy. If the guy and the woman aren't on the same page and in the same Book at kick-off, why start a journey that's destined to be just another statistic in the failure's column?

Is the failure to properly scrutinize a potential helper the reason for the sad divorce stats among Christians? I mean, how is it we're doing no better statistically than non-Christians at firing and replacing helpers?

That’s complex. Yes it’s a failure in the man to recognize and choose someone who is trained to be a good helper. It’s a failure in society for training young women to be self centered princesses. It’s a failure in fathers who raise daughters to fail in life. It’s a failure in husbands to wash their wives, iron out the wrinkles, and mend the blemishes. @CatieF was far and above a better wife when I married her at 17 (the legal age in my state) than most 30+ women. But she was still not a stellar wife.

We men need to be good husbands, teaching and training them HOW to be a good helper. I was TERRIBLE, and I’m still failing every day to exemplify my standards for what a good husband is and does.

A man can marry a sub-par woman and turn her into a wonderful wife. He can marry a wonderful young woman and ruin her.

Like I said, it’s complex. Choosing a 20 year old with a body count of 25, who is completely self absorbed, who wants nothing but her own desires met will not be an easy person to turn into a glorious bride without spot or wrinkle or blemish. It’s much easier to start out with one who has a meek and quiet spirit, who desires to be married, love her husband, serve his needs, bear his children, and help him succeed.

Is it just a simple failure to pick well? No. But choosing well is far more likely to result in a good outcome. Stack the odds in your favor as much as possible. Even God couldn’t get His first two wives to act right with a couple thousand years of effort.
Thing is that even before marriage couple can function well. Malfunction can start even with experienced couples.

A lot of people read the book "I Kissed Dating Goodbye" thinking they were getting solid Biblical advice. It really backfired on them.
Yea, because book was written by simp. That's real issue. Guy couldn't stop himself by drooling how some girls is pretty.

Book is basically guide how to stop simp from using his simpiness to destroy all his romantical chances.

Btw, there is now documentary:

There is an element relevant to this thread (for multiple reasons ;) ) that I have talked about elsewhere on BF, but don't see referenced here:

TSHTF. We're there, whether most families - and PARTICULARLY most "potential wives" - see it yet or not.

An etzer kenegdo ('helpmeet' suitable for us) can and will become an essential element for survival in what is at hand.

Two people, even a couple with kids, can't do what is and will be necessary as supply chains break, food becomes increasingly unavailable, and 'security' for our families is controlled by cretins who should be wearing adult pampers.

A woman who understands that is either a wife who is looking to add additional help, or a potential wife who wants to be such.
There is an element relevant to this thread (for multiple reasons ;) ) that I have talked about elsewhere on BF, but don't see referenced here:

TSHTF. We're there, whether most families - and PARTICULARLY most "potential wives" - see it yet or not.

An etzer kenegdo ('helpmeet' suitable for us) can and will become an essential element for survival in what is at hand.

Two people, even a couple with kids, can't do what is and will be necessary as supply chains break, food becomes increasingly unavailable, and 'security' for our families is controlled by cretins who should be wearing adult pampers.

A woman who understands that is either a wife who is looking to add additional help, or a potential wife who wants to be such.
It is weird seeing others beat a similar drum at times.

Nice but weird.
Kind of used to being the only one that sees we have real problems coming and how well polygamy as a marriage and family system helps to buttress one against those difficulties.

We are seeing those who have never taken an interest in whst is going on in the world beyond the distance of their sports team or their shows on TV begin to see problems and start getting worried. Maybe that will translate into some more old fashioned traditional ideas for the ladies.

I keep expecting it to happen but to date i am seeing more evidence thst it has to get way worse for most to consider different ideas
There is an element relevant to this thread (for multiple reasons ;) ) that I have talked about elsewhere on BF, but don't see referenced here:

TSHTF. We're there, whether most families - and PARTICULARLY most "potential wives" - see it yet or not.

An etzer kenegdo ('helpmeet' suitable for us) can and will become an essential element for survival in what is at hand.

Two people, even a couple with kids, can't do what is and will be necessary as supply chains break, food becomes increasingly unavailable, and 'security' for our families is controlled by cretins who should be wearing adult pampers.

A woman who understands that is either a wife who is looking to add additional help, or a potential wife who wants to be such.

It is weird seeing others beat a similar drum at times.

Nice but weird.
Kind of used to being the only one that sees we have real problems coming and how well polygamy as a marriage and family system helps to buttress one against those difficulties.

We are seeing those who have never taken an interest in whst is going on in the world beyond the distance of their sports team or their shows on TV begin to see problems and start getting worried. Maybe that will translate into some more old fashioned traditional ideas for the ladies.

I keep expecting it to happen but to date i am seeing more evidence thst it has to get way worse for most to consider different ideas
If it comes to Mad Max scenarios even poly families will be way short on workers. To survive whole community will be needed.

I would bet on Orania surviving without much trouble.
1 Corinthians 7:32-34

32 I would like you to be free from concern. An unmarried man is concerned about the Lord’s affairs—how he can please the Lord. 33 But a married man is concerned about the affairs of this world—how he can please his wife— 34 and his interests are divided. An unmarried woman or virgin is concerned about the Lord’s affairs: Her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit. But a married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world—how she can please her husband.
One of the first commandments is to be "fruitful and multiply." Which was repeated by Yahuah when Judah was in captivity in Babylon through the prophet Jeremiah:

Jeremiah 29:4-7 NLT
This is what the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, the God of Israel, says to all the captives he has exiled to Babylon from Jerusalem: 5 “Build homes, and plan to stay. Plant gardens, and eat the food they produce. 6 Marry and have children. Then find spouses for them so that you may have many grandchildren. Multiply! Do not dwindle away! 7 And work for the peace and prosperity of the city where I sent you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, for its welfare will determine your welfare.”

We're not in the land. We're in exile. Many men today are boys. Not interested in starting families or raising up children for Yahshua. Some are homosexuals. Some are in prison. Some prefer the ways of Babylon - sleep with them and toss them out the next day. That leaves a lot of women without a suitable husband. Unlike men - who can wait until their 30's or 50's to add wives - a woman has a much smaller timeframe for child bearing; which doesn't give them much time to find a covering.
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Some of us men in their 50s don’t want more children. I’ll provide covering for a woman, but I don’t care if she’s child bearing age.
That is the wonderful thing about variety in life.
I want a dozen more.
My son has been such a blessing that I am not even remotely shy about admitting that I want to be be greedy and have even more joy in my life of that very same sort

And in the event that a special someone is waiting for that gif
giphy (9).gif

I got a new one
Some of us men in their 50s don’t want more children. I’ll provide covering for a woman, but I don’t care if she’s child bearing age.
Women from all ages need a covering - so well done for being a covering for women in need. Especially in this day and age - with inflation going up - war drums beating - and not many men available for marriage. Parable of the Talents comes into play.

Also, a woman under a man's covering is not just given provisions and protections from her husband. But also protections from YAHUAH - since it's written if any man has sex with her - there's a promise of destruction. We see this promise fulfilled with the pharaoh in Egypt, and elsewhere in Scripture.
Women from all ages need a covering - so well done for being a covering for women in need. Especially in this day and age - with inflation going up - war drums beating - and not many men available for marriage. Parable of the Talents comes into play.

Also, a woman under a man's covering is not just given provisions and protections from her husband. But also protections from YAHUAH - since it's written if any man has sex with her - there's a promise of destruction. We see this promise fulfilled with the pharaoh in Egypt, and elsewhere in Scripture.
Most of the older women I come across in various forums, have very little interest in marriage.
Some of us men in their 50s don’t want more children. I’ll provide covering for a woman, but I don’t care if she’s child bearing age.
Not in that group for sure! I am willing to marry an older woman, but I still want a younger child bearing capable woman as well. Scripture doesn't really talk about a covering for women as much as it talks about taking away their reproach and the fact that the woman will be saved, which I believe means sanctified, through childbearing.
Not in that group for sure! I am willing to marry an older woman, but I still want a younger child bearing capable woman as well. Scripture doesn't really talk about a covering for women as much as it talks about taking away their reproach and the fact that the woman will be saved, which I believe means sanctified, through childbearing.

I think I am more or less on the same page as Daniel.
I am fine with marrying a woman that can't have kids regardless of age. If we fit then we fit. Crank up the brass band and set off some fireworks, woohoo and the like.
The thing is though that I really want more children.
Men hate admitting they are wrong but I will admit I was a blue ribbon prize winning dumbass for not having kids way sooner. That the life course of starting businesses, being a workaholic and just being busy all the time instead of seeing an entirely more satisfying potential life...ah well, you can not change the past. You can move forward as you intend to continue however and that is with the intention of a large boisterous family full of children.
Kids are great and I love being a dad, so if a hypothetical brilliant woman among woman who can't have kids is silly enough to jump aboard my zany bandwagon...well that is grand. With the understanding that we are still intending to attempt to meet a woman who can have kids and also is looney enough to jump on the aforementioned zany bandwagon