• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

James@hiddenhomesteads.com new to site..

We have a limited access to internet, but we are trying to connect with like minded believers. We know some of you and look forward to meeting others. We need your prayers and look forward to some future gatherings. I am a father of 7 beautiful children and 1 beautiful wife, all gifts from our creator. Are trying to live out our calling to create access to community building materials and knowledge that not all have access to. We feel it is our ministry and we believe that it will be blessed. We have been actively seeking an addition to our family for a while. we realize that this to is not to be of our doing, but the fathers.

All believers prays are needed and you have ours....May you all be blessed!

James, Sherry and family
Welcome James, and I like your "hidden homesteads" website also. You'll find plenty of people who think similarly about things to yourselves here. Definitely try and make a retreat, you'll find it worthwhile.
Howdy, James!

Got that retreat coming up in Texarkana. It'd be great to see you again.... :)
Welcome James,

And now I am going to pick on you :)
" I am a father of 7 beautiful children and 1 beautiful wife," I am sure that this phrase does not mean what it says! Unless a married daughter is no longer considered one of your children?

steve said:
And now I am going to pick on you :)
" I am a father of 7 beautiful children and 1 beautiful wife," I am sure that this phrase does not mean what it says! Unless a married daughter is no longer considered one of your children?
You're so closed minded Steve, can't a man even marry his own daughter around here? :shock: :lol:
I thought this was supposed to be some crazy polygamist cult, but you're sounding so normal it's boring! :D