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July 22nd - Younger self be proud of you for?


Seasoned Member
Real Person
I think that I have persevered through the trials that I have been given, especially concerning poly. I had a hard time with it, and if it becomes a reality in our lives it would probably still be difficult for me, but I am determined to follow and submit. I also did my best to keep it between my hubby and I, and didn't involve family or friends that would have encouraged my rebellion against it (although at times I really wanted to.) It was one of the most trying times of my life, and persevering without involving others, just relying on God and my husband (and crying on a couple ladies shoulders from here ) is something I think my younger self would have been encouraged to know we made it through.
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I'm not sure how the me I was would see the me I am.
I do know my dad is proud of me and admires my passion for scripture study and applying the word to today.
My mom is proud of her grandkids we are raising, and the parents we are.
My hubby is pleased with the progress I have made over the years. He says the house is cleaner now with a much bigger family then I used to keep it right after we were married....and he runs out of clean socks and jeans less often too.

I hope to keep learning and growing...but I have been through some tough stuff and am still looking foreward.

I don't know what else to say. Lol
I might have given up....God just wouldn't let me....so whatever else I am .... I'm thankful for the love and grace and blessings that have kept me going.
I feel like my younger self would be proud that I reached my goal. Wife, mama, and teacher!! I would definitely high five myself for that! And I can cook good, and keep a garden and put up our produce. I remember being in awe of those women when I was younger. And now I know why. :)
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I remember being in awe of those women when I was younger. And now I know why. :)
LOVE THIS! And I'm still in awe of those women! Lol I am still learning to use and put up the produce, and teach my kids, and be a wife....and.....and....(the list goes on and I will never be bored)
I’m proud of being happily married to the same man for nearly 20 years!! I never imagined a long term relationship that would increase in friendship, intimacy, love, grace, and so many ups and downs together! Definitely not my fault though. I blame VV76 ;)
My younger self had little time to enjoy being younger; I hung onto the Lord to survive and looked forward to getting out and off to college. So my younger self would be glad that today I've maintained my values I had to fight for, I didn't quit through 38 years of what wasn't "happily ever after", just as I didn't jump ship in the first 18 years of my life but by God's grace saw it through, I stayed in the saddle--only by God's grace in the marriage, by God's grace have 6 beautiful children and 15 grandchildren, and I'm well on my way to healing and rejoicing and in love with my Savior more than ever. So never giving up and not quitting and being the eternal optimist (though faulted by some for this) are probably the colors I'd fly. I'm still trying to finish my college degree and getting very close to that goal also.