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July 9th - Super powers


Seasoned Member
Real Person
I've always jokingly said I would want the ability to watch others workout and get gains from it lol. I also would have to make things grow rapidly, like a nice Poison Ivy. Thank you at @Littles for the question suggestions!

I'll catch up on replies tomorrow, out of town again today!
Oh I love the workout idea lol! Also making things grow, because I have what I call a black thumb, I kill plants.

I've always wanted to be able to teleport. I could then go to BF retreats of course, but imagine being able to take your kids straight to the hospital if they're hurt, or to just pop into the supermarket to grab something you need for cooking tea, or to go clothes shopping while baby is asleep, or to be able to instantly be with a friend who needs a hug.
I've always wanted to be able to teleport. I could then go to BF retreats of course, but imagine being able to take your kids straight to the hospital if they're hurt, or to just pop into the supermarket to grab something you need for cooking tea, or to go clothes shopping while baby is asleep, or to be able to instantly be with a friend who needs a hug.
That would be a super cool superpower!
Philip got to experience something like that after speaking with the Ethiopian eunich.
Growing up I never really thought in terms of superpowers....but I used to say if I could have one wish it would be to see life for a day through someone else's eyes.....though I really mean see and experience life as that person does.

Life has some universal aspects, but the experience is also so incredibly unique to each of us, that it is impossible to completely convey who we are, and what we see to someone else....at least that is my opinion.
Ooooohhhhh that's a hard one.....hmmmm to heal the sick......best super power ever
Awesome choice!

My oldest daughter picked to be able to see the truth in every situation.
Healing and discernment are gifts of the Holy Spirit, we can actually get those if we want.

Philip got to experience something like that after speaking with the Ethiopian eunich.
Yip, I've always loved that. Imagine what a shock it must have been for him though lol.
Love all your answers! I don't think I would want to read minds though! When I was little I saw this episode of My Little Ponies (so like we're talking late 80's edition) and there was an episode where these creatures had a necklace or something that let them read minds and they were miserable because their feelings kept getting hurt by reading each other's thoughts. It has always kind of stuck with me, and real life has taught me that I don't really want to know every thought everyone has toward me. :)
But! Imagine if you could read minds, and you actually found out that everyone was thinking nice thoughts about you, and all of the times you thought people didn't like you or thought you were stupid or silly were actually totally wrong.