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Kamala Harris for President

You know the guy who has been printing prefilled out biden ballots for months is fully ass-chapped and near to tears looking at all those pallets of work gone to waste
Yeah, but think how many trees were cut down to make all those printed ballots! Now that poor guy will be traumatised thinking about twice as many trees being cut down and how much deforestation and the climate catastrophe he's responsible for. And it's all Kamala's fault!
And Joe still hasn’t been seen?
“So, Ukraine is a country in Europe.”

“It exists next to another country called Russia,” she continued. “Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So, basically, that’s wrong, and it goes against everything that we stand for.”

- Kamala Harris

Has there ever been a bigger idiot this high up in the US government?

What is wrong with our country that somewhere close to half of our people would vote for unqualified idiots like this?
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Big collection of answers.
Massive accumulation of mutationsl load(can explain the why but this is just a list), mostly in the brain as it is by far the largest target. This accounts for a lot of the mental instability and the spiteful hatred of one's own group. Part of the most common mutations have to do with methylation pathways and our crap tier fake food diet contributes to this via higher anxiety, depression, schizophrenia etc etc. Then we are absolutely not living under the harsh conditions of our ancestors which make up the enormous lions share of our time on earth. So we are spoiled and easily manipulated by the worst among us into more and more degenerate and insane ideas by the day because of a loud minorities agitation. The internet magnifies and manipulates the malinformation of these people and the public is too high agreeability types to do sweet FA about what they know is wrong.

Loads more but those are nice bullet points which boil down to weak men making hard times.
Has anybody seen the movie Idiocracy? Well now you have…
I bet I could walk down Colfax Avenue in Denver (if I ever WENT to that hellhole) and get propositioned by two or three FAR better candidates.
AOC says Kamala has to go:

By the way, DNC has meeting on August 19th to select official candidate. Enough time to replace Harris with like Clinton for rematch.
Just when you thought clown-world couldn’t possibly get more ridiculous.

The desperation that justifies this is amusing.