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Kamala Harris for President

They won the battle. They may not have done so fairly - it's a war, and war isn't fair. But they won.

You don't live in a democracy. Your ruler is not decided by the people. It is decided by an oligarchy fighting amongst itself as to who to appoint. That's the real fight, and they won it. They're good at that fight, so will probably do it again. All the drama around Biden and Trump is a play for the masses, a distraction. Democracy is the new opiate of the masses - the belief that you can fix things by voting keeps people from violent revolt by redirecting those energies into celebrity worship (Go Biden! Go Trump!), and voting. But the real fight is behind the curtain, and the side that most clearly recognises that this is the reality of today and fully embraces that fight, however undemocratic or unconstitutional it may be, will win that fight. And it is the Democrats who most fully embrace that style of fighting, so they will most likely win.
They won the battle. They may not have done so fairly - it's a war, and war isn't fair. But they won.
Agreed. Noting that you did NOT call it an "election."

You don't live in a democracy.
Anybody who has even a third-grade level understanding of civics (which doesn't include any Publik Skook Indoctrinashun over the last few decades!) knows that a Constitutional Republic is anathema to what the American Founders all knew as "the Devil's own government."

Or, as Ben Franklin put it, democracy (demonocracy) is "two wolves and a sheep, voting on what's for dinner."
Because they won last time with a dementia patient who campaigned from his basement.
As they say in investing.

Past returns can't be considered indicate of future. It's harder.

You may not notice, but Silicon Valley and bitcoin community are for Trump. SV one is powerful.
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I would be very happy to be wrong!
There is no way anyone wins in coming elections. Whoever wins, at least 10% of population will consider them illegimite.

Washington rule is coming to end and US is on path toward disintegration. Only question is when it will stop.

And cheating will get come expensive. This time there will be extra cost under account "We didn't cheat".

Hopefully cost of winning elections will be greater sum than they have.
This Jewish Rabbi offers a different perspective:

Anybody who has even a third-grade level understanding of civics (which doesn't include any Publik Skook Indoctrinashun over the last few decades!) knows that a Constitutional Republic is anathema to what the American Founders all knew as "the Devil's own government."
Irrelevant, because you don't live in a constitutional republic any more either. Legally you do, but in reality you don't.

It's as irrelevant as if I tried to appeal to the King about something. Legally, I could because I live in a constitutional monarchy. But I don't actually live in one, as if the King ever actually tried to tell the government what to do they'd ignore him. So that's also irrelevant.
Irrelevant, because you don't live in a constitutional republic any more either. Legally you do, but in reality you don't.

It's as irrelevant as if I tried to appeal to the King about something. Legally, I could because I live in a constitutional monarchy. But I don't actually live in one, as if the King ever actually tried to tell the government what to do they'd ignore him. So that's also irrelevant.
Well, I have heard that Civil Act of 1964 have established new constitution in US. Old constitution defended freedom of association, while new one is opposite.

If you can't legally discriminate, you no longer have freedom of association.
They “won”.
They have power, so...yes. They won.
They got the most pieces of paper.
Most of us likely know that it was an enormous amount of fraud and malfeasance. They still won and the world suffers for it