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General Kristen from...everywhere 😂 currently in Idaho


New Member
Hi! Just dipping in to introduce myself. It's so nice to find a group of believers practicing biblical marriages and openly talking about it together to support!❤️
I'm not sure how much to actually share about myself, I'm a single mother with a 5 year old boy. I'm a bit of a gypsy and have lived in 17 different states but I'm currently in Idaho. Outdoorsy- if I'm acting crazy I probably just need to go camping. And I maybe qualify as an Urban homesteader...not sure what it takes to get my official club card.

I lived poly & biblical briefly (1 yr) as a second wife, I am divorced from that situation, but still believe polygyny is blessed by God and look to set up a traditional home (with the man I'm courting if it works out) and teach my son those values which is especially challenging, teaching him the role of a good man in the home, and teaching him to be a godly man without making him the man of my home...teaching him there is a hole there but somehow also show we are not lacking joy...etc.

I am actively LDS so sisters please holla if you are, we are a rarity and I would love friends. Especially if you are LDS AND headcover I'll be your clingy best friend lol.
I have also studied and keep pieces that resonant with me of Torah Observant, and the Quran. For me Abrahamic promises are the key of truth hence my pull to Mormonism.

That being said I really am just looking for community of people living the day to day in these biblical values from all flavors of belief in them to learn from.
Glad to have you here.
Forgot to add! I want book suggestions, books on raising boys AND good Fiction series to read to my kiddo.
Welcome to the party.

My son is the same age and he really enjoys the Terry Pratchett Discworld series. It started with the children's book Where's my Cow and it was a nightly staple. As he got older he asked more and more questions about the characters background and so we started in on the books that constitue the Night Watch sub series withing the fictional universe.

Part of my process is also to have him read the bedtime story to me. Early on it was only us reading to him obviously but as he learned to read we have been doing a lot of reading together and then shifting to him reading to one of us.
The Pratchett stuff is still difficult for him but he enjoys reading the various Marley (silly young enthusiastic do always gets into shenanigans...think there was a movie) out loud to us.

Can't recommend a how to parent a boy book unfortunately.
Easy enough to explain but I am not someone who consumes that particular for of how to material.

Good luck in your courtship and fingers crossed he has some good Dad chops
I'm LDS but not head cover.
As for fiction series for young boys. It really depends. My brother listened to my parents read "The Lord of the Rings" at 5, loved and comprehended it, but I don't think that's too common.

My younger brothers have liked books such as "Fablehaven" or books by Roald Dahl (the Witches, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The Twits, Matilda). My six year old brother loves the "Franny K Stein" series.

I can think of a few more but what kind of books do you like as well since you will be doing the reading?
Terry Pratchett Discworld series
That series is brilliant! Have you seen the films? I watch Hogfather every Christmas season
That series is brilliant! Have you seen the films? I watch Hogfather every Christmas season

The bits and pieces of the fils were what kept me from picking up the books even though I had had them recommended to me by several people.

I know that the movies are mostly aimed at children but to my taste it seems like they had very little to do with the source material and were intentionally cartoony and felt like stepping into a life sized Disney'esque diorama.
Ankh-Morpork is old and dirty and grotty. We are told that time after time. Certainly there are some wealthy in clean clothes and the trappings of wealth etc but everything just seems to bright and clean and plastic to me.

I will likely get round to them with my son as he gets to more and more of the material. I imagine he will enjoy them as he is not nearly the critical cynic that I am. He is currently a devotee of Nightmare before Christmas, has a crush on Coroline and loves the creepy factor of 9. But a fair amount of older Disney as well.
Welcome to the party.

My son is the same age and he really enjoys the Terry Pratchett Discworld series. It started with the children's book Where's my Cow and it was a nightly staple. As he got older he asked more and more questions about the characters background and so we started in on the books that constitue the Night Watch sub series withing the fictional universe.

Part of my process is also to have him read the bedtime story to me. Early on it was only us reading to him obviously but as he learned to read we have been doing a lot of reading together and then shifting to him reading to one of us.
The Pratchett stuff is still difficult for him but he enjoys reading the various Marley (silly young enthusiastic do always gets into shenanigans...think there was a movie) out loud to us.

Can't recommend a how to parent a boy book unfortunately.
Easy enough to explain but I am not someone who consumes that particular for of how to material.

Good luck in your courtship and fingers crossed he has some good Dad chops
Thank you so much, I'll definitely check out those series.
I'm LDS but not head cover.
As for fiction series for young boys. It really depends. My brother listened to my parents read "The Lord of the Rings" at 5, loved and comprehended it, but I don't think that's too common.

My younger brothers have liked books such as "Fablehaven" or books by Roald Dahl (the Witches, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The Twits, Matilda). My six year old brother loves the "Franny K Stein" series.

I can think of a few more but what kind of books do you like as well since you will be doing the reading?

That series is brilliant! Have you seen the films? I watch Hogfather every Christmas season
I have book worm problems 😂 I like them all. I love historical fiction as a personal joy but as a kid and now again with my kiddo adventure books are so much fun. We read 3,000 leagues and he loved it it was a fun year for us. I haven't been able to find one that interests him like that one did. I tried journey to the center of the earth but it didn't hold his attention as much.
Welcome. I was convinced that I was LDS, it lasted a week. Please pardon my frankness. It is motivated by genuine care.
I want to see what was edited as so frank 😂

A week can be long enough for some. I have spent many weeks as various things. I grew up Mormon, left for a few years and came back. Left again just for my marriage and came back. I think its too late i'm successfully brainwashed 😜😂
Forgot to add! I want book suggestions, books on raising boys AND good Fiction series to read to my kiddo.
On the how to raise a boy.....I can only suggest that you find the kind of man you want your boy to be.....and if it is at all possible get him to marry you.

On the fiction to read....since no one has suggested it yet....(why I cannot fathom) there are two book series by the same author...The Ranger's Apprentice and The Brother Band Chronicles. International best sellers. Our boys loved them! (And so did their dad and I)

Welcome to Biblical Families!
PS> And my favorite author as a child, Robert A. Heinlein, wrote a whole series of SF books for boys. I still remember many of 'em.

"Have Space Suit, Will Travel,"
"Red Planet"
"The Star Beast"
"Between Planets"
"Rocket Ship Galileo"
"Space Cadet"
"Farmer in the Sky"
"The Rolling Stones"
"Podkayne of Mars"

and perhaps my favorite ('stobor') - "Tunnel in the Sky"