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General Kristen from...everywhere 😂 currently in Idaho

Hi! Just dipping in to introduce myself. It's so nice to find a group of believers practicing biblical marriages and openly talking about it together to support!❤️
I'm not sure how much to actually share about myself, I'm a single mother with a 5 year old boy. I'm a bit of a gypsy and have lived in 17 different states but I'm currently in Idaho. Outdoorsy- if I'm acting crazy I probably just need to go camping. And I maybe qualify as an Urban homesteader...not sure what it takes to get my official club card.

I lived poly & biblical briefly (1 yr) as a second wife, I am divorced from that situation, but still believe polygyny is blessed by God and look to set up a traditional home (with the man I'm courting if it works out) and teach my son those values which is especially challenging, teaching him the role of a good man in the home, and teaching him to be a godly man without making him the man of my home...teaching him there is a hole there but somehow also show we are not lacking joy...etc.

I am actively LDS so sisters please holla if you are, we are a rarity and I would love friends. Especially if you are LDS AND headcover I'll be your clingy best friend lol.
I have also studied and keep pieces that resonant with me of Torah Observant, and the Quran. For me Abrahamic promises are the key of truth hence my pull to Mormonism.

That being said I really am just looking for community of people living the day to day in these biblical values from all flavors of belief in them to learn from.
Hi! Just dipping in to introduce myself. It's so nice to find a group of believers practicing biblical marriages and openly talking about it together to support!❤️
I'm not sure how much to actually share about myself, I'm a single mother with a 5 year old boy. I'm a bit of a gypsy and have lived in 17 different states but I'm currently in Idaho. Outdoorsy- if I'm acting crazy I probably just need to go camping. And I maybe qualify as an Urban homesteader...not sure what it takes to get my official club card.

I lived poly & biblical briefly (1 yr) as a second wife, I am divorced from that situation, but still believe polygyny is blessed by God and look to set up a traditional home (with the man I'm courting if it works out) and teach my son those values which is especially challenging, teaching him the role of a good man in the home, and teaching him to be a godly man without making him the man of my home...teaching him there is a hole there but somehow also show we are not lacking joy...etc.

I am actively LDS so sisters please holla if you are, we are a rarity and I would love friends. Especially if you are LDS AND headcover I'll be your clingy best friend lol.
I have also studied and keep pieces that resonant with me of Torah Observant, and the Quran. For me Abrahamic promises are the key of truth hence my pull to Mormonism.

That being said I really am just looking for community of people living the day to day in these biblical values from all flavors of belief in them to learn from.
Hi! My household is currently in Idaho also!
Ralph Moody's books are great for boys "Little Britches" is a good one, so are the rest.
I remember reading Gilbert Morris' "Bonnets and Bugles" series when I was young. Those would probably be exciting and fun.

Loved the Ralph Moody series and read them to my kids who also loved them. Some have referred to them as "Little House on the Prairie" for boys, but really they are good reading for everyone. The last two get a little sketchy.
Hi! Just dipping in to introduce myself. It's so nice to find a group of believers practicing biblical marriages and openly talking about it together to support!❤️
I'm not sure how much to actually share about myself, I'm a single mother with a 5 year old boy. I'm a bit of a gypsy and have lived in 17 different states but I'm currently in Idaho. Outdoorsy- if I'm acting crazy I probably just need to go camping. And I maybe qualify as an Urban homesteader...not sure what it takes to get my official club card.

I lived poly & biblical briefly (1 yr) as a second wife, I am divorced from that situation, but still believe polygyny is blessed by God and look to set up a traditional home (with the man I'm courting if it works out) and teach my son those values which is especially challenging, teaching him the role of a good man in the home, and teaching him to be a godly man without making him the man of my home...teaching him there is a hole there but somehow also show we are not lacking joy...etc.

I am actively LDS so sisters please holla if you are, we are a rarity and I would love friends. Especially if you are LDS AND headcover I'll be your clingy best friend lol.
I have also studied and keep pieces that resonant with me of Torah Observant, and the Quran. For me Abrahamic promises are the key of truth hence my pull to Mormonism.

That being said I really am just looking for community of people living the day to day in these biblical values from all flavors of belief in them to learn from.
Hi, Pastor Larry here. Just perusing through the site, still trying to learn it. I am even newer on here than you. I might say that your leader (Joseph) was no more Smith than I. In fact, my initials are LDS, but I am an Ordained Baptist Minister - why Baptist? Because I feel the general position of Baptists to be most Biblical. And I think that should be the goal of all believers, to be closest to what God says in His Holy Word. I started out as Protestant and after becoming a Christian became a Baptist. I know - most people say they are one in the same - but ohhhhh no. Not after one goes through Church History and sees how the early Baptists were persecuted and killed by the Catholic Church. Then when the Protestants came into existence, they persecuted and killed Baptists too - Baptists and Quakers actually. Actually, the Lutherans and Presbyterians were among those most guilty of said persecutions. One would have thought that having suffered mightily at the hands of the Catholics, they would have been more generous (and some were). Interestingly, Baptists and Quakers (as different from each other as West and East) have never killed anyone for their faith.

I'm sorry - I ramble a lot. I just love history. All history: American History, World History as well as Church History. I want to learn more Jewish History (more than what I can find in the Bible) if I can because I think THAT history will be very interesting. They are THE PEOPLE God promised, if we treated them well we would be treated well, and if we misused them we would be misused. Uh Oh, in the last year our Country is getting closer and closer to mistreating Israel whereas at the beginning we have always been on their side.

Anyway, just pleased to find you on this site, and look forward to any discussions we might have. I think you will find me definite in my beliefs (as we all should be, or why would we believe as we do), but very tolerant toward those who believe very differently. Now that I've found this section of the site, I intend to read up on more of us newbies as well as those who have been on here the longest.