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Marriage vs Civil Unions

One the reasons that I am so blessed by this forum is because we all have a common goal and seem to be in the same boat...and being affirmed even though it's not essential is always an encouragement...to me anyway. I think we all are in the boat of recognizing that this earth is not our home (Hebrews 11) and therefore we are reevaluating the aspects of our lives that more closely align with our cultural rather than with scripture...we question polygamy, birth control, marriage licenses, home ownership and many other things...and then submit them to Christ Jesus, the "author and finisher of our faith." and the more we submit to Christ and adjust our lives to line up with the truth of God's word, the more we are not comfortable here..and we should not feel comfortable here because this is not our home...our citizenship is in heaven. My prayer is that God will continue to open our eyes and will then use us to influence others for Christ. May God richly bless each of you today!
cubanito said:
I still don't know why Christians worry about getting approval from man made government (uncle beastie) for their marriages. I have a theory..
As time goes by, people become more and more comfortable with gov (uncle beastie) and want it to be their care giver. Even most Christians get into how the gov should protect the sanctity of marriage. My question is why should they allow beastie to meddle in their intimate lives? If someone wants to get a marriage license to marry their car, that their problem, that is my view on that one...

I agree. Protecting the sanctity of marriage is not our job. It is not even a need. To do this, one must determine that marriage is a broad general term that needs to include all sorts of relationships, worldly or otherwise. Once one gets all these relationships under one definition, then a moral roof is falsely projected to cover it all. Can't be done! The roof will leak!. Such a broad view of marriage of course includes the unholy and then burdens us with a false need to embark on a mission to make it all holy. But even if narrowed to Christians, if God joins a man and a woman together, (plural or not) then it is holy. Trying to make it more holy or sanctify it further, seems to me to be an attempt to grab authority away from God or to doubt what God has done. We all pretty much agree that marriage doesn't belong to the state. Well, it doesn't belong to us either. It belongs to God. God joins you together and with God's own authority you are kept together unless God changes something. Why would Christians need to sanctify their own marriage which God already did? And why would Christians want to sanctify all the other relationships in the world? Let God do it or not do it. Your neighbors need Christ, not a stamp of approval on their bedroom. And you don't need their stamp of approval on your bedroom.