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Support Mediator needed


Hi, I need help finding a man who I can get in contact with who can help me communicate to my ex husband what I need from him in order to completely separate. I'm willing to reconcile only if one of the men on her were able to help him to see that what hes done is not ok. I can explain more detail later. I'm not personally in contact with him because it is not healthy for me in any way at this point.
I have moved this thread from Ladies Only to a general area, because clearly male responses are being sought.
Casual readers please note that this is a very complex situation that has been discussed previously in great detail both publicly and privately, hence the lack of detail being repeated in the above post.
As requested by the original poster, I have returned this to the ladies only section. She does not feel comfortable discussing her situation with the men on the forum at this stage, hence why it is here, but is looking for someone who could act as a mediator.
Men, if you feel led to help with this, please contact @WhoCanFind31 by private message.