@Asforme&myhouse I'm aware of the various perspectives on this verse. I'm not using the verse to say polygamists are unfit for congregational leadership (otherwise Moses was unfit, David unfit [writer of half the psalms unfit to be a deacon/bishop haha]). Your take on it may be right as well as
@andrew 's.
My focus is not on that issue but merely on what seems to be Paul acknowledging polygamists in those times.
I was only pulling out the verse in the context of having a conversation with someone who seems to think polygamy died with the new testament; viola, here is a verse where it
seems Paul is talking about polygamous guys for whatever reason; and he's not ruling them out as sinful (as
@andrew mentioned).
since we're talking about it
Here is why I *think* he's talking about polygamy in that one isolated situation...
I'm skeptical of εἷς (eis) being used as an indefinite article. I think this is more of a modern Greek development. I'm not certain though.
In the LXX it maps to
אחד echad (1, united, unified) almost every instance (569 times according to my Hebrew/Greek LXX dictionary).
There are a handful of exceptions but I looked at them and none of them seem to produce something as loosely coupled as an indefinite article.
There is a place in 1 Samuel 14:28 where the Hebrew says "ish mey-ha-am" (a man from the people) and the Greek gives us
εἷς ἐκ τοῦ λαοῦ "one from the people" where you can kind of get the sense it's getting weakened to "a man from the people" though "man" is left out.
I am *not* saying this verse excludes biblical polygamists from ministry; I think it's a scoping issue particular to what was happening in that specific community at that time. A blunt Messianic guy I know loves to pound his hand on the desk regarding certain Pauline scriptures saying "we're reading someone else's mail!". The meaning is not that it's not inspired, just that Paul can be quite hard to exegete as often he is addressing various cultural issues in differing geographies of the day. I hope I'm not about to start a "Paul's scripture is just as important as the gospel" fire here.
Also Paul seems to qualify my understanding of mega-family (i.e. Bin Ladin size family) disqualifier in that situation with the end of the verse "...managing their children and their own households well". That's what scoped it for me; i.e. the 40 kid household may not have time to manage a congregation.
I may also be wrong with my take on "eis" here as my Greek prowess is a work in progress.