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Must Every Woman Marry?

freebird said:
I am going to have to humble disagree with you. I do not believe God changes anything to suit our fancy. He is a loving God, but a JUST God.
I accept your opinion, just as I hope you do mine. The way I see it, is since he is a loving God; he in his infinite wisdom will change things for our better. Mabe change isn't the correct work, more of an "upgrade".
When we walked in Garden with God, we had no need for cloths. Now without reading to much into the sexual relations of Adam and Eve before and after the fall. I think you can still say that once we were cast out from the Garden, an "upgrade" to being naked was clothing.
I see that with with the difference between the OT sacrifices, and why Jesus died as a sacrifice for us. I like not having to burn cows for my sins.

P.S. I don't remember what any of this had to do with the tread, sorry for hijacking it.
diasōzō said:
I like not having to burn cows for my sins.

Sheez, Dude!

Haven't you figured out what burning the cows was really all about?

Even God Himself can't resist a good BBQ! :eek: