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Non-western women


Real Person
Alright so this is just a complaint I have about our society, not really some deep question lol.

I am SO damn tired of the constant complaints about racism in the west. Preference, interest, integration, participation are not racism. RACISM HAS A DEFINITION. Why is this so complicated. Racism = NEGATIVE treatment of a person or persons DUE TO race. Saying that I think Asian or Black women are generally more attractive than White women is not racist, it is personal aesthetic preference. Saying much of the civilized world has been built up by white people is not racist, it is fact. Etc.

But I DO see this pattern. Having lived in Japan, while people are people whereever you go I NEVER saw the kind of disrespect and such that I deal with from the American women in my life while I was there.

So while there are plenty of wonderful, beautiful American women (western in general) they seem to be a shrinking minority.
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Alright so this is just a complaint I have about our society, not really some deep question lol.

I am SO damn tired of the constant complaints about racism in the west. Preference, interest, integration, participation are not racism. RACISM HAS A DEFINITION. Why is this so complicated. Racism = NEGATIVE treatment of a person or persons DUE TO race. Saying that I think Asian or Black women are generally more attractive than White women is not racist, it is personal aesthetic preference. Saying much of the civilized world has been built up by white people is not racist, it is fact. Etc.

Anyway. My second wife is Korean. Talking about poly, male headship, submission, what it means to be a wife, etc...has all been a BREEZE with her. She gets it. Culturally, that is how she was brought up.

Now. She has her own issues, certainly. And that is not to say all white western women (or black western women, don't even get me started there) are incapable of poly or Biblical submission/follower-ship at all.

But I DO see this pattern. Having lived in Japan, while people are people whereever you go I NEVER saw the kind of disrespect and such that I deal with from the American women in my life while I was there.

So while there are plenty of wonderful, beautiful American women (western in general)--after all my first wife is a white American lol--they seem to be a shrinking minority. And my first wife's cultural programming has made this whole thing an absolute slog.

Knowing that and seeing it first hand, if God ever does lead me to seek/have a third wife...well, obviously I'll follow Him in loving whoever He brings to me, but if I was to look? Hell if you'll ever catch me pursuing a western woman again. Nope. Nope nope nope nope nope. From now on I shall be sticking strictly to either native African women, Asian women, or perhaps some eastern European women (from what I've seen women in Russia are pretty damn easy to get along with, like being women, and like having strong leadership in their husbands!).

TLDR; seek wives elsewhere besides the western world.

That’ll preach brother !!! Bravo !!! Lol
I have no personal experience to draw on here other than, the women of today do not act like the women of my grandparents and great-grandparents generation. And from speaking with people worldwide, it would seem that American women have a well earned reputation as the worst behaving in the world. I'd say that could be bias due to exposure with the type of girl who goes over seas and misbehaves, but men who as the OP have experience with foreign women testify to the same. Sad.

There is a solution to this though: fathers. The next generation of women and wives are in your houses right now. If you don't raise them properly, if you don't keep out social media and media, if you don't tell them 'no', if you dote on them, if you never hold them accountable; then your daughters will be just as bad. All those 'bad' ways of our grandparents that we think are so backward, the lack of those things are why women turn out the way they do. So too our unwillingness to call out woman's sins.


That's the old definition. And there is nothing we can do about it's passing. The powers that be have decreed a new one: failing to hate whitey strongly enough.

Actually, I'm surprised you're called racist for preferring black and asian women; unless it was a white woman speaking.
Not surprising. Mongamy is an artifact of Western Civilization and not humanity as a whole.

I think the downside is the whole long distance relationship and immigration headaches.

Doc who used to be a leader here got himself a Filipino wife and is very happy with her.

Some of you may know Hondo Solomon ("Polygamy as Economic Warfare"). He found himself a Filipino woman and a Thai woman.

Don Milton ("Prince of Sumba") who was just on here a few months ago was testifying about his Filipino bride if I recall.

It seems like it is pretty common to look outside the country and culture.
I agree with your overall post, brother. You may want to add traditionally-minded Latin American women too. A popular "fusion" dish in some parts is Korean tacos. I believe they use bulgogi and kimchi inside a fried corn shell. If you could wrangle an old school mamasita from Guatemala to sling the tortillas while your Korean bride grilled the bulgogi....wow!

Just one minor correction. There would be some folks in the Middle East that would argue that the "cradle of civilization" wasn't Europe. Modern civilization, sure. But not historical.
I would caution anyone who thinks a foreign wife is the answer to a solid marriage. Not all is roses...


Eastern European women generally have a good reputation, these stat's show that is a decidedly mixed bag. Source
I would caution anyone who thinks a foreign wife is the answer to a solid marriage. Not all is roses...

Eastern European women generally have a good reputation, these stat's show that is a decidedly mixed bag. Source

Good to know.

But I mean, almost every country has ~2/1000 except for the top 6, and the only ones less than that are poor 3rd-world countries with a few outliers like Italy.
I would caution anyone who thinks a foreign wife is the answer to a solid marriage. Not all is roses...


Eastern European women generally have a good reputation, these stat's show that is a decidedly mixed bag. Source

I think what's really important here is trying to figure out how easy the government is in granting a divorce. The government does have an effect on these statistics.
And the marriage rate. New Zealand's divorce rate is lower than the USA on this graph, but that's mainly because most people don't bother to licence their marriages so never feature in the statistics however many times they divorce. The true divorce rate is way higher than that. While in more traditional societies marriages are more likely to be recorded, and therefore divorces are more likely to be recorded also. So those foreign cultures may have much lower real divorce rates, but look the same or even worse on a graph like this.

In fact, this is so well understood that recently a law change was passed to require a court order for people to marry at 16 or 17 (formerly this just required parental consent). This was officially justified by the fact that New Zealanders of that age don't bother to get married anyway, so it wouldn't affect any New Zealanders, and would rather specifically target the foreign immigrant community that still registers such unions, where the government has concerns about forced marriages. Seriously, even the government recognises marriage is becoming meaningless in NZ as people just don't bother with it.

Marriage statistics are becoming increasingly meaningless.
New Zealand's divorce rate is lower than the USA on this graph, but that's mainly because most people don't bother to licence their marriages so never feature in the statistics however many times they divorce

This is a good point. However that is happening in the US as well so it is hard to say what the affect of including co-hab dissolutions would have on the relative rates.

But more importantly, this is important to keep in mind the next time some Christian tries to tell you "things aren't that bad because the divorce rate is flat and down slightly". The truth is, it is way way up, but we can't tell because people aren't bothering with marriage licenses anymore.
I think what's really important here is trying to figure out how easy the government is in granting a divorce. The government does have an effect on these statistics.

While that has an affect I think culture and propaganda is a bigger factor. For example, this video and page documents how the dramatic rise in divorce pre-dates was the result of international propaganda efforts out of Hollywood, independent of local laws.

I really can't recommend that video enough.
Not surprising. Mongamy is an artifact of Western Civilization and not humanity as a whole.

I think the downside is the whole long distance relationship and immigration headaches.

Doc who used to be a leader here got himself a Filipino wife and is very happy with her.

Some of you may know Hondo Solomon ("Polygamy as Economic Warfare"). He found himself a Filipino woman and a Thai woman.

Don Milton ("Prince of Sumba") who was just on here a few months ago was testifying about his Filipino bride if I recall.

It seems like it is pretty common to look outside the country and culture.

Concerning Filipino women, at least twenty percent of eighteen to twenty-two year old women prefer men fifteen to fifty years older than they are as long as that man is tall, white, and has a steady income. The average height for women here is 4'11" so it's not hard to be tall. If you're not white then you still have the ones to pick from who do not have a white fetish. Huge numbers of Filipino women have a very strong white fetish and I'm the cure. Or maybe you. Haha! The number of wish he were mine looks I got today since I was in a great mood and went for a walk set a record for this trip. And I didn't even have a baby in tow which makes a foreigner even more of a babe magnet since the Filipino women want a halfie, a baby whose dad is white. And keep in mind I'll be sixty-five years old this May. As far as their wanting someone who has a steady income, if you haven't experienced the hell of constantly having barely enough to eat, even losing weight because of a lack of income, then you can't understand the simple qualifications they have. The age of a man does not mess up their life. The fact is many young Filipino men get a gut, bad breath, and lose interest in them soon after marriage or walk away from the marriage and they've seen that. If you want to be Machiavellian about it. It takes about 3 weeks to sink the hook in, then when they've fallen you broach the subject that you are a man who must have at least two wives. But it's not as easy as that sounds. Going through all the online nonsense could take years. If you just move to the Philippines permanently it would take you a few weeks.
Excuse my wordiness. I don't have time to make this a short story :) or to edit. Today I moved away from Cagayan de Oro, the city, incidentally, where my novel, Prince of Sumba, begins. My bride and I were there six months and the a few months into the move I knocked her up. So it makes sense to stay close to her family during the pregnancy since we are virtually newlyweds and that's why we moved today back to Pagadian. I'm sitting in a large room that we rent from her folks right now till we get a new place here. My bride waited seven years for me to finally make the permanent move to the Philippines. We got govt married (and yes this is on topic) in Hong Kong in Dec 2015 which was already three years and two months after our andromonial relationship began and a year more from the time the betrothal agreement was made with her father. She was shocked the way the betrothal took place but I wasn't. It was right out of the Bible which is the customary way non-Roman Catholics handle engagements here. And I wrote the agreement on one of the extra pages within Thelyphthora! Hahaha. That was at my bride's request. She's really something. She wanted to be my bride and she knew there was likely another bride who she'd already met online who I'd meet in the next few days. (that could have materialized but due to myself? circumstances? who knows? it didn't) No problem for my bride that she would have shared me and her mother was fine with her daughter's decision too. Considering neither of their reactions were western you might think she'd expect the same from her father but when I asked her father for his daughter my girl thought he'd say something like "be good to her and I want her to finish a year of school" or whatever but he said exactly what I expected based on my research which was the amount of the bride's price. It's amazing that the woman I married who grew up in that environment didn't know what I knew. Her being the eldest probably accounts for that. I'd studied about Pagadian, her city, in the CIA Handbook which you used to be able to check out in public libraries. It was one of a few cities where non-Roman Catholic Christians did not follow the customs of the conquerors, monogamy. Even though I have as yet to meet one of those Christian men in this particular city, (although I've met them many other places here) my bride and a good number of women here have expressed little qualms about it. As I tell most men and yes when phrased in a particular way, it's probably a cliche, which I hate, but I tell most men, "It isn't about finding a woman who accepts polygamy. It's about finding a woman who will only accept you and to do that she has no choice but to accept polygamy." In a culture where sharing a husband is not so uncommon that is a little easier to do. I was reading a personals ad today and it read... "I'm looking for someone to share..." and at that point she had me but then the sentence finished... "my life with." Which is what I would want, just not in isolation.
So today we moved. My mom-in-law was already visiting us, my sis-in-law who's married to another American was with us and my single sis-in-law was with us and another relative. So on the bus another woman is watching me letting me know "if only" as I discipline my daughter. Then she talks to my sis-in-law about me while glancing at me sideways. The girls through the bus window are looking longingly and I'm not making any of this up! Then we get to Pagadian. WOW! If Cagayan de Oro is boring and the girls are homely, which is kind of true, Pagadian is Dodge City and I'm Matt Dillon. And that's strolling around in black slacks and a junky black long sleeved shirt. I think I'm going to enjoy it back here and whether it's here or in another city on this island I'll likely find another bride who'll make it so next pregnancy we don't have to head home out of loneliness for a sister during pregnancy.
Thank you for the field report. Your experiences seem very similar to what Hondo Solomon was telling me as well.

I am just curious. About how much would one need in income to live comfortably there?